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By KX News on September 13, 2024

Keep the beef: Plant-based meats aren’t healthy

NORTH DAKOTA (KXNET) — While plant-based meats may be hailed as a healthy choice, they are ultra-processed foods (UPFs) that have hidden risks.

These alternatives are full of sodium, added sugars, and unhealthy fats, as well as additives and preservatives.

Research has also shown that if you consume large amounts of UPFs, you could be increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other health conditions.

Fitness scientist, inventor, and author, Dr. John Jaquish, offers his insights and discusses the potential concerns that go with them.

“Just because a burger, hot dog, or chicken nugget is made from plants instead of animals doesn’t automatically make it healthier to eat,” Dr. Jaquish said.

While the labels might boast health benefits, they often hide significant risks.

Meatless options usually have more sodium than their meat-based counterparts, and high sodium leads to increased risks of heart disease and stroke.

Plant-based burgers may have high protein counts, but they lack the full amino acid profile. Without all the essential amino acids, the body cannot utilize protein successfully, which leads to nutritional deficiencies.

“Alternative meats are often highly processed, stripped of essential nutrients,” said Dr. Jaquish. Consumption leads to inflammation and chronic diseases.

Another thing that can lead to inflammation and chronic diseases is canola oil, which becomes toxic at low heat.

Dr. Jaquish adds that ingredients like magnesium carbonate, erythrosine, and propylene glycol can be found in some alternative meats, which pose serious health risks.

“More so than their toxicity, the biggest problem with alternative meats is the lack of essential amino acids found in real meat,” Dr. Jaquish emphasized. “Without these, we’re opening the door to malnutrition.”

The production of plant-based meats involves the use of GMO crops, extensive pesticide application, and a notable carbon footprint because of the manufacturing process.

Since North Dakota is a big beef state, it’s safe to say that eating real meat is the healthier choice.

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