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By In8Life on November 29, 2021

#91 Is Weight Lifting a Waste of Time?: Dr. John Jaquish

#91 Is Weight Lifting a Waste of Time?: Dr. John Jaquish

Dr. John Jaquish has spent years researching and developing improved approaches to health. Inventor of X3, a technology that is proven to develop muscle much faster than conventional weight lifting, all with the lowest risk of joint injury, Dr. Jaquish methods are used in training the world’s most elite athletes and associations such as the entire Miami Heat organization, various NFL and NBA players, as well as Olympians.

Full Transcript

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Hey, this is your host, Dr. Aaron Tressler, and the question is, can we restore our innate health, our God-given potential? Can we restore our birthright, our human potential to new heights? Well, we’re finding new ways to restore these ancient secrets, tapping into the power within us to heal without drugs, to heal naturally.

So let’s learn how to empower RNA. Hey, welcome to the show. This is Dr. Aaron Tressler, your host, and today is a special episode, I am so pumped. And maybe you’re not like me, I think a lot of guys would be, be as strong as fit as you can be, look as good as you can be at any age in the least amount of time.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: And Dr. John Jaquish, his book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want. So I want to tell you, I saw this a few years ago when he was on a podcast and I looked him up. I saw his picture, he looks amazing in his mid-forties. The body is just incredible, and I thought, “Okay, this can’t be true. This is just some hype. I’m not going to read the book. It’s just one of those selling points to sell his X3machine.”

And so I put it off until I looked at him up again. And several years later I bought the book, and if you haven’t bought the book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want you got to get it. A And I looked at, I’m like, “Okay, I’m going to read it and see.” Well, I was impressed. The information, the research, I was taking notes all the way through. And I’m very skeptical about a lot of things, but I’m very open-minded if that makes sense.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: So one, if it makes sense, and if there’s a hope of, I can better myself, I’m going to try it. But I’m skeptical going in. I want the research, I want the goods. I want to taste is this guy for real. Well, John has spent years research and developing unique approaches in health. He studies things, tests things. He developed the Osteostrong. This is an osteoporosis machine when his mother developed osteoporosis. He developed a machine, a device that’s all over the world now to help prevent osteoporosis.

It’s cool. Well, this led him to develop the X3 Bar, and this is resistant type training, and you’re going to learn the science behind this. This was when I looked at resistant training with bands, I thought, “Okay, bands are cute. You push them around. They do them in yoga classes, older women can do them. You’re not going to build and stimulate the great muscle.”

Dr. Aaron Tressler: But there’s a science behind this. I’m not going to explain it here, you’re going to hear it when he explains this. And when I heard this, my brain clicked and I thought, “Whoa, this is possible.” So I can’t wait to dive in and use his machine. I’m getting his machine, I’m getting this, I’m going all in. And I’m going to share my results down the road, but you’re going to love this episode.

John is an amazing doctor, amazing guy, amazing researcher, and has an incredibly healthy body. When you see, and you look him up and you see his pictures, you might be like me and go, “Okay, another meathead.” And I told him this on his show. I’m like, that’s the first thing that comes out. But then when you dive in and you learn his research in his book, you may be like me and be very impressed.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: So sit back, take notes, and remember to share this episode. We need to get healthy in America. We need to get healthy in this world. And this episode can help all of us get healthier. All right, John, hey, Welcome to the show. I am pumped and maybe not pumped in the sense of working out pump. I’m pumped mentally and emotionally right now to have you on the show. Just tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and what gets you up in the morning.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me. A little bit about myself. So I’m a doctor of biomedical engineering. I invented the world’s most effective treatment for osteoporosis. And that’s a series of medical devices that are found at OsteoStrong clinics in 10 different countries around the world. I think we have 190 locations, and those are going great.

And I developed that about 13 years ago, and that was initially to treat my mother. The inspiration was my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis, I wanted to fix the problem without pharmaceuticals. So once I went down this path, believe I came up with something that had been obvious for years, but there’s a lot of obvious things that people never pull the trigger on.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a lot of things where it’s like, “Well, why don’t we do it that way?” And somebody’s like, “Well, it’s because we do it this other way.” “Okay. That doesn’t mean it’s right.” The discovery of acetaminophen TYLENOL was about 50 years before it was used to lower fevers. We were still cutting into people, blood-letting them or covering them with leaches to bring their fever down. So there were like 50 years where the obvious was ignored, when it came to reducing fevers in the medical system. Why?

Well people are afraid of change, change is weird, change is hard. If you have a bunch of experts that know how to do one thing one way, and you have no experts that know how to do something a different way, are you going to go that different way? Probably not, even if it’s better.

Dr. John Jaquish: So we got a nasty habit, and I do think formal education really teaches us the wrong stuff. I think formal education is about hammering into somebody’s head, “This is the way things are done, don’t ever screw with it.” And that’s not really okay with somebody that has a new idea. Somebody’s like, “Well I have a new idea.” Like, “Okay, don’t do that.” So I invented the bone density medical device first, my muscular development device that came later, that’s the X3.

So what happened was my PhD advisor said, “If you had done your PhD before inventing this,” because I invented it and then went and got my PhD. So he said, “If you got your PhD first, you would’ve talked yourself out of this. You would never have done it, because it’s so unconventional. Every book you would’ve read, would’ve told you, ‘Don’t do this. Do what everyone else is doing. Go into pharmacology, if you want to treat osteoporosis.’”

Dr. John Jaquish: And it was funny because as I’m doing my PhD, half of what I’m looking at, I’m just looking at a paper and it’s just like, “No. That’s a lot of trash, we’re not doing that, that’s dumb.” A lot of drugs, and side effects and stuff like that. And also this may make some of your listeners sleep better at night. There’s always an idea that there’s a conspiracy in the pharmaceutical industry where like, “Oh, you came up with a non-drug solution, some pharmaceutical companies going to buy you and shut you down.”

And I’m like, “Hey, if the check’s big enough, whatever.” No, I don’t actually feel that way, that was the joke. Yeah, never got that offer. But I did, after speaking at the World Congress on Osteoporosis, I did have a drink with one of the VPs of Eli Lilly. And this guy was like, “I think your thing is cool. It’s really cool. I like it.”

Dr. John Jaquish: And they produced multiple osteoporosis drugs. And I was just like, “Wow, these people are encouraging me?” Yeah. So there’s no conspiracy. I mean, the drug companies don’t want to poison people. Do they buy accidents from time to time? Yeah. But they’re working hard. So I’m not an anti-drug guy. I don’t think pharmaceuticals should come first, I think people should try a non-drug approach.

Always see what they can do with their nutrition, always see what they can do with physical medicine, meaning physical therapy or whatever, that should be the first step. So it got me in the right space, and then once I launched the divide and filed Patents, I was ready to take it all over the world, and I did.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then when doing the first clinical trial, I started comparing load data with people who lift standard weights and people who are loading the body via my impact emulation devices to treat osteoporosis. And what I realized was human beings are far stronger than we give them credit for, because of the way we lift weights, we include the weakest part of the movement potentially. And the strongest part of the movement.

But you have a sevenfold output capacity difference from week to the strong range. So once discovered this, in that trial, the trial was done in London, I was like, “Wow, weightlifting is lousy as a stimulus, there is a better way. This doesn’t make sense.” If you’re bench pressing, whatever, 250 pounds, the real answer is you can handle the 250 pounds down here, but you could probably handle a hell of a lot more up at the top of the movement. Maybe sevenfold, now that’s a one-rep maximum sort of ratio.

Dr. John Jaquish: But what just became completely apparent is, nobody’s paying attention to our capacity and how a muscle goes to fatigue and how it could be taken to fatigue. So when you adjust the weight, like when I’m doing a chest press, I’m holding 550 pounds out of extension, not a lockout, but just an extension, 120-degree angle at the top right here.

So I’m bringing the bar back towards myself, it’s a hundred pounds at the bottom, the weight goes to about 300 pounds in the middle, and then it goes to 550 at the top. That’s what my chest press looks like. So the weight’s changing as I’m moving. First, I go to fatigue, get to 550. So I do maybe 20 repetitions with 550. Can’t get there anymore.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I have no choice, but to shorten my range. So then I’m doing what looks like maybe 75% repetitions with the 300 pounds. And then I’m going to do that for a few more repetitions, so I can’t do that anymore. And then my last rep, so I diminish the range until I’m only moving like an inch. And then I have completely fatigued the muscle in one set. And this is something you can never do with weight. And so it was that method of complete devastation of the muscle, without any muscle damage, by the way, because most people don’t know this, muscle damage is inversely related to growth, does not trigger growth.

So the idea you get little tears in the muscle, and then they repair and your muscle gets stronger, that is maybe an explanation that will satisfy a two-year-old, but it’s wrong. That’s not what happens at all. And anybody who goes out there and repeats it, is probably as smart as a two-year-old because that’s just not how it works. Not at all.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: I like the way you think. As a chiropractor, we’re always thinking the opposite too, with the regular mainstream media. And playing sports all my life it’s just, I want to be as fit as I can. And we’re going to dive into this. I’m so excited for the listeners to find out who you are in this X3 and what this is about because we are in a mess. Not only we are sick, but we are sick and out of shape and grossly soft and weak.

Dr. John Jaquish: Humans are fatter and sicker than ever.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Fatter and sicker than ever.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you. Can I jump onto this?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: And just run with his ball for a second?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yes. Run with it.

Dr. John Jaquish: All right. So we’re fatter and sicker than ever, yet we have many scientists that will do anything to defend current nutrition. Right now, right now, as fat and sick as we are, which is the fattest and sickest ever, we are 70% plant-based. So would you say if we’re 70% plant-based, and that number keeps climbing, used to be 50% in the 1950s and in the 1940s, it was like 20% plant-based. So it was mostly that be beforehand. And by plant, all carbohydrates come from plants. I mean, bread is plant-based, because it comes from grain. You get my drift.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So if we’re 70%, and we’re more… Can I use profanity on your podcast?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: You can. Go ahead.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. We’re the most f***-ed up we’ve ever been. 70% is what we’re eating. But now the mainstream is telling us, “Oh, you need to eat more plants and you need to avoid more meat.” It’s like, “Okay, we’ve been doing that for a long time, and people are worse.” Also, there’s plenty of evidence that points in the other direction.

Now, I will address some of them, if you’ll take a study and the colorectal cancer issues with meat come up all the time. And it’s because the studies are done with people who eat nitrate meat, which is different than eating steak. Nitrate meat is like an Oscar Mayer hot dog, it’s got preservatives in it and you can increase your risk of colon cancer by 2% if you are similar to the group that was tested.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, these people ate an Oscar Mayer hot dog every day of their lives for 40 straight years. Now, no other variables were controlled for. So if you find somebody that’s eating an Oscar Mayer hot dog every day for 40 straight years, are they doing it for their health? Probably not. Yeah. Are they doing a couple of other things that might be unhealthy like smoking, drinking, excessively, maybe hard drugs, they’re doing any of that? Chances are probably higher.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Very high.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. With that group. They don’t care about their health at all. These are people who will never come into your office, they probably don’t even know what a chiropractor is. They don’t care about their health. They’re going to medicate, if something hurts, they take an Oxy, and then one day they’re just dead. That’s how they live. So these studies have, what’s called a sampling bias. So they pick people who don’t give a s*** about their health and make many negative health decisions and then say, “Look, that’s what meat did” Yeah, no, that’s not what meat did.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: It is crazy. And the whole carnivore type movements kicking in, and I’ve interviewed people and you see these specialists saying, “Where does this vegan thing kick in?” And it’s just been a movement, it’s not based on science and studies. And I agree with you. I remember reading the study back in college where it said, “If you ate 18 hot dogs a week,” and it didn’t say organic, beef hormone-free, it just said hot dogs, so it’s the Oscar Mayer, or whatever. You eat 18 hot dogs a week, you have an increased rate of leukemia. And I looked at and I’m like, “Who can eat 18 hot dogs a month?”

Dr. Aaron Tressler: But then I thought, “Okay, kids are coming home from school, they microwave two hot dogs. They put them on a white bun, squeeze some corn syrup ketchup on it, and they down a hot dog and they eat two or three of those several days a week, 18 is easy.” And I’ve always looked, is there a study based on just meat alone, being organic grass raised, grass-finished beef. I have a farm too, and it’s all that. Do they ever do that? And there isn’t, zero. So I agree. It’s a bunch-

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, some are coming out now because now that people are eating primarily meats for their health. Well, now it’s different. It’s not somebody who’s just a complete nihilist who’s eating gas station hot dogs. It’s somebody who’s like, “I’m going to have the highest quality meats and just fewer vegetables.” I eat very little carbohydrates, maybe somewhere like, I do 40 grams of glucose before my workout, but it’s glucose tablets because I don’t want fructose, and a lot of people don’t know the difference. Fructose almost is exclusively used as fat storage.

Dr. John Jaquish: Fructose is stored as fat, first, not always, but for the majority of it, and there’s a couple, brutal studies on fructose. One of the F is for fat F is for fructose, they titled the study, which is not something you see in a medical journal, a comedic title. But I mean, it’s just so brutal on fructose. And I see people who, they have like five pieces of fruit a day because they think it’s going to help them out. Like, “Oh, it’s healthy. It’s so natural.” And I’m like-

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. I’ll tell-

Dr. John Jaquish: You get up in your head because you like to take.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: And there’s a lot of research coming out. As you said, these new studies are showing. We don’t need all this stuff. I was never a vegetarian, I always like meat, and I always like clean meat. But when I would eat more and salads, I never felt better. It took too long to eat, first of all, it didn’t give me anything. When I eat a big steak or, I raise my chickens and we get eggs and I raise my beef and lamb, I’ll have, today I had my beef and five eggs. That was my lunch. And that’ll satisfy me all day. And you hear this stuff, we need all these fruits and vegetables and the bottom line is we don’t. So I wouldn’t have to get too deep in that. I mean, that’s a whole podcast in itself, but geez.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hear. Hear. I’ll give you something. Do you know who Dr. Jason Colton is?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: No. Not yet.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. He wrote this great a study. I think it was in 2012, but there’s never been a study like it. He looked at a bunch of different types of diets and he kind of went down the middle, of the standard types of diets. How many calories does it take to get to the recommended daily allowance of micronutrients, of vitamins with eating whole foods? So no supplements, just foods. Now, I mean, I suppose you’re supposed to imagine agrarian lifestyle, but the Native Americans didn’t have nut butters flown in from eight different continents. Just take a guess, how many calories would you need?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: I know I heard this in another podcast, but-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. I say it a lot.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: But before I heard it, I was thinking two to 3000, which I think is-

Dr. John Jaquish: Because we’re told to eat 1500 to 2000 calories a day, right?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s what the AMA says. But if you were to get all of your nutrition from regular food, you’d need to eat 27,000 calories a day. Now, since no one ever ate like that, let’s just call it, what it is, the vitamin recommendations are total bulls***. Don’t make any sense. Nobody ever ate like that, it was based on expert opinion in the 1950s. I mean, there’s no weaker medical evidence than someone’s opinion in the 1950s, back when we knew way less than we know now, and it was just opinions.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, I would almost say since there’s no way you can get your vitamins from eating whole foods, that it’s almost like that recommendation was sort of may be paid for by vitamin producers, maybe. I mean, I have no proof of that. But it seems logical because I don’t know why all those… there was, I don’t know there was a conference and there were like 50 doctors that gave their opinion on this. And why would they come up with such outlandish numbers that nobody could ever achieve without supplementation, because how do you justify that? No one ever ate that way. Before the supplements existed, you could not get that level of vitamins in your body and somehow humans thrive.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. I’ll tell you, if people aren’t questioning what is being said out there, your head’s in the sand so deep, it’s crazy. And when your book came out, I saw this on Facebook and I heard you on Dave Asprey’s show and you intrigued me, I looked it up and it said your title was, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time. The first thing I said was, “Jackass.” And if you see John on the cover, or if you had never heard John before, once you get off start You Tube and go and listen to what he has to say, and by the book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time, we’ll have the link in, and buy the book. I read this in three days, John, it was very easy to read, it was exciting to read and the science and the research in it, blew my mind. And the reason I say that is, you look at Your posts on Facebook, the size of your body, how ripped, how big you are, you think, “Oh, here’s another meathead coming out, who’s been on steroids-”

Dr. John Jaquish: I get underestimated a lot because of how big I am. I’m six foot, 240, and I’m very lean.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: And I’m sure you get this, so this is not an insult to you. You get, “Oh, here’s a dude, that’s been on steroids, juiced up. He got big and he invents this machine-”

Dr. John Jaquish: Never done that.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: And he says, “Here, I’m going to sell the machine.” That’s my first opinion. I’m like until I read the book, and I’m like, “This guy has it all together. This is incredible.” So I couldn’t wait for you to get on the show and get rid of this myth behind this. Let’s dive into this, I want the listeners to understand this X3. This is very interesting about the resistant training that you were just talking about before that it probably went right over their head where, when you’re in a state of a bench press, when you’re at your chest, you’re at your weakest point. Midpoint, you’re halfway at the endpoint, you’re at your strongest point. And like you said, weights don’t do it. I’ve been playing rugby. I still play rugby by the way, and I heard you are a rugby guy. And you got-

Dr. John Jaquish: I play center. Yeah.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: And this may be kept me in the game, I’ve been a scrum-half now I’m doing scrum and fly, but I’m 55. So playing with 20-year-olds. I mean, it’s insane, but physically I can still do it and I want to see how far I can go, but I would do the traditional weight lifting. And I’ve changed a lot this year, but I’d bench, I’d get up to my highest was 300. I’m 170, at one point, I think last year I got 260, I did one rep. And after I do the one rep, I’m like, “I’m done. I hate this.” Because it took me about six to eight to get that one rep and it hurts my shoulders and it proves nothing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course, it does. Chronic damage to joints.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: So explain your X3. And the science behind this is just absolutely amazing.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Dr. John Jaquish: So the idea behind X3, now, a lot of people are dismissive of it, because it looks like a rubber band, but it’s actually a bunch of big, thick, rubber bands and the bar and then plate you stand on. It’s elegance is apparent, but don’t underestimate it. It’s the most powerful muscle building device there’s ever been. And here’s why. Because it delivers force at the appropriate level, in a given movement. So at the bottom of a squat, you might be holding 50 pounds, at the top of a squat, you might be holding 300. And it’s because you’re much more powerful at the top of a squat than you are at the bottom. I mean, people know, they go to the bottom, and then they can’t get up anymore. They call it sticking point or whatever.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s more like a curve. So if I were to do a plot, it’s like your load capacity is more like this, whereas this out here, maybe your capability of seven times force and so this is X. So X at the bottom seven X at the top, that’s the difference in your capacity. So we know that the only way to trigger muscle growth is with the heaviest weights possible, heaviest load possible, you want to fatigue the muscle. Well, you want to fatigue a muscle, you need to fatigue all ranges of motion. Well, you cannot do that with weight, that’s never going to happen. Because the weight is always the same amount of weight.

Dr. John Jaquish: So if I’m benching 300 pounds, it’s 300 pounds on my chest, it’s 300 pounds when I’m at extension. But I have a different capacity in all of those positions. So it just doesn’t make sense. And if I can change that weight to be the appropriate weight in each position, and then with a repetitions steam and then a diminishing range method, I can fatigue the entire muscle in every position possible, which you cannot do with the weight. And that level of fatigue is going to trigger a lot more growth.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: I mean, because you’ve seen people just lift weights and they get big, with or without steroids or any other enhancements, but is that why they have to work out an extensively long time to keep going through different motions and different ways to finally get levels of fatigue?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: That it just takes through, and hours work out. I hate that too, I want my workouts to be quick.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, when people ask me and see, I think our goal should be to find out what’s the best and then maybe look at what’s the most practical. Well, it just so happens that it’s the same answer. So I never set out to come up with a quicker work out. If it was optimal to use the device for an hour, instead of the 10 minutes we use, sure. I mean, it would be an hour. But here’s why it doesn’t work that way. You just need to take a given muscle group to absolute fatigue in all ranges of motion and you need nothing else, and you will grow faster than ever. You just can’t get there with a weight, you need to be able to fatigue appropriately in each different position. So the weight needs to be fluid.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Is this something too, like when you’re doing your workouts and that intrigued me too, one set is done. And I still got to try to pull this brain washing out my head, I’m like, this is crazy, man. I want to do two and three just because I’ve been so trained to do it, if not 10. But I’m like, “Okay, maybe I can do two or three to fatigue my muscle.” So you’re saying one set is relevant. Once you fatigue the muscle and you’re fatiguing it through all three ranges of motions, so the entire so is toast. That’s what’s going to allow for the growth. You don’t need a second set. Is that what you’re saying?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no. And in fact, the reason we do multiple sets in weight training is that weights suck as a stimulus. How many sets do you need to do in the sunlight to get a tan, right?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: That’s funny. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. But I mean, I’ll ask bodybuilders this and they’re like, “I just need to go out once.” Well, that’s a stimulus and then your body reacts to it. So why should any other stimulus work any differently, a callus, you only have to braid your hand hard one time and a callus is developed, why do you have to do multiple sets with a muscle? Because the stimulus suck, that’s why. And there’s a better way. And I can demonstrate that I do in the book with 260 different studies. So initially coming out with this, I noticed that it was the busy professionals that were all over it. Bodybuilders and people that follow fitness, and I was warned, Dave warned me, “Don’t market to fitness people, because they’re stupid. They’re unable to comprehend the type of science at all.”

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Can’t bridge the gap. You’re right.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re right. Right. And honestly, and this is just to be fair, I think the word science has now been hijacked by politicians and they just say science at the end of a sentence where they just lie to everybody.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. Meaningless.

Dr. John Jaquish: And everyone’s like, “Well, it’s science.” Now they’re going, “Well, yeah. But they say science all the time and it’s lying.” So it’s a shame because, well, I actually do have scientific evidence, now people are like, they’re not sure what to think, especially if they’re not able to read it. And I can tell you, Dave was right about the body building weightlifting industry, not a lot of intelligence there. And I mean, all you have to do is look at where the content is. It’s on YouTube, and Instagram, pictures, and videos. Why? Because these people can’t read.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. It blows me away. I laugh every time I see one of these models on there, and they’re holding up a product and they’re saying, “I use this to get this.” I’m like, “It’s just a marketing scheme.” There’s no way they’re taking just a weight protein or whatever, and they look the way they do. It’s impossible, but-

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Let’s see what your workout is.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: And the whole lifestyle scheme, everything behind it, and you talk about this in your book , from sleep to eat, you eat one meal a day, I don’t know if you still do that, but you eat-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. One meal day.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Protein. It was funny, I’ll consult with my patients and, I’m always encouraging diet, exercise, weight loss, and movement and health. And I had a lady, she was very heavy. She was just asking me some basics, she didn’t want to engage in nutrition yet, and I couldn’t break it. But I said, “Just try skipping breakfast.” She looked at me like I was the devil. She goes, “Skipping breakfast, that’s the most important meal. Do you know what you’re doing?” Almost like consulting me. And I looked at it and I said, “Wait a second. I’m 55, I’m playing rugby, I’m fit. I do this for a living. You’re in a health crisis. And you’re telling me what’s right?” And I’m like, “Sweetie, you’ve been brainwashed.” I said, “You’ve been brainwashed.” I said, “It doesn’t work that way.”

Dr. John Jaquish: I cover it in the book, by the way, where that myth came from. It was developed by Kelloggs. Breakfast is the most cornmeal of the day brought to you by the Kelloggs family because they had just developed cereal. They needed a way to sell it because people didn’t have breakfast. Nobody used to have breakfast. Breakfast was like Sundays before church at 11:00, it wasn’t before work.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. Not that whole Kelloggs thing, oh, that’s mind opening if you get into that. I think he was the first non-meet supply. He developed a fake meat, to get away from meat. So gosh, crazy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. He was a Seventh-day Adventist.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. There’s a whole backstory behind that. That’s that’s crazy. Talk about joint pain. You talk about joint pain. I have off and on and I take really good care of myself taking a lot of supplements, I’m in rugby season right now, so I’m banged up. So it’s a little bit worse right now, last game, Saturday. But joint pain, as we get older, we tend to believe, “Okay. It’s because I played sports. I lifted weights too heavy, and now I have joint pain for the rest of my life.” And I’m like, “That’s not the case, man. You can change this with lifestyle, but don’t buy into this myth.” Explain how, and why these bands will eliminate joint pain. I think you were one of them.

Dr. John Jaquish: So to increase the density of fibrocartilage within the joint capsule, the tendons, and ligaments that surround the joints, can diminish the pain. And this is detailed in a 1998 study by Benjamin and Ralphs. And what it demonstrates is that when you compress joints in their axial format, so when your limbs are straight or straighter, you can overload the body. And so this study was more about high impact. So it had a relationship with OsteoStrong, but also with X3. If you hyper load when your arms are straight when your legs are straight, straight-ish, you never lock a joint when you’re lifting like this. But when you get to the appropriate position, the loading is incredibly high and you start to grow the thickness of the tendons and ligaments. You start to grow them thicker, you support the joint better and that’s why the pain goes down.

Dr. John Jaquish: So you can have a screwed-up joint, and you can cut the pain in half in six months. You can cut it in half, again in another six months. Now, if you have chronic damage, if you’re bone on bone in your knees, you’re still going to be bone on bone in your knees. But if you build more support of the joint, you might be able to live another 10 years without a knee replacement because you’ve cut the pain so much, it’s just a little bit, you feel it, but it’s not annoying you. It’s not stopping you from doing what you’re doing.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. I’ve always believed that too, even before I understood this scientifically that, patients will come in and they’ll say, I bone on, bone on my knee. I’m like, “There’s no way you would be walking and bending your knee if it was bone on bone.” I mean, if you understand what you’re saying, bone on bone. And I said, “You have damage.” I said, well, what if you can hold off for five or 10 years? And you can develop the strength around the muscles, the tendons ligaments, build that strength around it to support it and keep it mobile, keep everything flowing. Then 10 years from now, if they need surgery, they’re going to be way better than what they’re doing right now." Every few years, I mean, new things are being developed better, easier. So I’ve seen that. And that’s the old myth of, once you have damage, you’re always going to have it, man, you got to throw that out of your head, people. That is not the truth at all.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Most people just keep chronically damaging themselves with weights though, guys that are all about weights. It’s funny, I went to kind of a World Championship Weightlifting event years ago. And I was just trying to learn a little bit about that industry. I had not developed my prototype of X3, but I had been thinking about it. And so this was right after the clinical trial, and there was a woman who was set to break for the 50 and over age category, set to break the world record for the chest press, and for the bench press and for the squat. And she did at the event. And she was an OsteoStrong user. And I was sort of experimenting with her with some of the other ideas that ultimately became X3.

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: And it was so interesting because, we’re walking around this event and I have never seen more walkers, canes or wheelchairs. And I start talking to these people, it looked like I’m injured conference. And so I start talking to some of the people and I’m like, “How’d you lose your ability to walk?” Because I see guys that are the maybe late forties or something like that, and they’re like sitting there in the wheelchair and they’re like, “Oh, I hammered like six or seven discs or something like that, deadlifting.” Oh, so you were doing that for health, right? When it comes to that level of competition, many guys will sacrifice form, if they can complete the lift.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can have the form, if you complete the lift, you complete the lift. And also if somebody just has a little bit different biomechanics, who’s to judge what’s good for them and maybe just different biomechanics? So you don’t want to discriminate against somebody because they just move a little differently, or have longer legs or shorter torso or something like that. So I’m walking around this event and this is just like, “Wow. I wonder if the competitors realize they’re all going to end up like this.” Because everybody I talked to was a former competitor. Yeah, all the banged-up people.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: I was going to say, is that starting to come out, that this is reality?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, because the lifters, first of all, the arrogance of youth, right? Like, “That’ll never happen to me.” Kind of attitude, that’s one thing. Like, “Well that happened a long time ago, but we’re much safer now.” How, what do you do differently? You’re not doing anything differently, you’re not safer at all. So that’s one thing. The other thing is, the sport itself… Do you know how excited the NFL was to talk about brain injury?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Not at all, they did not want to talk about that. Because the data really, putting somebody in a helmet and then they use that helmet as a weapon, you’re really hurting people’s brains. And there’s there’s long term implications. So I was working with one of the guys, through my PhD experience, I got connected with a neurologist who was helping out with some of these NFL tests and some of the sort of intentional collisions, head collisions with sports. And we looked at rugby. Rugby has horrible injuries in the knees, some in the back, a lot in the shoulders, almost no brain injury, because you don’t have a helmet on, you don’t use your head to hit people. You don’t have a helmet on.

Dr. John Jaquish: So that’s just an example of why weightlifting doesn’t want to go down the path of, “Well I mean we want people to be safe, but what can we do? They’re going to do this no matter what. They’re interested in it.” So I realized that while weightlifters will say everybody should be weightlifting. My attitude is nobody should be weightlifting, people should be using variable resistance. Because then they get more benefit than the benefit of weightlifting. They become more muscular, and leaner, and stronger without any of the downsides, without the injuries. So let’s do that. That’s the superior solution.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I do understand, if somebody’s in the sport of weightlifting, yeah, they’re in the sport of weightlifting. Is it going to hurt them? Yep, for sure. I had never met a weightlifter that was injury-free. But hey, if you meet somebody and they’re like, “Hey, I want to take first in the Boston marathon.” “Okay. Well, you got to run marathons then.” Yeah. That’s the only way to do that and are marathons good for you? No, they’re not. They’re terrible. Now, is it as bad as picking up smoking? No. There’s a lot of worse things you can do for your health. So I’m not saying marathons will necessarily destroy you, but man, are they going to be a setback to your health?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: They are. We had a few years where there was a rugby team folded, and I wanted to still compete in something. And I thought, “You know what, I’m going to run a marathon.” And I am not a marathon runner. It’s like putting you, I’m not as big as you, but I’m more of the muscular sprinting type person. I’m not long-distance. And putting you in a marathon goes against every core of your body. I did it-

Dr. John Jaquish: I did a triathlon once, right after rugby season.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: See? It’s that rugby mentality. And I did a few marathons, I did a couple of ultra marathons. And man, I looked at myself, I was in a picture of a paper once, magazine. We were at the front line of a 5K race. I had my shirt off and it was in the paper. I was embarrassed, John. I looked I’m like, I had this soft little belly. My chest is soft, doesn’t even look muscular.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Oh, God. It was horrible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Either way. Yeah.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: So after several years, I’m like, “I got to get out of this.” And now

Dr. John Jaquish: See, that’s your body’s way of saying, “Don’t do this.” You start looking and feeling awful. It’s time to wake up and go, “Okay.” I don’t know. You look at sprinters, you ever notice that sprinters are always happy. Just Google-like Yohan Blake or Usain Bolt. Most of the time, they’re so healthy-looking, there’s a smile on their face. Take a look at a marathon runner. It’s like, they’re the last rows of summer, they’re just haggard.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. Yeah. It’s a crazy sport. How often do you work out during the week and how long does it take?

Dr. John Jaquish: Six days a week, 10 minutes. So I work out one hour a week.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: And in those 10 minutes, do you alternate, three days, three days with your push exercise and your pull exercises, you just do that every other day?

Dr. John Jaquish: Two days. So there are only two workouts. Push and pull, and I’ll alternate that. So I hit every muscle three times.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: So in 10 minutes, I’ve seen your videos. I see you do the workout, it looks tiring. 10 minutes-

Dr. John Jaquish: It was funny, when Dr. Sean Baker, put the product to the test. He used it exclusively for a month. And he said this is the hardest workout I’ve ever done. Keep in mind, this is a world record deadlift hold. And a very uncommon looking deadlift guy, because he’s like six foot four, which normally deadlift guys are little guys, that way they don’t have to live very high off the ground. He’s an amazing athlete. And he said X3 is the hardest thing he’s ever done. And I thought like, “Damn, I really should have suggested a different sound bite. I don’t think that’s going to help.” Sales went through the roof because people were like, “Oh, it’s hard. Oh, it must work.”

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: And yeah, it is a lot harder than lifting weights. You can go a lot further. Like really, are you really exhausting yourself when you do a set with weights? No. You have tons of sarcoplasm left. You have tons of ATP and glycogen in your musculature, you’re not exhausted. You’re just limited by your weakest range of motion. So you had to put it down, because the range of motion where you use the least amount of muscle started to get tired. And so you stimulated the least amount of muscle.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: I always recognize that in the bench press. You get it off, you feel good, and when you get to your chest, if you’re done, you can’t get it off. You pull it up and you’re done. You’re like, “Well, I guess I’m exhausted.” But that’s your weakest point.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s just in the weakest range.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Doesn’t even work. What about warmups? You recommend a warmup and I think you said one of your things, oxygenate and getting the breathing is warm up. I always do it like, try to do a three-minute warmup, just to get my heart pumping before I jump into it. But I realize I don’t have to warm up for a half-hour to do this. What are your-

Dr. John Jaquish: The problem with a warmup, is you’re wearing yourself out, no matter what you’re doing, you’re using ATP glycogen. Those are the fuels in your cell. So anything movement-wise. So what I tell people, the reps have such a low risk to them because under loading the joints and overloading the muscle. Regular weight lifting and I’m going to quote Peter Attia here. Do you know who Dr. Attia is?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Great guy. He has a great podcast called the Drive. He says I’ve never really been much of a fan of weight training because, with weight training, you overload joints and underload muscle. So he had made a similar observation that I made. I just came up with a solution also. And so you do the opposite, you get the overload into the muscle and it’s very easy on the joint because when the joint is at the greatest risk of exposure, the weight drops down.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: So the warmup per se is really-

Dr. John Jaquish: The first couple of reps are warm ups. Yeah.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: That’s cool. I like that. It’s the same with when I get ready to train for rugby, I’ll run a little bit, but my warmup is my running and training. I’m not just sitting there trying to stretch out cold muscles. How about stretching, is stretching recommended after to-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. After the workout. Yeah. When you stretch before you shut muscles off, I know that’s a controversial thing to say, there’s research on it. You don’t want to stretch out before a workout because you’re shutting muscles off.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Is that neurology? Is that like the body saying, “Well, he’s trying to stretch, so we’ll retract to not allow muscle injury?”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It starts to shut the muscle down. And this research has been around for years and I did an Instagram post and it was like, I might as well have said something positive about Donald Trump. I mean, it was like, people just came after me. They were so angry. And it was like, “Okay, first of all, I don’t know why you’re being emotional about stretching.” Some of them were yoga people and that’s like their religion. So it’s like, “Okay.” I don’t know how well some yoga people are, but I know some that are like, “Oh you have cancer, you need to do yoga.” “Oh, you died of cancer. Yeah, it was because you didn’t do enough yoga.” That kind yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: They were so upset, but it’s like, “Why are you upset about a scientific finding?” This just tells me that you’re willfully ignorant. And you’re enthusiastic about your ignorance if you’re just willing to ignore a scientific finding. Now, there are areas of science, like in nutrition, for example, where there’s conflicting science. Well, if somebody posts a paper and it’s like, “Well, these guys say meat as bad for you,” or something. I can find what the study did to get the outcome that it got. I can find that sampling bias. So go ahead, we can have that discussion. I mean, I’m not going to do that all day long. Otherwise, I’d never get anything done. But every once in a while, somebody shows up with a well-thought-out argument, and based on the paper they had read, I can understand why that. And so I’ll politely address that person because that’s somebody who actually might want to learn something, or maybe they just want to shove it down my throat that I’m wrong. And either way, I’m not. So I’m not going to accept that.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. I get the same thing. When I have people that are interested to learn something about nutrition, exercise chiropractic, what they’re doing with their health, I’m all to talk. But when they’re opinionated telling me what’s wrong with their spine, with their health and they know something, I don’t even waste my energy. I’m like, “Go get them tiger. Good job. Good luck.” And some of my friends or other people I’ve talked to, they’ll argue with me, and I look at them and I’m like, “Listen, I’m 55 playing rugby. I can outrun you, sprint you, lift you, do anything. And you’re arguing with me. And my body weight’s good. Everything’s good.” I’m like, “Why?” I said, “For some reason, something’s working in my life,” and I said, “Do what you want to do.”

Dr. John Jaquish: I wanted to go over two more things. I want to explain the phenomena that you’re talking about. And then the second thing is, I want to explain what’s wrong with the fitness industry. Okay. So first thing, what you’re noticing is the amount of know-it-alls. Know-it-all is really somebody who knows nothing. Who just either make up some, or they’re confused, or they just read some bad information and they’re more than willing to share it, or advise people. I kick people out of the commenting, what do I call? My Facebook following, my Instagram following when they start giving other people bad advice.

Dr. John Jaquish: I feel like social media is like the global exchange of bad advice, on anything. I see people getting tax advice from internet commenters, and I’m like, “You know that person might be a 12-year-old kid, right? What are you doing anyway?” So at least listen to people who are verified, because at least like Instagram and Facebook have gone out of their way to go, “Okay. That is that guy.” And so you might want to listen to one of those people who are considered an authority, but aside from this, what you’re looking at is a phenomenon called Dunning-Kruger. So you heard of the Dunning-Kruger fact of the Dunning Kruger study, it was a 1999 study.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: I don’t think so. No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, you’re going to love this. This is going to be your favorite study. You’re going to mention this at every cocktail party you go to, rest your life. And here’s how it works. So the smartest people in society had a big sample size for the study. And basically, they looked at people’s problem-solving abilities and their ability to self-assess their performance. “Oh, how did you do at this test?” They grade themselves with no regard for how they did. It’s just what do you think you did. And so it’s the comparison of those numbers. So the smartest people underestimate their abilities. So they perform at near a hundred percent, they’re 99% competent, but they believe they’re 90% competent.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because, and everybody knows a little bit about this, the more you know, the more you don’t know. You’re more aware that there’s so much information out there on so many subjects that you can’t absorb it all or consider it all. Therefore, there may be errors in your work. Those are the smartest people. Everybody in the middle was kind of accurate, they were middle performers and they knew it. But this is the good part, the bottom like third, believed they were the greatest achievers and they were of course the worst. So they believed they knew everything and turns out they knew nothing. So they did terribly but thought that they did great.

Dr. John Jaquish: This is why people of low IQ are not allowed in the military because it’s almost guarantee they’re going to crash a vehicle, knock a plane off the side of an aircraft carrier. Shoot the guy in front of him in the foot by accident. So our US military and militaries around the world will not take people of a low intelligence level. If you don’t pass the competency test, you can’t get in. And so this is really what we’re dealing with, with the internet. So because the people with the greatest convictions have the least amount of information, you’re almost guaranteed that almost everyone you talk to on the internet is just incorrect, and the dumber they are, the more they believe they’re correct.

Dr. John Jaquish: Even if you show them that they’re incorrect because they don’t know what they don’t know. So everything seems simple to them. They’re so unintelligent that they’re unaware, that there’s so much they don’t understand, so everything just seems simple. And this is the internet commenter. This is the person who will never be able to understand a new way of doing things, whether it’s X3, or I remember when the first iPhone came out, right? It had no keyboard on it, and back then Blackberry was the thing. You probably remember that. It was like, “Well, if there’s no keyboard, Apple’s going to go out of business.” Almost everybody said, “Apple’s going to go out of business.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, I was like, “You know what? We’ve seen touch screens before, but I just have a feeling Apple’s going to have a different approach.” And so I was like one of the first guys in line to get the iPhone and I wasn’t even an Apple fan back then. I just saw it, and I was like, “Okay, they have a multi-touch capability. Nobody’s ever done that before.” Because I got into the technical details when I was reading about it, and I’m like, “I think that’s going to be a better solution than even the best keyboard.” And of course, after it came out, the people who never are aware of what they don’t know, just followed like sheep, they just went along with it. And now, I never see a phone on the keyboard. They all are just pieces of glass now.

Dr. John Jaquish: So basically the stupid people will come along, but they’ll kick and scream the whole way and be more than willing to give people bad advice. And this is just the internet and in the X3 forum, we have 30,000 users, no, closer to 150,000 users of X3 out there. And we got 30,000 in a discussion group, which blows my mind. Every day, somebody shows up who either made something up or read some just article that was nonsensical about protein requirements, or this is something I dealt with earlier on in the week, this guy was giving X3 users on the X3 forum nutrition advice. And it was basically, they were going to be underfed on protein massively.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: And of course, every excuse maker out there wants to believe that, “Oh I don’t need one gram per pound of body weight, because that way if I don’t have to eat all the steak, I can eat more cookies,” or bread, or pizza or whatever losers eat. So yeah. I mean, that’s dinner for losers. That’s what that is. I tell people, I’m cruel to my friends. When I like to go to a friend’s house and they’re like, “Oh, we ordered pizza.” I’m like, “Okay, well I’m going to order something different.” They go, “You can’t just have a slice of pizza? I’m like, “No, can’t because otherwise, I’d look like you.” And then these are my friends, but I’m not going to be lighthearted about it. It’s like, “This is garbage and every time you eat it, you’re just pushing off what you want further, and further, and further away.”

Dr. Aaron Tressler: I’m getting more like you, I never wanted to offend somebody, but I’m getting to the point, I’m like, “This is getting ridiculous.” And I’ve said some things that I think would offend people, just like what you just said, “If you want to be fat and sloppy.” It doesn’t offend them. They look and say, “Yeah. But-”

Dr. John Jaquish: No. They understand you’re a person of your convictions. And they’re like, “Okay. Maybe I ought to be like that too.” I had a friend who lost a couple of hundred pounds. He’s the overweight guy. And I mean, I’ve been just bullied by this guy. I told him like, “You want to watch your kid graduate from high school because you’re not going to be around. You’ll be dead before that. Unless you change everything.”

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. I remember my dad died when I was a student at Slippery Rock, studying health and physical education, which I never learned. I learned how to teach, but I didn’t learn health. And my dad died, he was 50. And I remember saying, I didn’t know how I was going to beat this, but I said, “This is not happening to me. I am not dying early, I am not going to be in diapers. Screw this. I’m going to be healthy.” And then my path just kept growing, it just led me there. But there has to be a point that somebody gets slapped in the face and said, “You know what, you’re right. I will die.” My greatest patients are the ones that say to me, “I’m afraid I’m going to be in a wheelchair three years.” I had a guy say to yesterday, he was afraid of-

Dr. John Jaquish: Wake up call, right?

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Wake up call, young kid. He goes, “I’m afraid I’m going to have heart disease and diabetes at 25.” And I said, “Are you willing to do what it takes?” He goes, almost in tears, he goes, “Yes, whatever.” And I said, “You’ll succeed. You’ll be fine.” I said, “I’ll come up with a plan.”

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like 50/50, the people I talk to. And when somebody posts something like, “Well, I’ll never give up my pizza.” First of all, if you say, my pizza, I should just send you a trophy that says, “You are a loser.” you take ownership of the concept of pizza, you know how pathetic that is.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. Words are powerful.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like the least healthy thing you can find, and you actually talk about it in the possessive sense. Like, “Wow, you’re up.” I mean, as soon as somebody says that, it’s so like, “Don’t get the X3. Don’t buy any of my products, because you’re going to fail.” With that mindset, you will not get anywhere.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. And it’s that willingness. I mean, when I saw this, I was intrigued, took me a while, I’m pretty busy. When I jumped back on it, my thing is I always want to get better. I always want to gain, and there’s always a better way. Of course there is, I just haven’t figured it out. I’ll try and fail 20 times before I can get that one success, but I’m going to keep trying it. And that’s where people just say, “Oh, it’s just John, it’s just the genetics. He can’t do that.” It’s like, “Stop it. he’s done it.”

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s funny. Before I turned 40, everybody told me I had terrible genetics because I was lifting for 20 years and I didn’t get out of it, and now all of a sudden it’s like I’m growing, everyone’s like, “Oh, you just have great genetics.” Before X3 I didn’t.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: It’s funny how-

Dr. John Jaquish: Let me run with it, the genetics. The biggest genetic difference that people have is not hormonal. That’s just a cop-out. People think that, but hardly anybody’s been kicked out of sports because they have naturally too high testosterone levels. I think it’s happened three times, ever. And it was, I believe all three of them were women, just had a high level of testosterone. The difference is tendon insertions. So for the people who are watching, I’m holding my arm out, and you can see my bicep, and here’s my pectoral. So my pectoral attaches right here, sort of at the beginning underneath the bicep, at the beginning of the humorous bone, right beneath the shoulder joint.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so it’s attached here and its origin is here on the sternum. And so it brings my arm, no matter what I’m doing towards the midline of my body. But some people have a mutation, so that this tendon, instead of inserting at this end of the bone, it’s more towards the elbow, and that’s a lever that they have. And so when somebody’s built like that, and this is the last part of my book where I talk about the genetic differences. Some people have a stronger weak range than others, and this is why. And so these are the people who pick up weights, I went to high school with this guy named Mark, and it was like, he’s a little bit bigger than me, but a couple of inches shorter than me. I don’t know.

Dr. John Jaquish: He didn’t look particularly ominous freshman year, but by the time we got to junior year, I think the guy gained 60 pounds, there’s a mutant. And he and I were doing the same lifts, the same amount of sets, training the complete failure. We were eating the same thing, we were doing the same thing. I’m just looking at this guy like, “What else are you doing?” And he’s like, “I don’t know. I have no idea. I just grow.” And he had stretch marks all over him, he was growing so fast. And then, I was reading all kinds of things and it might have been a year or two after I graduated, I found this tendon thing and I’m like, “Oh, so this makes sense.” Because if you have more leverage on something, well, yeah, you can lift more of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: So they’re able to access more muscle through more range, thereby going to a deeper level of fatigue, triggering growth. On top of that, a longer tendon has elasticity. So you have almost a springboard effect, when you come down on the bench press, when you have the long tendons, they’re springing you back forward in a toe strike and running, 17% of your energy when you’re sprinting is recycled based on tendon elasticity. So your tendon bends one way and then snaps right back. That’s not even energy that comes out of your body, but it gives you an advantage to loading the strong longer range emotion.

Dr. John Jaquish: So in essence, the advantage that the most excellent athletes have, the top athletes of the world has to do with natural internal elasticity, similar to like a band, right? They have natural elasticity and they have leverage. So when you’re training with variable resistance, especially at the degree that X3 has, and this is the whole point of X3, that advantage is gone. Now you can grow just like that guy I went to high school with who had incredible growth, and he’s just doing the same thing everybody else is doing, and nobody’s growing. And that was the difference. That’s why so many people succeed.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. Aaron Tressler: That’s cool. That’s cool. And explain, as we kind of wrap this up, we’ll have your links on. So people, first of all, get the book, buy the book immediately. I mean, when you buy it, it’s shipped the next day, it’s done. But-

Dr. John Jaquish: On Amazon, it’s called, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want

Dr. Aaron Tressler: You can’t miss it. When you see John’s picture, you’ll go, “What?” You’re 44 years old, correct?

Dr. John Jaquish: 45 now.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: 45. He looks better than every 20 year old out there. So when you look at the book, just get it. But the information is so-

Dr. John Jaquish: Probably why I have a 20-year-old fiance.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. Good job. You got to stay healthy to keep up.

Dr. John Jaquish: She can’t keep up with me. We travel, we’re always doing stuff and one day she’s like, “I can’t. I just can’t.” She’s like, “Can we just stay a weekend and not go anywhere, stay at home.” I’m so sick of being out and always jumping on an airplane, always road trip. And she can’t even sleep in my car, because it’s so loud, the Lamborghini. It’s like, “Okay, let me get my violin.” So anyway, I have more energy than her and there’s 25 years between us.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: It’s funny, when we do our rugby training, we’ll do sprints. We just had one last night and this young kid, he’s 20 something years old. He’s sucking wind. He’s hurting, he’s bending over. I looked him like, “You’re out of shape.” He’s, “Oh, yeah.” And I’m running, I’m not even breaking a sweat. I’m like, “You guys, I’m 30 years older than you. And you can’t run.” I’m like, “This is sad.” So age doesn’t have to age you, that’s in your mind, man.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: But you are also offering a $50 discount, and we’re going to have this link on In8Life when you buy the X3, going to save 50 bucks, and put him to the challenge, take him up on this. You have to get your muscles and your body in shape if you want to be alive. If you want to be alive later, I told my kids, “I want to live to 120, without diapers, and still driving my car and feeding myself.” I said, “You’re not going to take care of me.” I said, “Whether I make it or not, that’s my goal.” But you have to be strong to get there, and it has to be-

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, the two greatest drivers of long life or high levels of strength and low levels of body fat. And that’s uncontested. So people ask, “Why did you pick carnivore nutrition?” Well, when you understand all-cause mortality, and you understand what it takes to drive those two things that are uncontested, very little in nutrition or medicine is uncontested. High-level strength, low-level body fat, those two things, uncontested. So if that’s your basis, and this is exactly how I came up with the nutrition I recommend, what’s going to make me the strongest and the leanest. And that’s obvious.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: It is.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean, a high level of protein, moderate level of fat, almost no carbohydrates. Carbohydrates don’t even fit the definition of macronutrients anymore, your body needs none. I can apply them so that we use them to hydrate muscle from time to time, right after a workout. But other than that, they’re just there to get you fat.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Yeah. I found that if I eat some before my rugby, it’s an 80-minute game.

Dr. John Jaquish: 80 minutes running.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: If I don’t eat it, I start wearing out. But if I eat some type of fruit or something before, I’m fine, but I only need like a banana, I don’t need much, or I eat some raw honey with some dates or something. And it gives me just that enough to get me through my event. But I agree, they’re not needed. That’s all we eat, are carbs. All right, John, thank you. Man, I could talk to you forever because your info is just, one it’s dead on and it’s going against the grain, which is we don’t need grains. And that’s what’s fun about it, is there’s the truth behind it that needs to be revealed. And I love this and get bigger, less time, look better, ageless. So John, thanks for being on the show. Any last closing remarks?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. If anybody wants to find me, my last name is very difficult. It’s Jaquish, J-A-Q-U-I-S-H. The good news is, you don’t have to remember that, because I have a landing page. It’s just So D-O-C-T-O-R, the letter J, .com. You can find links to everything. Social media, the different products that I sell in the manufacture. Both my inventions are found there. I probably do the most on Instagram, so somebody’s going to follow me, do it on Instagram. But the links are, are all there. So it’s

Dr. Aaron Tressler: Cool. And, and we’ll have those links in the show notes. All you have to do is click, we’ll have the X3 if you want. I’d encourage you to get it. Go click on the link, insert, and we’ll have this In8Life, you will get a $50 discount. The one thing and John, we only touched on a fragment of what you are and what you do. And the reason I say this is, people, don’t just end this with, “Oh, okay. I got a little taste of this.” Get on, start watching the YouTube video, start watching what he’s about, read his book, you’ll start gaining knowledge and then you’ll be able to apply it.

Dr. Aaron Tressler: So we’ve only touched on a smidgen of what you are and what you’re doing, and I love it. And man, do I appreciate you being on the show. This is going to change some lives and people, share this message. Your friends and family are not going to hear this message or meet John, or understand his mission unless they hear something like this. So share it, spread this so we can create a better health movement in the world. And John, you’re doing that, I appreciate it because we’re on the same page, getting people healthier.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

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