- May 7, 2019
- Straight Talk
Why Lifting Weights Sucks and The Best Exercises for Muscles, Bones and Growth Hormone
Dr. John Jaquish joins Straight Talk - Mind and Muscle Podcast to discuss OsteoStrong, variable resistance exercises, and more.
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Dr. John Jaquish joins Straight Talk - Mind and Muscle Podcast to discuss OsteoStrong, variable resistance exercises, and more.
Radio Athens interviews Dr. John Jaquish, inventor of X3 Bar and OsteoStrong. Dr. Jaquish walks through the typical X3 workout and explains why its so powerful for building muscle.
In this video, Jason Hoschouer talks with Dr. Jaquish about the improvements of the Elite X3 Bar over the original and gets a few pointers from the inventor himself.
Dr. John Jaquish is the inventor of two revolutionary biomedical and strength training devices, and all because he wanted to help his mother after she was diagnosed with osteoporosis.
Luke Storey works out with Dr. John Jaquish the inventor of OsteoStrong and X3 Bar.
I've been using the X3 bar and loving the results. I interview Dr. John Jaquish on how he developed it, the science behind it, and the unique benefits of this approach.
Addison Maille discusses different exercise formats such as yoga, running, and weightlifting. And explains that consistency is the key, no matter the routine.
MC has interviewed Dr. Jaquish before, but it's been about a year and the X3 has gone through some improvements and is offering new products
Dr. John Jaquish helped his mother reverse her osteoporosis and now he's helping us reverse weakness with his patented X3 Bar!
Dr. John Jaquish discusses the X3 Bar with Nate Peterman of the Roots of Success podcast. Dr. Jaquish explains how X3 works and explains the basis for his new book, Weightlifting Is a Waste of Time.
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