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By Kelly Roach Podcast on December 19, 2024

The Power of Variable Resistance Training with Dr. John Jaquish

Full Transcript

00:00:00 welcome John jaquish to the show how are you today fantastic how are you I I’m doing great I’m doing great well I’m excited because you know this is a room packed with small business owners and entrepreneurs and I’m always trying to encourage them to rep prioritize their health our health is our wealth I know that you help people around the globe to get ready that includes many of the players in the NFL Tom Brady himself um your X3 machine has really been a game changer for so many athletes but today

00:00:34 we’re going to talk about how that can help small business owners reprioritize their health and so before we do that let’s walk everybody through how did we even get to the point where we created the X3 what was the why behind it for you uh what was the driving force behind why you wanted to create this well it uh it first started I mean you actually know the answer to these questions but the uh it first started with Osteo so uh I developed a medical device to treat bone density uh works better than any

00:01:06 device any any medication uh ever clinically trial um and it just puts compressive force on bone so compressive on its axis so like the length of a bone so this is the length of a bone and we’re compressing it from end to end and then when that compression is released the bone is stimulated to pull in minerals and recalcify making the bone more powerful and more resistant to fracture but as I was performing the clinical trials this was a a university of East London study as I was in the United Kingdom the

00:01:42 Physicians who were putting the subjects through as well as other people in the community they would they would look at the loading and they would say this you know we’re putting huge forces through the human body with postmenopausal women by the way who have never exercised so they started with very low level and they built up to seven eight even nine times their body weight so like incredible forces now it’s you’re in an isolated position where you normally absorb high impact so think of like top

00:02:12 of a squat that’s how they were loading their low extremities so the human bodies basically it was amazing with the results it got for uh for bone density but what was more interesting to the Physicians who worked at this this hospital was that like wow like this is so different than weightlifting uh what kind of forces do people use when they lift weights cuz these are Physicians like they a lot of them don’t exercise or don’t know much about it um and they admittedly don’t like research or look into exercise at

00:02:47 all um there’s some reasons for that uh some of them make sense and some of them are sort of bad reasons but they wanted to know like what what do people like normally lift and it was really like 17th of the amount of force so what I realized is we’re really weak in our weak range of motion so like when you go to do a push-up and your nose is against the ground just that getting off the ground part is really difficult and then as you straighten your arms it becomes a lot easier and that’s everybody you see

00:03:20 somebody cheating when they do push-ups they do really sort of uh High push-ups they don’t go down all the way because they’re trying to avoid the difficult position so I thought okay I I wonder if anybody’s changed the resistance As you move and as I was Googling it it came up to this term variable resistance okay that sounds like what I’m looking for and then it kind of clicked I’ve seen this before people have tried this there’s a guy named Lou Simmons who is in Columbus Ohio who runs a gym called

00:03:54 Westside barbell and that gym uh using his methods which were variable resistance has broken more World Records this is a 3,000 foot Gym Broken more World Records out of that one gym than any country on Earth including the United States so clearly the man had the answer and so I started studying what he was doing and some of the clinical research that came from him and comparing it to what I had learned and the only variation that I that I saw was that we could have a greater ratio from bottom to top another thing about Louie

00:04:32 he was training people to break World Records in strength whereas what I was thinking about was creating a variable resistance product it with for people who they don’t really care what they lift it’s just they want to be as strong and as muscular if their that’s what their intention is or just strong and lean uh if that’s their intention as possible and so uh and then I also made a lot of observations about just general fitness when I started talking about this and not even launched the product yet but but just started

00:05:09 putting some things out on the internet I noticed how much push back I got when I talked about how what what I believe was weightlifting is a waste of time by comparison like like why wouldn’t you use variable resistance it’s Crystal Clear it’s Superior and on top of that just answer this question for me I would say the vast majority of people that you know that work out you know think of the you probably know 20 people who talk about working out all the time how many people actually look like they work out

00:05:40 maybe one or more likely zero is that about right right yeah I mean like how how often do you meet somebody who doesn’t look remarkable in any way whatsoever and all they talk about is their CrossFit or all they talk about is oh I go to these classes or I go to Orange Theory or I go to Barry’s boot camp it’s like yeah uh it’s it’s good thing you told me because I never would have known you’ve ever exercised ever and I think a lot of the studies also on muscular growth and changes they might take a guy who looks like PeeWee Herman

00:06:13 and have him put on one kilo of muscle and that’s considered a success but guess what guy still looks like PeeWee Herman so what are like what are we doing wrong because I went out and I started basically beating up on the fitness industry for being the mo most failed human endeavor of all time time and I got so much push back and hate uh and I still continue to get a lot of push back and hate but now I now I I mean I don’t take it seriously because scientifically these people who are defending regular weight training

00:06:42 they’re just wrong and uh so I started saying like regular weight training doesn’t work for most people it works great for genetic outliers you know like most of the people who went into the NFL you look at their High School graduation picture and you can just tell by the how thick their neck is they’re they’re just absolutely muscular while they’re in high school well so did they figure this all out because of some special Training Method when they were 16 years old no when you’re 16 years old you figure out

00:07:08 nothing you might think you’re an expert but you’re extra stupid uh so like what is it what it’s got to be some genetic difference there are genetic differences it really has to do with where the tendons attach and how much engagement you get in the weakest like like when the bars on your chest bench press or when you’re really low in a squat for example the weakest range of motion however there’s a way to fix the genetic deficiency that I’m estimating about 99% of the population has and it’s it is variable resistance it was back to

00:07:44 the Louis Simmons answer uh the Westside barbell answer so wrote a book called weightlifting is a waste of time uh it it was a Wall Street Journal it is a Wall Street Journal bestseller and I talk about the whole like research process of like how I came to that conclusion and what it ended up being is there’s a this great little product it’s 500 bucks it’s a variable resistance training device called X3 it saves people massive amounts of time and actually gives them results like your audience entrepreneurs small business

00:08:20 owners they want to be fit and it’s probably a priority to most of them or at least it should be because it’s a statement of character when people see me and they see that I’m in shape they know I’m a disciplined person that’s just like I’m so much more interesting as somebody who someone would want to do business with as a result of that and that just ech goes in every like part of my life and um to get that it’s just what we’re doing is a very strategic approach to putting the most load through a muscle that you can possibly

00:08:56 get and then waiting for the body to respond and it does when you exhaust the way variable resistance has you exhaust you you get a lot more work out of the muscle uh before fatigue and you get to go to fatigue multiple times because since the weight changes I’ll push all the way out until I like in a chest press until I can’t and then I shorten the range of motion so I might only be doing a 3/4 rep for two reps and then a half rep for maybe one and a half and then I’m doing really short repetitions

00:09:29 so like my starting weight that I’m working with in a chest press is 550 lbs I built up to that because I become very strong I can hit that 550 PBS maybe 20 times but then I start having to I’m unable to go further or continue and so I’m doing shorter reps with less weight and it just adjusts by itself because I’m pushing these thick latex bands that can provide that kind of force but enables me to in just one or two or three sets go to fatigue to a more complete fatigue in every range of motion which is something you can never

00:10:07 do with a weight very powerful stimulus I grow with every workout it’s noticeable and uh and I don’t have to spend that much time doing it there’s two sort of versions of the program when you when you get your X3 you can either do the standard program which is much more strength focused and then the hypertrophy program which is focused on muscle growth uh so somebody who wants to be strong and lean goes to the first program somebody wants to be as big as possible and as strong as possible they go for the the second program and then

00:10:37 uh we also have a Westside barbell program because since there was so much Synergy there I’m now working with Westside barbell uh that that isn’t even out yet that’s that’s coming but that’s for the people who want to be the absolute ultimate Peak uh so it’s not for everybody uh but it’s serious okay so this is very interesting so what you’re saying is based on the research that you’ve done based on the work that you’ve done with these athletes and you know people that you’ve trained around the world that latex bands you’re using

00:11:08 latex bands we don’t people are listening to this they’re watching the video they’re not seeing the machine in front of them right now so describe what the experience or look or feel of this machine is like people can imagine in their minds what they do when they go to the gym and they pick up a set of barbells or they you know they dumbbells and they’re you know weightlifting what is the experience of this alter natively the new year is fast approaching and there isn’t a business owner out there

00:11:34 that doesn’t realize that with the speed of change and disruption in the market your business needs to be relevant its products programs and services need to come across as timely and they have to meet an urgent need with a Competitive Edge in the way that you position your brand now is the time to reinvent yourself and your business step into your true calling as a leader living giving your faith building your Empire and creating millions of dollars of Revenue and impact in the world if you want to learn more about how you can

00:12:09 step into your new era reinvent your business and catapult your growth make sure you register for the reinvention road map and give you a step-by-step plan to crystallize your new era elevate your voice and your brand and create the next level of success in 2025 scroll down below this episode click the link and get yourself registered now so there’s an Olympic Bar with a hook on each end and then the hook swivels on on the inside so it has a a core that connects the two hooks and what you’re really grabbing on to is a bearing

00:12:46 protected sleeve uh anodized aluminum sleeve that goes over that core bar that allows you to optimize your wrist position no matter where the bar is like if you m pick it up and then and then endend up like going from like a deadlift position to an overhead press position like you don’t have to keep regripping the bar it rotates with you just like an Olympic Bar interesting okay so and then the hooks then connect to the latex banding which will go all the way up to 700 lb and since you are seven times stronger than you think you

00:13:23 are based on how this works you actually do want that I know people hear that and they’re like well I will never TR train with that and it’s like yeah you will interesting okay so let’s just I have a couple questions first of all how long is uh the ideal workout using the X3 who answers to that question if you want to be as strong as possible 10 minutes six days a week so you know put in your morning routine right after you brush your teeth you do your 10 minutes how much space does someone need oh it takes it fits in

00:13:54 a drawer when you’re done with it cuz there’s a plate that’s 19 and 12 in wide andeven inches deep that’s what you stand on and the bands run underneath in a channel so you’re about an inch elevated off the ground and the bands can move freely underneath then they connect to the bar so really you’re grabbing the bar and you’re standing on the plate not all exercises like a chest press you don’t need to Plate because the band goes around your body and push away from yourself so you when you’re done with it it can

00:14:24 fit in a drawer you can put in a backpack uh we even have a carrying case it just you can throw it over your shoulder and you the whole whole thing weighs 15 pounds that’s amazing okay so tell me a little bit about going back to the research that you did what which you were kind of saying you know how so many people that go to the gym you would never know they go to the gym which I agree with that is uh that is definitely a common uh thing that we all see and experience 99.9% of people and I just

00:14:55 find it like completely disgusting that people want to argue with me and say no weightlifting is great and it’s like how come and it’s always said by some person with a double chin and baby arms it’s like really are you sure have you taken a look in the mirror and I think there’s two things going on partially I think men have a tendency of just imagining they’re strong and they’re not uh but women don’t have this problem this is a this is a men’s thing and then another thing is when you don’t get very good

00:15:27 results in the gym you just sort of quietly quit as a as a male because not a lot of males want to rant online or anywhere about their inadequacies this is another thing guys don’t do so it’s like well how come most people aren’t complaining that they’re not getting results in the gym really you know a lot of guys that say like or I’m genetically like I don’t know something wrong with me right yeah no right are you saying that it is the reason that so many people don’t get results from weightlifting because

00:16:02 they’re not doing it appropriately they’re not they’re they’re like positioning and their use of the equipment is wrong or you’re saying that it’s actually because of their genetic makeup them doing two people could do the same exact thing and for one person it’s not actually doing anything for them the latter it’s it’s that for most people and there’s there’s quite a bit of studies about nonresponders or low responders now the studies typically say like a half the people are non-responders and the other half people

00:16:40 will respond but okay remember what I said in the beginning of the podcast like if you take somebody who looks like PeeWee Herman and you put one kilo of muscle on him he still looks like PeeWee Herman yeah uh so you know it’s like like in for research it’s like look you know this this guy can grow muscle so he’s part of the 50% yeah okay well can he get beyond that or not and I think the answer is not and and the the key statistic here is I get most strength strength athletes and coaches I ask them

00:17:13 this question well would you agree that a 200 for males a 225 pound bench press for one repetition is kind of like how you graduate from being a beginner to maybe an intermediate strength athlete and you can probably tell they’ve done some strength work would you agree with that statement and they always say like yeah okay yeah 225 bench press like some of them might say you need to do it five reps not one but okay you know let’s say one rep and I say what percentage of the population now when I’m talking to fit

00:17:46 people they’ll say 30% 10% 20% the answer is less than 1 half of 1% of males can do this so less than one half of 1% can hit like the barely I’m like hardly even look like I’m exercising threshold okay so now it’s not just about who in a study can gain a couple pounds of muscle it’s who can actually do something that puts them even marginally away from the normal person who doesn’t work out so it’s less than one half of 1% very like to me it’s like why why are we even talking about weightlifting it

00:18:33 clearly does not serve the vast majority now you know if you’re a genetic outlier if you go and pick up weights and you you know put on 20 pounds of muscle in six months okay well good for you you know you could probably be a pro athlete or do whatever you want but um that’s almost nobody in fact the people who are like that tend to be in the NFL like it’s very obvious from from childhood who they are right no but you are you work with a lot of professional athletes that actually use the X3 so oh yeah it

00:19:04 gives them an advantage too because everybody’s weaker in their weak range right like when you lower the bar to your chest you’re still not as strong as when your arms are fully extended yeah now is there I mean I I would assume there is a far less risk of injury using resistance versus weights what is the difference I guess gu to the body from the standpoint of like joints and functionality and all of those things between using weights versus resistance and all of those things so bunch of Studies have been done on the idea that

00:19:44 you can train a lot heavier with variable resistance without the risk of joint injury because like ultimately and this is just some people don’t like hearing this but there’s no getting away from heavy like people who train light are people who are not doing MH you have to train heavy however you can have a strategy for training heavy like this where you put heavy loads on the body where the body is capable of producing those heavy loads and when you lower the weight and go into the more Awkward or

00:20:19 weaker positions the weight drops it doesn’t drops zero it drops to you know maybe a fifth or a third depending on which exercise and how much range of motion there is so for a couple things so you are easier on the joints and then you’re able to stimulate more because you’re going to fatigue in a diminishing range so you hit maybe five fatigue points per set which is almost like doing five sets right which is why it’s so time efficient fascinating and I I mean it’s it’s shocking to think you can

00:20:56 do this in 10 minutes a day with something that is is portable and can go in your drawer when you’re done that sounds like a good solution for a lot of business owners on on my YouTube channel uh the Jake wish biomedical YouTube channel uh you’ll have to put a link to that because nobody can spell my last name yes we will put a link to that we will put a link to that people are going to want to see what it looks like and how to use it and all the good things yeah but on that channel uh there’s a

00:21:23 study that’s that uh a physical therapist did in um somewhere in Michigan I want to say Sterling Michigan he had a group doing regular weight training and he had a group using X3 and the X the X3 group exercised only about I want to say 25% of the amount of time that the other group did the other group followed the American College of sports medicine standard muscle growth program and uh the X3 group grew more muscle in in only a small fraction of the time very interesting very interesting okay well I’m excited for

00:22:03 all of the listeners to go and check out the X3 and see what this is all about and how it might help solve their problem of wanting to protect their health but never feeling like they have enough time to do it and also space right people can have this right in their home office and put it right next to their desk and do in between their Zoom calls so uh sounds like exactly how I use it yeah yeah no that’s great I love it any other kind of tips advice strategy that you want to share and then let’s just tell people where they can go

00:22:31 give them the YouTube channel we’ll put it down below as well um but any other links or information that you want to share to have them check out as a Next Step so uh best place to best place to look for me is uh just my website because that links to all my socials so you can follow me wherever is most convenient for you uh so it’s Dr doct o r the letter and then of course like I probably do the most on Instagram and maybe second YouTube very cool very cool all right well thanks for the work that you’re

00:23:07 doing and for everybody listening if you’ve been looking for an alternative to spending long hours in the gym you want a lift you want to get fit you want to build muscle but you want an alternative to do that faster and quicker an alternative that will actually give you results instead of whatever you’re doing now which 99% chance is nothing maybe maybe for anyone listening that feels like you’re going to the gym all the time but doesn’t look like you’re going to the gym all the time maybe this is a solution for you so

00:23:34 we’ll put all the links down below um John thanks so much for coming on the show today thanks for the work that you’re doing to help millions of people to take back their health and for everybody listening take action share this episode with someone it can make a difference for and we’ll see you back here next week

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