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By KX News on November 6, 2024

Men can boost strength, energy, and vitality this November

NORTH DAKOTA (KXNET) — November is here, which is a great time for men to tackle their health.

Known for his work in men’s wellness, Dr. John Jaquish is sharing some straightforward ways for men to boost their energy, sharpen their focus, and feel stronger.

Since testosterone levels are a big part of the picture, Dr. Jaquish knows how to support them with easy lifestyle tweaks.

“Most men don’t realize that with a few small changes, they can help keep their testosterone where it needs to be,” Dr. Jaquish said. “It’s about energy, focus, and living life fully — not just about the gym.”

Here are four simple things men can do to boost their vitality.

Build strength without wrecking joints by forgoing endless hours of lifting weights. The best thing to do is efficient, joint-friendly exercises that stimulate testosterone naturally.

Fuel with the right foods with protein — which is a must to build muscle and support healthy testosterone levels. Think about lean meat, eggs, and nuts.

Make sleep a superpower since quality is essential for hormone health. Recovery happens during sleep, and people should aim for seven to eight hours.

Consistency is key — sticking with a routine can make a difference, even if it’s simple.

With this no-nonsense approach that’s easy to follow, people can feel like a new man while boosting vitality, supporting testosterone levels, and making the most of every day.

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