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Dry Fasting

In this video, Dr. John Jaquish explains dry fasting, a method followed during the month of Ramadan restricting all food and water consumption from dawn to dusk. Dry fasting is a powerful way to amplify the countless benefits of fasting, including body fat loss.
Full Transcript

In some of the other videos, we talk about getting the most out of fasting, and length of time is something that very much impacts how well the fasted period goes and how you get the better effect. Now, there is a way to amplify some of those effects in a shorter period, which no doubt will make some people very happy. So I’ve been experimenting with dry fasting or, more specifically, Ramadan fasting.

The reason I want to link up with what they do in Ramadan fasting is that there’s an incredible amount of research there. You can’t ethically tell somebody they can’t have water during a study. That won’t ever fly in the United States or most developed countries. However, when somebody abstains from water for religious reasons, they are allowed to be studied.

So Ramadan fasting is no food and no water from sunup to sundown. I don’t know if there are any more details to it, but again, we’re not doing it for religious reasons.

We’re doing it so that we can activate more rapid autophagy, which is theoretically going on during Ramadan fasting. We don’t know that for sure, but we do know people lose body fat three times faster with the Ramadan type fasting, removing the moisture that we’re taking in through water fasting, which was the other type we were talking about where you drink coffee or water normally. Here, it’s no liquid, no liquid during the day, or absolute minimal. If you’re going to do a Fortagen dose, you mix in a very small amount of water and it’s almost like a paste and you just take a shot of it.

So I’ve been experimenting with this and I will agree that it is a multiplier on what you do with your fasting. So what I’m currently experimenting with right now is one meal a day.

Wake up before the sun comes up and then have my coffee or my IN-Perium or whatever and a couple of doses of Fortagen with a normal mixture of water. And then the other dose of Fortagen during the day, very minimal water and no water other than that. So I’m losing a lot more water than I’m taking in. And I can see it in the mirror, I can see myself, my face sinking in towards the end of the day, my abs looking better. And then I even workout dehydrated.

Now, the first time you try this, you’ll get some cramps, but your body gets used to it. And then when the sun goes down, you can start re-hydrating and have one meal a day, and it’s a great feeling.

And I find it to be so easy to do because typically when you eat and drink with other people, it is at nighttime anyway. So it works for even the person who fits in with the least commitment type of nutrition. I think this is a complete amplifier to it. And anyone that worries about health, keep in mind, there are a billion Muslims that are doing Ramadan fasting. There has never been a recorded problem.

Also, if you were like me, an American wrestler, so I wrestled in high school, we didn’t call it fasting. We just called it making weight. So I would be up at 140 pounds, about 142 pounds or something like that. I know, it’s amazing, that’s how little I weighed in high school, but I wanted to get down to 135 or 132. I can’t even remember the weight classes that we had, but I would have to drop like 10 pounds in a day so I could carry more muscle, just show up to the weigh-in dehydrated and then rehydrate before the match.

We would always dry fast. And I also noticed that this was the best conditioning I’ve ever seen in true athletics. Keep in mind, bodybuilding is not athletic. They may look good, but they feel awful, so they’re at a very extreme level of dehydration.

But the light level of dehydration that the wrestlers and now MMA fighters are seeing, this is why they actually look athletic as well as being athletic. They’re doing this on a repetitive basis so they’re dehydrated, they look better.

But something is very special about dehydration in a brief period of time. Your body doesn’t want to be dehydrated, so what cells can it pull moisture from that aren’t going to hurt the function of the body? Your non-functional cells. Can you name your non-functional cells? Of course, you can, it’s body fat.

Every other cell in your body has a function that it needs to perform. It needs water. It can’t give up water.

So your body reaches into the fat stores and pulls moisture out of it. And what does this do? It destroys the fat cells. Normal weight loss can shrink a cell, but the cell doesn’t go away, which is why obese people who lose a lot of weight can gain it back very quickly because they’re just filling up existing cells. This type of weight loss has a greater level of permanency.

So you really want to get a hold of this idea and use this idea to lose body fat, to some degree. Maybe you don’t want to go all the way through Ramadan, but remember, there’s a billion people doing it right now. Are they all tougher than you are? You don’t want to say yes to that. You want to give this a shot. And like I said also, all American wrestlers do this. That is a way to put a multiplier on your fasting efforts.
