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By Super Human Radio - Science for Humans on February 28, 2018

More Bad News For Cholesterol Med Users + X3Bar: You're Not Going to Believe the Workout You'll Get

More Bad News For Cholesterol Med Users + X3Bar: You're Not Going to Believe the Workout You'll Get

Another nail in the coffin for statin drug users. Muscle function is impaired even if you don’t have evidence of muscle wasting or pain. PLUS You’ve never seen a piece of workout equipment like this. You can get an entire intense workout anywhere, on the road, take it to the gym, use it at home. And while you can load your muscles with extreme force its safer than using free-weight or most machines. Here’s how it works.

Full Transcript

Karl Lanore: Welcome back to another episode of Superhuman Radio. Today is Wednesday, which means we start off with science of humans. We’re going to talk about Statin drugs today, more bad news for those of you who take them. And then, a little bit later in the show, we’re going to be joined by John Jaquish and Tim Bruce to talk about possibly one of the most amazing workout products you’ve ever seen in your life. You know, I’m a big proponent of training at the gym. But sometimes you can’t, and you should always have something at home that you can train with. Well, wait until you see the X3 Bar resistance band bar system. That’s all I’m going to say. And of course, we have to thank All American Pharmaceutical for a generous title sponsorship that they provide to the show to keep it going. If you go to and click one of the EFX sports banner ads, you can actually get six of their most popular products absolutely free, just pay shipping, 5.99. Legitimately, just pay shipping and get a bunch of really great stuff because they believe that you should try the products before you buy the products.

Karl Lanore: How you doing, Doctor Jeff?

Jeff Golini: Hey, I’m doing good. How about you, Karl?

Karl Lanore: Good, good. You know, this is an interesting discussion today. Statin drugs are possibly one of the most popular drugs prescribed today. I know people … I have a friend who is in his early 40s and has been taking Statin drugs already for probably about six or seven years. And what we’re going to talk about today is brand new research just published this month. But I want to put this in the context of all the other things we know about Statin drugs. We know that Statin drugs cause type two diabetes. We know that Statin drugs lead to dementia. We know that Statin drugs lead to muscle wasting. And we know that Statin drugs lead to something called myalgia, which is this phantom pain that Statin drug users complain about muscle pain that doctors really can’t figure out. Add to that this new study that was a joint effort between the United States and the Netherlands. They looked at muscle function in Statin drug users. And what they found was mitochondrial impairment, contractile force impairment, strength reduced from Statin drugs. Does that shock you?

Jeff Golini: You know, it doesn’t. And for those of you that don’t know what Statin drugs are, they are prescribed because people have high cholesterol, or I’m seeing doctors now prescribing it because they think you may end up with higher cholesterol or you’re just at the top. And what happens is this drug works by shutting down your liver’s production of cholesterol. So, again, our liver produces cholesterol because cholesterol is one of the most important components for hormone production, one of them being testosterone. So, again, very, very important. So, no, that doesn’t surprise me at all. But what are they going to do about it? Nothing.

Karl Lanore: Well, it’s interesting because early on, you said to me, “Well, of course it’s going to affect strength because it does reduce testosterone.” And that’s true too because people who use Statin drugs, they have lower cholesterol. Cholesterol is the building block for the eight carbon form of pregnenolone, which leads to progesterone, testosterone, estradiol. All the sex hormones are compromised when you use Statin drugs. But this is shocking to me. And I’ll tell you why it’s even shocking to me. Right now, cholesterol medications are being prescribed as antiinflammatory drugs because when the cat was out of the bag that cholesterol medications did not keep you from having a second heart attack, they didn’t keep you from having a first heart attack. They didn’t protect you against heart attack at all. The pharmaceutical industry had to go, “We need to repurpose this stuff because we can’t give up billions of dollars of revenue just because the product doesn’t work.” So, they’re being prescribed for inflammation now as well. And I think the thing that I find most shocking is by impairing mitochondrial oxidative ability, hence energy, they may actually also be linked to cancer. And I’ll tell you why, because we know from Doctor Thomas Seyfried’s work, Cancer As A Metabolic Disorder, that the mitochondria undergoes anerobic respiration changes before cancer cells start. When you start fooling with the mitochondrial function, you’re really doing something dangerous, in my humble opinion.

Jeff Golini: Let me ask you something, do you think the drug companies already knew this?

Karl Lanore: I’m going to give them a pass. No, because they don’t care about this.

Jeff Golini: Okay, and that’s kind of where I was getting at is they didn’t care to look at all of these different things. And you know, punch the bear, poke the bear. You know, it’s just really frustrating because the billions and trillions of dollars that they have, they have the capability and knowledge of really understanding these drugs. And they don’t care, you know? How can you develop one drug for something, they go, “Oh, you know what? It’s not working, so let’s use it now for this,” because they’re now finding some other thing. But what they don’t tell us is how effective it is at either of those things. And you know, I go back telling you, I have been in many shows where I’ve had Pfizer and these guys, these drug reps next to me and we’re looking at research. And I remember saying to Pfizer, “How come your Statin drug only works 50% of the time?” And he was like, “Oh yeah, it doesn’t work any better than our placebo.” What the heck?

Karl Lanore: That’s amazing. Well, I blame the FDA for that. I mean, look … So, the reality is that Statin drugs are built on the false premise that cholesterol is what causes atherosclerotic plaque buildup. And this was brought about by Doctor Ancel Keys when he worked with herbivores, rabbits, and fed them a lot of cholesterol and they got plaque in their arteries. And he said, “See, plaque is built up from cholesterol.” The drug companies don’t have to prove that lowering cholesterol reduces heart attacks. That’s already been established by Doctor Ancel Keys. They just have to prove that their drugs lower cholesterol. That’s the only endpoint they care about.

Jeff Golini: Right. And yeah, you know, that’s what is the saddening thing is they don’t have to care about the side effects. And again, I’m going back to this is hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth. I said, “In your studies, do people die?” And they looked at me like, “Are you stupid? Well, of course. Yeah, we’re expecting a few casualties.” And I’m like, “You’re kidding me.” “Well, yeah, people are going to die. But that’s how they test things.” And you know, again, it’s really appalling because people are all bent out about using animals for test subjects. Yet, it’s okay for humans to get a free bottle and they may die.

Karl Lanore: Isn’t it interesting, all the animal activist people want to free the animals. But they don’t care about the people that are being hurt by these drugs. That’s really interesting.

Jeff Golini: And not to get off topic, but I have been at FDA with an orphan drug for Mycreselazine for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Now, they call it Idiopathic. It cures arthritis. And the next study that they wanted me to do, they wanted me to go find 150 kids and make them go off their medication in order to prove for the third time that this product works. Now, how stupid is that? What parent is going to take their kids off of arthritis medicine that’s helping them to walk?

Karl Lanore: Well, you’d have to pay. So, a lot of these studies, the reason that they get people to do this stuff is because they pay them to take risks.

Jeff Golini: But they find people who are desperate that are in situations where they’ve had 15 heart attacks or they’re dying from cancer and they’re looking for any type of thing. And again, if a few people die, no big deal.

Karl Lanore: So, this particular study, and I just want to get some information from it. I’m actually looking at the actual study itself. This study was studying Statin myopathy. So, myopathy is muscle weakness. We know that people that take Statin drugs, they develop weaker muscles. What they discovered was Statin use attenuated sub-straight use during maximal exercise performance. Sub-straight use being probably free fatty acids as well as glucose. Induced muscle fatigue during repeated muscle contractions and decreased muscle mitochondrial oxidative capacity. This suggests disturbances in mitochondrial oxidative capacity occur with Statin use even in patients without induced muscle complaints. Now, think about that. So, while there’s a large portion of Statin users that get … They get myalgia. They get pain in their muscles. This is happening even if you don’t get the pain in your muscles, this is still going on. This is scary to me because the heart’s a muscle too.

Jeff Golini: Yeah.

Karl Lanore: If this impairs oxidative capacity of mitochondria in muscle fibers, it’s doing that to the heart too. So, that means the heart is probably working harder and maybe Statin drugs lead to heart failure over time and cardiac myopathy.

Jeff Golini: Well, absolutely. I mean, just looking at their conclusions, this was a good study. I mean-

Karl Lanore: Well done study, yes.

Jeff Golini: You know, Karl, what do people do? I mean, do they trust their doctor? Do they go in … And this is interesting because I went before and I went and looked at one of the doctor’s listing for some of the Statin drugs. And they are saying, “We know that exercise, changing your diet will probably take care of your cholesterol. But we know you don’t have time.”

Karl Lanore: Or you don’t have the attention, right.

Jeff Golini: Yeah. “We’ve got a thing for it.” Come on, folks, get on a treadmill. You know? Adjust your diet. There’s nobody that … I understand sugar is addictive. But you know what? Addictions can be broke. But you’ve got to want to be able to do that. Don’t you agree? I mean, if you don’t want-

Karl Lanore: I agree completely. So, the guy that I was referencing, a friend of mine who has been on Statin drugs for quite a few years already, and he’s in his 40s. I convinced him to get off the Statin drugs, and because of all this research, the dementia, the diabetes, the muscle wasting, all this sort of stuff. So, I said, “But now, look. If you stop taking these Statin drugs and don’t adjust your diet, you are going to see a rebound. Your doctor’s going to go, ‘No, you’ve got to go back on because your cholesterol’s 300.’” So, he said, “What do I have to do? Cut back on red meat?” No, cut back on the starchy carbohydrates, cut back on the sugar. That is what influences triglycerides. It’s not the fat in your diet. The doctors don’t care that they’re wrong.

Jeff Golini: You know, and I got a patent two years ago on … I can’t market it as a cholesterol lowering item, but that’s what we’ve proved. And it took me five years to get that patent issued because the drug companies were trying to keep me from doing that because they knew that there was a better way of lowering cholesterol than what they were doing with this Statins. So, again, it can be done. It’s not that complex. But you’ve got to do some work too, you know?

Karl Lanore: The best Statin regulating drug in the world is a common B vitamin that you can buy at any grocery store. It’s called Niacin. So, Niacin is the gold standard that all Statin drugs are compared to because it does two things very well. It increases receptors in the liver that take LDL out. Keep in mind, it doesn’t stop you from producing cholesterol, it makes you more efficient at flushing it out. So, the bad cholesterol. What it does is, it increases receptors in the liver that attach to LDL cholesterol and get it out. But it reduces receptors in the liver that catch HDL. So, it raises HDL at the same time while it’s lowering LDL. No Statin drug in the world does that. This is a common B vitamin. If you are taking Statin drugs right now and you’re going, “Okay, I’m scared. I go to the gym. I take Creatine to get a couple of extra reps, and now my Statin drug is killing that. It’s not even making it work.” What do you do? You cut back on your starchy and sugary carbohydrates and you take 500 milligrams of slow release Niacin that you can buy at a grocery store. And it’s got to be nicotinic acid because the potassium version doesn’t work, the flush free doesn’t work. But the slow release keeps it from causing you to get itchy and flushed. And you take one or two of those a day and your LDL will come down and your HDL will go up and your doctor will be happy. And you’re not poisoning yourself any longer.

Jeff Golini: No, your doctor will do like mine going, “How do you keep your cholesterol low?” He said to me, “You must not eat any red meat. You’re a vegetarian.” I go, “Dude, you know I’m not a … I’m a meatetarian, man.” I said, “I don’t eat sugar.”

Karl Lanore: There you go.

Jeff Golini: Then he goes, “Sugar doesn’t cause high cholesterol.” And you know, it’s not even worth … I got done with my last appointment and I sarcastically said, “I’ll bill you for this session.” And he got mad at me because I’m sitting there providing him with information that he should be telling me about.

Karl Lanore: And he can’t tell you because he knows nothing about nutrition because he doesn’t believe nutrition plays any role in managing disease.

Jeff Golini: Yeah.

Karl Lanore: It’s so sad. So, the product that you created that helps to normalize lipids in the blood, how does it work?

Jeff Golini: So, when you talk about how it works, this is what’s called a mechanism of action. Now, most pharmaceutical drugs did not know how their drugs work. They have not a mechanism of action. So, with this particular item, there is a hypotheses, but of course, we haven’t gone on to do the whole mechanism of action. But literally, cholesterol is processed through the liver. So, it helps to get the cholesterol out of the liver. But it also helps to go in and break up fat deposits and redeposit them back into your bloodstream.

Karl Lanore: So you can use them, you can burn them.

Jeff Golini: Absolutely. So, there are transporters, basically it’s a trimethylated choline compound, very, very complex.

Karl Lanore: Interesting.

Jeff Golini: Now, here’s what the whole pharmaceutical companies were fighting me on, because the first 30 days, guess what happens? Your cholesterol goes up. Well, duh. You take a Statin drug, the first 30 days, your cholesterol goes up.

Karl Lanore: Because your body wants cholesterol and it goes, “What the hell’s going on?” And it produces more. You’re absolutely right.

Jeff Golini: It’s putting more in your bloodstream.

Karl Lanore: Right.

Jeff Golini: You know, now you’ve got to burn it. So, just your daily activity, you are not metabolizing fat, similar to like a keto thing where we’re trying to get the body to burn ketones. Again, once we can get it deposited into the bloodstream, the body knows what to do. The tough thing is, once it’s deposited and stored as fat, now you have a whole different situation. So, a very, very interesting compound. I will have it out in the market here by next month. And I know a lot of people have been waiting for many years. And you know, when I tell them why it has taken so long, they don’t understand that it isn’t just something you can make and bring right out. You’ve got to make sure it’s safe. You’ve got to get all of the government regulations. And of course, when you’re dealing with patent offices, this is a global patent. So, it took a lot of time.

Karl Lanore: Will you be able to market it as a supplement that will help people with dyslipidemia? Or did the FDA go, “No, no, you can’t do that.”

Jeff Golini: No, they were very explicit that, “You market it for anything like that, you mention the C word, it’s a new drug, you’ve got to go through the drug process.”

Karl Lanore: Isn’t that something?

Jeff Golini: In the patent now all the research, so I’ll be able to reference all the research. And people can go read about all that in the patent because it does show how it lowered cholesterol. But you know, of course we can’t market. But that’s the difference between a drug and a dietary supplement, you know? If you want to do your due diligence and pay all the money to prove that it does something, then it now becomes a drug. Other than that, it’s a dietary supplement and it can be marketed without any claims.

Karl Lanore: Interesting story. BASF, the huge British company, they have their hands in everything, right? They’re like our … Who makes Post-It Notes? The company that makes the Post-It Notes. I can’t think of their name right now. But anyway, they spent seven years and millions of dollars studying R Alpha-Liopic Acid as an anti-diabetic drug and they proved that it worked and it was not toxic. And it was superior to any of the other drugs out there that were being offered for diabetes at the time. But then when it came time for them to patent it, they found that they couldn’t. It was just the off form of lipoic acid. And lipoic acid had been around for a long time, it occurs in nature. So, they abandoned it. Now, keep in mind, they had all this research they had done that showed that it worked as an anti-diabetic drug. But because they couldn’t patent it, they couldn’t make any money on it, so they abandoned it. So, a guy that I know in Florida found all their research. This is about 15 years ago, found all their research, cited their research and gave it a name that had something like glucose in it, Glucosave or something like that. And he was selling it into CVS and Walgreens and all these stores. And people were snatching it up and they were going, “It works.” And they’re buying it. Well, the companies that make anti-diabetic drugs got wise. They put pressure on the FDA. The FDA went after him and they ruined his life. They shut him down. They destroyed him financially. And obviously CVS and Walgreens had to take it off the shelves. It worked, it was shown to work. And just because the company that showed that it worked couldn’t make the money on it, they abandoned it. So, he wasn’t allowed to cite that science any longer.

Jeff Golini: Yeah, and that’s the problem with the drug companies is they have so much money and they’re able to manipulate the government, you know? And again, I’ve been there in meetings where it was me, my one or two research people and 16 FDA people. And I’m there with my orphan drug. And the lead doctor, rude, went on to tell me that I should go get a consultant. I mean, the problem is, is they don’t want anything that is a dietary supplement being a drug. They do not want it because they know we’ve got zero claims and we will make a bad rap on their whole deal going in with something with zero claims, with zero side effects.

Karl Lanore: I want to take a quick commercial break. And when we come back, I want to pick it up talking about a recent study that was flipped on its side to mean the wrong thing. And I think you and I actually talked about this not too long ago. And that is the effects of cholesterol on stem cell deployment in the body. Very, very important. Stay tuned, we’ll be right back. What if a sports and nutrition company actually let you try all of their best products for free before you ever bought one? You’d be dreaming, right? Well, you’re not dreaming. Head over to and grab their new sample kit that includes not one, not two, but six of their top sellers. That’s right, six different samples of their top sellers sent out to you immediately to try. Just cover a small shipping and handling fee and they’re on their way to you. See for yourself why EFX Sports has taken the industry by storm and why so many athletes worldwide depend on their products, dominate their competition safely and legally. Head over to right now and click the EFX sample kit in the online store and get your free kit today. Once again, that’s Hey, this is Karl. Start your day just like I do with a high dose lypo-spheric vitamin C from LivOn Labs. You too can benefit from LivOn Labs lypo-spheric delivery system. No more pills or powders, that’s outdated technology. LivOn Labs has the world’s most efficient vitamin delivery system, period. Learn a lot more today at and benefit from their new reduced pricing. That’s L-I-V-O-N Whether your goal is to build muscle or burn fat, you’ll find everything you need at Redcon1. Need help getting a good night’s sleep? Try Fade Out, or the most popular pre-workout supplement on the market today, Total War. Sign up for their new transformation challenge and win $10,000, or shop for apparel that people at the gym will know that you are serious about your training. Need a testosterone boost for that work? Check out Boom Stick. Whatever you need, you’ll find the best quality supplements on the market at Redcon1. Go to That’s R-E-D-C-O-N, the number, or go to and click the Redcon1 banner ad today.

Karl Lanore: Age Force’s popular DATA plus pregnenolone patches, buy one get one free. That’s right. Go to and click the Age Force banner ad today and take advantage of this amazing patch that delivers both DATA and pregnenolone through the skin into the blood stream. Again, listeners, go to the website and click the Age Force buy one, get one free DATA and pregnenolone patch today. Take advantage of this amazing offer.

Karl Lanore: Welcome back. This is science for humans. We’re talking about Statin drugs today, an important discussion actually. And the reason that this is so important is that so many people out there are taking Statin drugs for cholesterol. And while it’s not even protecting them against future heart attacks, it is doing some horrible things to them. So, recently a study was published that implicated cholesterol in actually causing cancer. And the supposition of the study was that cholesterol increases stem cell production and stem cells can turn into cancer. But stem cells can also turn into kidneys and heart tissue and brain tissue. And instead of someone going, “Wait a minute. We’re spending all this money on stem cell research to take stem cells out of people, differentiate them and shoot them back into them to repair tissue, and you’re telling me that by eating more cholesterol in my diet will actually increase the production of stem cells in my body? That’s a good thing, not a bad thing.” It’s crazy.

Jeff Golini: Yeah, what a joke.

Karl Lanore: Cholesterol is important. Every cell membrane in your body is made of cholesterol. Highly dense in your brain. I mean, you don’t want to limit cholesterol. You want to limit inflammation. You want to limit the things that actually do lead to atherosclerotic plaque buildup. But it’s not cholesterol that’s doing it.

Jeff Golini: Yeah. And you know, I think that there are very few things that just happen in our body. Most of them are from external sources, you know? And they wanted to put a spin on why you should take all their drugs, because again, cholesterol is losing its value, you know? They tried to kill the meat market, you know? I mean, all of the scams and things of not to do. And here’s their last attempt to me is to, again, discredit cholesterol instead of educating and talking about, again, the importance of it. And your body has to have it. No cholesterol, your body ceases to live. You die. I’m sorry, that’s why your body produces it.

Karl Lanore: Right. Look what happens when you try to artificially lower it with these drugs, muscles stop working, muscles start to break down. Dementia, type two diabetes, stem cell production, these are all things that you need in order to survive and thrive. They’re not bad.

Jeff Golini: And I wonder if all these muscular disorders aren’t from these type of drugs too. I mean, you know, they’re trying to always find some cure for something that they created, you know? We didn’t have high cholesterol years ago, you know?

Karl Lanore: Nobody paid attention to it.

Jeff Golini: And you know, it first came into popularity, I believe it was … I can’t think of the president’s name. He had a heart attack.

Karl Lanore: It was in the 70s, wasn’t it? Was is in the 70s?

Jeff Golini: Yeah, 60s, 70s. He had a heart attack and they found out that he had plaque buildup. And this is where the drug companies jumped in because he realized that it was exercise and diet. The drug companies jumped in and said, “Oh, President …” I don’t remember if it was Hooper.

Karl Lanore: Was it Jimmy Carter? No, it wasn’t Jimmy Carter, right?

Jeff Golini: No, it was back before him. It was actually back in the 30s or 40s.

Karl Lanore: Okay.

Jeff Golini: But anyhow, that’s where the whole drug company started to come up with a solution to it. But that then created a whole bunch of other ailments. I mean, diabetes on the rise, why? Besides diet and exercise, because of these drugs.

Karl Lanore: Yeah, these drugs, they’re horrible. They really are. And again, I’m going to say this one last time for those of you who are just turning in late. If you want to get off your Statin drugs, you can. You should work with your doctor and insist. Say, “I want to come off these.” If he says you can’t, say, “I think you’re wrong.” Cut out the starchy and sugary carbs, start taking 500 milligrams of slow release Niacin, you can buy it at your grocery store for like $8 for 250 of them. And take one to two of those a day with meals, and your cholesterol will be fine and you don’t have to take Statin drugs and have these kind of problems. So, it’s easy.

Jeff Golini: And get on an exercise program.

Karl Lanore: Exercise increases HDL, think about that. Exercise increases good cholesterol.

Jeff Golini: Yes, and that’s the good cholesterol. Yeah. And don’t tell me you don’t have time, because Karl, is anybody busier than you and I?

Karl Lanore: No.

Jeff Golini: I mean, again, it’s all about prioritizing. And how long do you want to live? Do you want to be around to see your grandkids graduate high school or college? Or even your kids? I mean, come on, folks, you take better care of your car and your stuff than you do your own body. So, take a little time twice a week, 20 minutes on the treadmill, go outside, walk around the block, walk in the house, jump rope, jump up and down. There’s a whole lot of things-

Karl Lanore: Stand during the commercials of TV shows. I mean, there’s so many things you can do.

Jeff Golini: Yeah.

Karl Lanore: Doctor J-

Jeff Golini: If you have to sit down, do squats on the couch.

Karl Lanore: Yes. Before we end this segment, how is the six free samples going?

Jeff Golini: Yeah, well I mean, crazy. Crazy, crazy. I mean, people have commented right and left about … They’ve never seen anything like this because they’re not used to being able to get something for free to evaluate, you know? One of the things when you go to Costco, that’s why they sample because they want you to try it. Sampling works. Well, we’re the same way. Give it a try. And you know, you have a lot of different things that come in there. So, it is really working. But I think it really is giving people more confidence in EFX Sports that they can try it first. And I also wanted to mention my new book, BCAs.

Karl Lanore: Okay, the definitive book on branch chain amino-acids, is that right?

Jeff Golini: It’s good. This is it. Tells you everything you need to know about BCAs, where they come from, what they do, why you need them. So, again, you can go to I just got word the other day that Barnes and Noble is picking up the whole line. So, I think in about a month, you’ll be able to also get those at Right now, it’s just at or you can always email Doctor Jeff, [email protected] and I’ll send you an ebook absolutely free.

Karl Lanore: There you go, doesn’t get better than that. All right, brother, thank you so much for everything, okay?

Jeff Golini: Absolutely. Take care.

Karl Lanore: So, Tim Bruce, who’s going to be on with us in a second who handles sales for Superhuman Radio, turned me onto a guy and a product. And I got to tell you something, you know how I feel about training at home. We all like to go to the gym, and we all like to go out to eat. But you don’t unplug your refrigerator and your stove and get rid of them because there are days where you’re going to have to cook at home, and the same is true of training. There are days where you can’t get to the gym for whatever reason. And you still want to have a good workout. And maybe you don’t want to buy a Smith Machine and a bunch of other stuff, a squat rack, dumbbells, barbells. And you want to get a really, really, really intense workout. Well, my next guest is John Jaquish. How are you doing, John?

Dr. John Jaquish: Fantastic. You can hear me?

Karl Lanore: Yeah, I hear you great.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s pronounced Jaquish.

Karl Lanore: Jaquish. Okay, thank you. Thank you.

Dr. John Jaquish: No problem. Everybody says that.

Karl Lanore: And you deserve to have your name pronounced properly because I predict that history will show that your contribution to physical culture by coming up with the X3 portable gym is well deserved. So, before we start telling people about X3 Bar variable resistance system. And I’m going to tell everybody something right now. You have to be open minded when we start talking about this because you’re going to think you know what this is, and you don’t. How did you come up with this? What was the deal behind it?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, my background is in bone density research. I invented a device that puts axial compression, so this is the axis of bone, the length of the bone. And we put force through that bone in positions where we would naturally absorb high impact forces. So, like you trip and fall, you protect yourself, or how a gymnast lands. And there’s four very specific positions how we absorb impact.

Karl Lanore: In fact, we saw this in professional basketball or college basketball when that … Remember a couple of years ago or a year ago, the guy came down and his leg just snapped?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes, his tibia came right through his skin.

Karl Lanore: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, so the best way to build bone density is through high impact force. That’s the way we naturally do it. However, that’s an out of control event. So, I created an in control event monitored by robotics and software. And there’s clinics, there’s 50 of them in the United States and now they’re opening in Sweden and in Spain, the UK and Italy. And that’s called OsteoStrong. So, this chain of clinics is growing very fast. Tony Robbins is a business partner. And so, I had been doing this and really just looking at high impact ranges. Now, what was very interesting to me is when I got to sit down and watch some of the research being done … So, I wrote the research protocol, meaning I told the doctors who were going to run the study at the Hospital of London how do to it, how to use the device properly. And then I leave and then they run the study, just to keep the conflict of interest away from that. It’s got to be their study. So, when we did it, they’re reporting back all the numbers of how they’re taking these decommissioned, postmenopausal females. Now, these females were putting seven, eight, and nine times their body weight through their hip joint. That’s the way the device was designed. And it dawned upon me when they were reporting back these numbers in these positions, just there minds were blown because most people can pick up a little bit more than their body weight, whereas not multiples by that. And by the way, the minimum dose response for bone growth is 4.2 multiples of body weight through the hip.

Karl Lanore: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, if people think they’re going to go out for a walk and help their bone density, yeah, they’re not doing anything. So, what was amazing to me is when I look at that and some of the researchers said, “What is this compared to what people normally lift?” Well, I went and found the answer to that, which the American College of Sports Medicine keeps very careful data on how much loading people put through their lower extremities. And it was anywhere between 1.3 and 1.53 multiples of body weight on average. This is 95% of the population. So, yes, there are some people who go past one and a half times their body weight when they squat or whatever. But ultimately, when looking at the broad population, people aren’t getting to the 4.2. But here is the big issue here. If I look at what people can do with full range of motion, which means you’re limited by your weaker range of motion, hence we call it the weaker range. So, like studies on bench press sticking point, this is all part of the same discussion. So, when we look at that, and then we look at what a human is capable of at extension. So, when I’m at a bench press, when my arm is out here, what am I capable of with 120 degree angle of inclusion upper to lower arm is incredible. It’s actually seven times greater than what I’m capable of in the weaker range of motion. So, I’m looking at this, and I’m thinking, “We’re missing out. We are leaving the gains at the gym. We’re not getting it.”

Karl Lanore: But the reality is that aside from elite lifters, very few are putting four times their body weight on a bar and squatting it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Even elite lifters aren’t really. We’re talking about … Take all the elite lifters that can do that and you could put them on one school bus. Yeah.

Karl Lanore: And to touch base, to touch on something you said, the thing … So, lifts like rack pulls have become very, very popular. Why? Because it’s only in the strong portion of the lift, right? The very top of the movement, 900 pounds on the bar, you can’t deadlift 900 pounds, but you can do rack pulls with 900 pounds. The same is true of board pressing, right? You start out with four boards because this is where you’re strong. And then you go to three boards, and you gently start to nudge the muscles to catch up to where your strong point is. The problem is that-

Dr. John Jaquish: They never really catch up because that means your strong range is a lot stronger.

Karl Lanore: Is getting stronger too, exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And there’s a couple different answers. There’s the shortness of muscle and the efficiency of how much muscle is engaged. So, the shorter a muscle is, the more force it’s capable of, until it locks out, and then it kind of shuts off. And then, there’s also the mechanical leverage point. Back here, the lever arm movements of my bones here, my humerus, my radius, my ulna, they’re poor. But out here, I am axially loading these things. So, now they’re more powerful. So, it all kind of goes together. And when we talk about functional exercise, which is the most misused, overused term, the function of a muscle is to shorten, right? So you can say anything’s functional, anything movement wise. But what’s most important is if you look at how we behave, when we run, we use seven degrees inflection of the knee joint, but we have 180 available, why is that? Sprinters use even less than say a distance runner. And when you go to pick something up, you don’t try to make sure that you get into the weak range of your spinal vectors. You’re going to go for the stronger range. Right, and so we already choose the stronger range of motion. Then when we go to the gym, we make sure we go through a full range of motion, which has incredible benefits. But as I was doing this research, then I started looking at, all right, who’s experimented with variable resistance? Now, I didn’t really know a whole lot. I played rugby in university. So, I knew something about athletics, but really wasn’t an avid lifter or anything like that. I lifted. Never really got much results out of that. I was a pretty average guy. And then, I started reading about Westside Barbell and how they would add bands and chains to some of their lifts. And then there was a great study done by Professor Anderson Cornell athletes. And they divided the athletes into two different groups. One group used less resistance than they would normally use, and then added bands. So, let’s say they had X weight here, and then at extension, let’s say 1.2X or 1.3X. So, hyper-loading the strong range, and offloading the weak range. They grew three times the amount of muscle. I should say strength. I mean, muscle and strength go together. But three times the amount of strength in that given period of time compared to the control group who was just doing their regular training tested pre to post.

Karl Lanore: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, ultimately, I look at both groups were lifting weights. The difference is, one group added bands. And I take that, and this is another thing because people will look at the science of X3 Bar resistance band bar system and go, “Well, it’s not this.” And they pull one sentence out of one study and they don’t know how to read scientific documentation because there’s a reason I have multiple references, because I’m pulling things from different places. So, when you look at my research out of London and you take the two and you kind of cross observe, forget the weight. We need more variance. We need-

Karl Lanore: Yes, it’s actually dynamic loading.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Karl Lanore: And the interesting thing about your device, and it’s actually brilliantly simplistic.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s so simple.

Karl Lanore: Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Karl Lanore: So, I mean, any of us who’s ever … I used to bow hunt, right? I could pull 100 pound recurve, but I could pull 170 pound compound easily, right? Because it breaks, it’s easy to pull here, but then because of the pull ease, it gets to the 140 pounds here. And I’m strong here. I can’t get it to move from here to here if it’s 140 pounds, but I can get it-

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, it’s leveraging your biomechanics.

Karl Lanore: It’s dynamically loading. And this is what you’ve created. You’ve created a device that is so simple, you could put it in a briefcase, you could put it in luggage, you could put it in the drawer. You could travel with it. But it’s so intelligent because you made some modifications to an existing approach, bands, that actually allow you to load. Like, you could squat with this. And we’re going to bring Tim on in a second because he’s been training with it since he’s got his. Mine is being shipped. And so, you get an amazing workout. You get an amazing pump. And you feel the strength increasing, but you never put yourself in harm’s way. And see, this is the big thing for me. I’m going to be 60 in June. I still want to stay strong. But we always talk about, “I want to train smarter.” You want to train smarter? It’s called the X3 Bar variable resistance system, because you can be as strong as you want. But in the weak places where you normally injure yourself, it’s dynamic for you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, the weight drops off where you’re at risk.

Karl Lanore: It’s so beautiful.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then, very quickly, it comes with a 12 week program. I think on week three, I don’t remember, I filmed it a couple of weeks ago. Well, more than 12 weeks ago. So, we get into what’s called diminishing range of fatigue. So, you do however many reps you do. And then you go to fatigue in the strong range. And then you ratchet back and do reps in the mid range, because you can’t get to the strong range anymore because that’s a very high weight.

Karl Lanore: Interesting, interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and then-

Karl Lanore: So you actually take the muscle to several levels of failure.

Dr. John Jaquish: In one set.

Karl Lanore: Yes, in one set. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So, you’re not letting a massive amount of blood into recovering, because the problem with pausing like you do in the board press, you pause and your body immediately starts to recover from that. So, it’s really not as intense an experience as this is. This is absolute fatigue of the muscle in all ranges of motion simultaneously.

Karl Lanore: I love it. I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or in degrading ranges of motion called diminishing range. And the effects … Basically, you need one set per body part. That’s what I did for a year when I prototyped it, because even though I looked at the data, I thought, “This just really seems too good to be true.” I experimented once I got the prototype built. I should say that at first, I was just going to write a book about ultra heavy band training. Like, find somebody that’ll make you bands that’ll hold 200, 300, 400, 500 pounds and train with the bands. The problem is, a band wants to be … It wants to conform, right? So, it stretches and it doesn’t just form a shape of a bar. And so, your wrists get twisted. And your ankles, if you’re dead lifting with a 400 pound band at stretch, your ankles are bending inwards.

Karl Lanore: Hell yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Your ankle does not like lateral force.

Karl Lanore: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, what happens is you have neural inhibition, which instantly starts shutting muscle off. So, when you’re uncomfortable when you’re lifting something, you’re getting a crummy workout or not one at all because muscles are beginning to shut off. And so, within two days of experimenting with these heavy bands, I’m like, “All right, this is not going to work. I’ve got to develop an Olympic bar so I can grab here and grab here when I’m going to do an overhead press where it can rotate.” So, the X3 Bar portable home gym, it’s an Olympic bar, full steel Olympic bar. I coated it in rubber. A lot of people don’t understand it. The whole thing is actually tested the same spec that a rogue Olympic bar is. That’s some significant cost behind it, which people look at it and go, “Why is it so expensive?” It’s an Olympic bar. And then, the bands are not like the goofy little rehab bands that you can find at Walmart, these are hundreds of pounds at extension to deliver, not only are you getting more force, but you’re getting more force at more repetitions.

Karl Lanore: And at appropriate points in the muscle contraction. And this is the interesting thing about it. I want to take a break. And then we’re going to let people in on more about this device and also how they can save themselves some money. This is an exclusive to Superhuman Radio offer that we’re going to give you here, so just stay tuned. We’ll be right back with more. Hey, this is Karl. Start your day just like I do with a high dose lypo-spheric vitamin C from LivOn Labs. You too can benefit from LivOn Labs lypo-spheric delivery system. No more pills or powders, that’s outdated technology. LivOn Labs has the world’s most efficient vitamin delivery system, period. Learn a lot more today at and benefit from their new reduced pricing. That’s L-I-V-O-N Mitochondrial uncoupling is the holy grail of fat loss. Making mitochondria work harder raises body temperature and metabolic rate without the jitters it stimulates. Now there is an over the counter mitochondrial uncoupler that will let you shred your body down to the last pound of body fat. It’s Trojan Horse. This is the supplement breakthrough of the decade. Go to and click the Trojan Horse banner ad. Use coupon code SHR and save 20% off your order today., Trojan Horse.

Karl Lanore: Welcome back. We’re talking with John Jaquish. Did I pronounce it right that time?

Dr. John Jaquish: Jaquish.

Karl Lanore: Jaquish, I’m sorry. I’ll get it right the next time. We’re talking with John Jaquish of Those of you who are listening to the show. This is just the way I felt about PowerBlock Dumbbells and PowerBlock Quick Change Kettle Bells, I feel about this product here. This is a must have for your home gym, absolutely. Superhuman50 when you go to Don’t miss this opportunity because you will come back and buy this product later on after all your friends buy one and go, “This is the greatest workout equipment I’ve ever owned.” So, I want to bring Tim Bruce, who works here at Superhuman Radio on with us for a second because he has actually been training with it now, right Tim?

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Tim Bruce: Right on, Karl. I’ve been using it for going on a week straight. John, let me say right away, you look really lean, man. You’re doing something right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I am. I actually only use the product. I do nothing other than X3 variable resistance exercise system. And I’ll explain … Like, it’s doing a couple of things that regular weight training doesn’t do such a good job at upregulating growth hormone, which allows you to be a lot leaner. Now, of course from a cardiac standpoint, resistance training does amazing things for the cardiovascular system. My lung capacity probably isn’t the same it would be if I were running out, you know? Doing extended cardio. But I do no cardio, I do no weights. And I did that. I was lifting weights. I had 20 years of weight lifting experience. And even though getting my PhD, developing the medical devices, I kind of mindlessly did what everybody else was doing, just didn’t really think about it. I always thought I was relatively fit. But nobody looking at me would be like, “Yeah, that guy definitely works out a lot.” Whereas, after the first year of use of the device, I put on 30 pounds of muscle and I’m leaner. I didn’t check my body fat. Like, I didn’t even think about … Like, I was still busy with medical device stuff. And I still am. I still have that business and speak at medical conferences around the world. But now I’m just completely like a different person. My fraternity brothers, I go back for a reunion, they look at me like, “I didn’t even recognize you walking up.” Like, just … Yeah, totally different. Lean, visible vascularity in my abdominals. I have veins in my abs.

Karl Lanore: So, everybody knows that time under tension is what builds muscle. And the reality is that this device leverages that concept because you can spend more time under tension when the load is dynamically changing for the muscle’s position and strength level.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Karl Lanore: I mean, this is what you were talking about before when you said you go to failure in the strong part. Then you back up and you go to failure in the weaker part.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Time under variable tension.

Karl Lanore: Yes. Because I mean-

Dr. John Jaquish: Far more powerful.

Karl Lanore: You can’t do that with weights, you can’t do it with weights.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can’t.

Karl Lanore: And the other thing that you can’t do with weights that people don’t understand is every single movement you do with weights has a vertical relationship with gravity, which means that when you do barbell curls, right? When you get past around the midpoint, it gets easier. Everybody knows that. You don’t want it to get easier there. You want it to get harder there.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. That’s the way the muscle’s more powerful.

Karl Lanore: Tim, talk about your training with it. So, first of all, what is the maximum weight that you can create squatting with the X3 Bar variable resistance system using the band that’s made for it? And by the way, the band has a platform on the bottom of it, so that you don’t have that thing where the band is wrapping around your feet and trying to pull them off the ground. You’re standing on a platform.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you’ll injure your ankles if you try and do it without. It’s called the ground plate. It’s a polyethylene really thick block with a groove. You want me to show it to you?

Karl Lanore: Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Can you hand me that one? Right there.

Karl Lanore: Look, there it is.

Dr. John Jaquish: So that channel underneath is where the band wraps underneath. So, if you’ve got a stable surface … Thank you for having that.

Tim Bruce: Absolutely. crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Stable surface to stand on.

Tim Bruce: Yes brother, all the way.

Karl Lanore: Tim is texting me videos all day, “Here I am doing curls.”

Dr. John Jaquish: I just saw one on Instagram.

Karl Lanore: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Tim Bruce: That was my 10 year old walked out into the garage this morning because I normally get up at 5:00 AM and go to a regular gym with weights, squat, deadlift, bench press. As you mentioned earlier, I’ve been training for 20 plus years myself.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Tim Bruce: Well, as soon as I read the information you posted, to give just two seconds of background. I found you and your X3 Bar resistance band bar system through Phil Hurnik. We saw a post Phil made talking about this product-

Dr. John Jaquish: Great friend of mine.

Tim Bruce: … Talking about using something unique. And he’s definitely been talking about training at unstable surfaces and anyone who knows who Phil is knows he’s a former IFBB pro body builder, Mr. USA and the works. So, when a guy like that says, “I’m very interested in a product,” I went, “Okay, I need to pay attention.” So, that’s when I found you and I found the science you were talking about on your website. That was the first thing I started reading on because that’s what interests me the most, other than somebody saying, “Hey, I tried a product. I used something new.” I want to know about the science. And I know the Superhuman Radio audience wants to know about the science. So, that’s the first thing I saw. But to fast forward to my training today. I did the pull day today solely on the X3 Bar fitness band bar system, where a normal pull day for me would be conventional deadlifts either with a barbell or a trap bar and heavy barbell rows and heavy dumbbell rows. And then I would throw in some kind of machine movement towards the end. Well, we all know the limitations of using barbells. So, today, I deadlifted with the X3 workout bar system. And then moved onto barbell rows. And then I actually did a modified shrug version. And I showed … My 10 year old recorded a video of me doing a standard curl with this amazing tool, like you said. It is a legitimate … This is a real barbell, people.

Karl Lanore: Yeah, so it’s an Olympic Bar.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Tim Bruce: This is an Olympic Bar with a rubber coating. This thing is heavy. It could be used as a weapon, if need be.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, the TSA actually doesn’t like it. You need to check your bag when you travel with it.

Karl Lanore: Really?

Tim Bruce: I imagine.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a 15 pound bar.

Tim Bruce: But the fatigue Karl was talking about with a barbell curl, you use this piece of exercise science is what I’ve been telling people on social media. They keep sending me messages because they saw a couple of brief posts I made on Instagram, and they’re blowing up my inbox asking, “What is this?” It’s exercise science meets practicality through a piece of home gym equipment that you can store under your bed, or like you said, John, put in your luggage. Well, the video I posted today was me shorting out on a set of barbell curls with the X3 Bar portable home gym.

Karl Lanore: Now, let me ask you a question. Wait a second. So, when you go to the gym and barbell curl, what do you usually end up your last set? What’s on the bar?

Tim Bruce: Heaviest set? 150, 125.

Karl Lanore: Okay. And at 125, how many reps do you usually do?

Tim Bruce: Three to four, trying not to use what most guys see as the power curl, you know what I mean?

Karl Lanore: Yeah, the cheat curl.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk the body.

Karl Lanore: Yeah, curling with your lower-

Tim Bruce: What if I’m doing-

Karl Lanore: They curl with their lower back.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Tim Bruce: Right, you usually leave with a sore back.

Karl Lanore: What band did you use on the X3 Bar resistance band bar system this morning?

Tim Bruce: I used the green one right here. This is the color I used.

Karl Lanore: Okay. The green bar. The green one.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s important to point out that those things are almost as thick as your pinky finger.

Karl Lanore: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk.

Tim Bruce: The very first thing I noticed was the thickness of these straps. I purchased multiple pairs before to use for squats and deadlifts to add that variable resistance to a barbell because we all understood there’s a limiting factor with free weights. Once you get to any point where the joint locks out, the weight’s not longer doing you any good. It’s actually harmful at that point. So, when I saw this, I was amazed at how thick this was. There’s no way … If you wear this thing out, you’re the Hulk.

Karl Lanore: So, how many reps did you end up doing with that green band this morning?

Tim Bruce: Man, I honestly don’t know. I have no idea.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s on Instagram. You got like eight. But you did some diminishing range.

Tim Bruce: And I kept going. I actually kept going to where I couldn’t complete, like John recommended with the one set philosophy to fatigue the muscle for the full range. And when you no longer can finish the movement in your strongest range of motion-

Dr. John Jaquish: You shorten the range, right.

Tim Bruce: Shorten the range. So, my son didn’t get that part of the video because he was doing it with … I don’t know what he did, if he just took his finger off or not. But I kept going until I wasn’t moving the barbell more than a few inches. That one set was it. I didn’t want to do anymore, nor would I be able to.

Karl Lanore: John, how heavy is the heaviest band? Give me an idea of the bands that come with the basic kit.

Dr. John Jaquish: It changes, basically how tall you are. Like, Tony Robbins uses it, but he’s six foot seven. So, he’ll use a lighter band than I will just because just even another inch of stretch can add another 75 pounds. So, you’d do some trial and error and figure out which band is right for which movement. But you do that on day one. And then, as you get stronger, you can graduate to the heavier bands. But I’m six feet tall. You can get to, in a chest press, 275 pounds at extension. The best part is, a lot of guys, 275 may be their one rep maximum. I’m talking in generalities because I know there’s-

Karl Lanore: Yeah, the average person.

Dr. John Jaquish: … 100 posts with people bragging about what they bench, which is great for them. But ultimately, that 275 pounds, you may be able to get to for 15 repetitions.

Tim Bruce: Exactly.

Karl Lanore: Because of the dynamic variation. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, there’s not a lot of people that are doing-

Karl Lanore: 15 reps with 275, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Right. And then, they’re also protecting their joints, so they can safely get to that. Then they start doing shorter range, right? So, they may only be holding 200 in the diminished range. And then they can’t get to that place anymore. And then they’re holding 100 and doing really short weaker range repetitions, but it’s absolute complete fatigue of the muscle in one experience. And speaking generally about human adaptation, the greater amount of work we can ram into a shorter period of time, the greater the change. So, that’s another principle that’s just coming together in this, where it’s higher loading, more repetitions, you’re not limited by discomfort in joints. You don’t even have any discomfort. And then all of that work rammed into a very tiny period of time. That’s why this thing grows muscle three times faster.

Karl Lanore: You know what? You’ve got to let go of your ego for a second. And this is … I’m speaking to myself too. We all pay attention to the numbers on the plates. But the reality is at the end of the day, we want results. We want to get stronger, we want to look stronger. We want to have bigger muscles. So, if someone says, “You can do it three times faster using this,” why wouldn’t you? Why wouldn’t you take advantage of this X3 Bar variable resistance system? The number three, And again, everybody needs home gym equipment. Well, you know what? This product you can squat, you can deadlift, you can press. You can overhead press, you can curl, you can bend over row. You can do everything you need to do that you would do at the gym with this. And then fold everything up and throw it into the drawer and come back tomorrow. So, what about the … You know what? I got to take a break. I want to ask you about the weight in the squat and the deadlift and how that works too, because I saw the green … The orange band is the really thick one, right? Is the orange one the really, really thick one?

Dr. John Jaquish: The colors change. In fact, pretty soon all of them will be different shades of gray in black to white.

Karl Lanore: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, so don’t key in on the color. And they have the emblem of the company on the band now. But they’re the same bands, just different colors. So, it’ll be the darkest black will be the heaviest one that comes with it. And then we’re also making an elite band, which should be about a 500 pound bench press, I’m projecting based on-

Tim Bruce: Awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And that’s-

Karl Lanore: I love this.

Dr. John Jaquish: I gave a prototype of that band to Cedric McMillan who is using it. Like, four repetitions he could do at extension, and then he would do three more with diminishing range and wiped out. Like, “I can’t touch a weight anymore for the rest of the day in this movement.” Like, I’ve never got-

Karl Lanore: You know what?

Dr. John Jaquish: He said to me, “I’ve never had one set that wiped me like that.”

Karl Lanore: I have a feeling that X3 Bar is going to change the way we train and the way we think of training. I really, really do. I believe in this product. I believe in it, and you know what? I can’t wait to get mine, and I can’t wait to start because I got a nice home gym. I have a sauna, I have an elliptical machine. I have a nice home gym. This is going to complete it because one of the things I can’t do in my home gym is squat. I don’t have a squat rack or a Smith machine. I want to talk about the squat when we come back. Stay tuned. You’re listening to Superhuman Radio.

Karl Lanore: Hey, this is Karl. Start your day just like I do with a high dose lypo-spheric vitamin C from LivOn Labs. You too can benefit from LivOn Labs lypo-spheric delivery system. No more pills or powders, that’s outdated technology. LivOn Labs has the world’s most efficient vitamin delivery system, period. Learn a lot more today at livonlabs .com and benefit from their new reduced pricing. That’s livonlabs .com. L-I-V-O-N labs .com.

Karl Lanore: Welcome back to Superhuman Radio. We’re talking about a piece of workout equipment that I predict will become a standard. Even if you go to the gym and train, I predict you’re going to want it and you’ll want to work it in. Got a lot of people doing body weight exercises today. Forget about body weight, use this. This is an amazing device. It’s called the X3 Bar variable resistance system. The letter X and the number three, B-A-R .com is the website. We’re talking with John Jaquish and Tim Bruce who works here at Superhuman Radio. By the way, if you want to advertise on Superhuman Radio, get in touch with Tim Bruce, he’ll hook you up. But anyway, if you go to So, talk about, everybody likes to squat heavy. Everybody wants to squat heavy. How heavy can I get with the X3 Bar fitness band bar system? I’m a six foot guy. What band do I use and how heavy can I get?

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: You’d be doing 275, maybe 300 at the top.

Karl Lanore: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And it’ll diminish at the bottom. So, the best part is normally the last squat people do is kind of just a strong range squat, right? Like, the last one they do, they don’t want to get into the weak range because they may collapse.

Karl Lanore: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, so it’s everybody’s a hero getting their femur parallel to the ground in the first couple of repetitions. And in the later repetitions, they don’t do that. And for good reason, you could totally injure something, whether it’s a patella tendon or you just drop to the ground and hurt your back, your neck, twist your elbow or shoulder, whatever. A lot of shoulder injuries are as a result of heavy squatting.

Karl Lanore: Yeah, I know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So, here it’s the opposite. The last few repetitions you do are close to the ground because you can’t get up anymore. But you can stay low because you may be handling your body weight plus 50 pounds.

Karl Lanore: Can I double band it? Can you use two bands? Or I won’t even be able to move it?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, you can use two bands for sure. Yeah, there’s guys who do that.

Karl Lanore: Okay, so when you say 275, are we talking about just one band as being-

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s just the heavier band, yeah.

Karl Lanore: So, theoretically, I could take the heavier band and the lighter band and put them on the bar and squat more than 275.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. Try it with the heavy band first.

Tim Bruce: The first thing you’re going to notice is how quickly you fatigue because … John hasn’t covered this yet, and I want him to talk about this a little bit, is in the example you’re doing a front squat. So, on leg day, on push day, the way John has the program set up on the website, it’s chest, shoulders, triceps. One set, all out, very quick, very concise, the muscles completely fatigued. You don’t want to do anymore. So, then you move onto the front squat. Getting into the front squat position, at first, to be honest, I thought it looked awkward until I did it and went, “Oh, that was easy.” Really, I mean, it’s like the first time you try it, you’re in the position. And that’s because the bands are lighter at the bottom. But how quickly you fatigue because you feel the platform isn’t a … You’re not on a squat platform that doesn’t have any movement at all. When you’re front squatting with high tension, you feel a little bit of motion. That causes even more fatigue. I found myself fatiguing very fast doing front squats, and I’m a guy who can front squat 275 after two cups of coffee in the morning, walk out into my garage and just make it happen. I couldn’t believe how fast I fatigued front squatting. And what I noticed, one of the best benefits of this unit is there’s no fear. Fear’s always this-

Karl Lanore: Yeah, you don’t have to worry about dropping it. Yeah, you don’t have to worry about embarrassing yourself dropping the bar, falling backwards, getting hit by the bar. Yeah, really. Interesting.

Tim Bruce: Do you know why, Karl? Because what happens to all of us? You wrap the bar. You get to that level of fatigue where anyone who’s trained for a significant amount of time, you know you’re running down the path for two or three more reps. You don’t know if today’s that day where you’re going to fail. Nobody wants to crash into a rack in the squat rack with several hundred pounds across your shoulders over in the back squat. Nobody wants to do it. So, most people will stop. But with the X3 Bar variable resistance system, you know all you have to do is not stand up as high, start doing three quarter squats and then half squats, and then quarter squats. You fatigue out to a point where I wasn’t even thinking about standing up and doing another rep. I literally just sat on the ground next to my unit and my 10 year old was laughing at me. He’s like, “You look really tired, dad.” I said, “That was awesome.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Well, hey, the reason we lift 99% of us is because we want to be as strong as possible. It’s not because we want to be good at exercise. It’s not because … Like, I mean, guess what? Somebody can Instagram what their personal best for really shitty pull-ups is, you know? Whatever. That doesn’t mean you’re healthier or stronger. It just means you put that on Instagram. So, ultimately, we want to be as strong as possible. So, if that’s our goal, let’s take a look at the physiology. Let’s take a look at some of the scientific research and apply really some simple principles that have just been missed. And we can grow more muscle, we can be stronger and we can be safer. Now, another thing I want to point out is the bone density medical device, I developed that to treat my mother’s osteoporosis. That was my inspiration. She now has a bone density of a 30 year old, she’s 81.

Karl Lanore: God bless her.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Tim Bruce: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, she had me at-

Karl Lanore: So how does-

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m 40 years old.

Karl Lanore: She had you at what?

Dr. John Jaquish: She had me at 40.

Karl Lanore: Wow, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, she had me way later in life. My mother … I mean, Tim, you’ve used the device. My mother deadlifts with the second to heaviest band.

Tim Bruce: That’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: For reps. Yeah.

Tim Bruce: That’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s like maybe 180 … She’s a little shorter, 180 pounds at the top. She’s 81 years old. So, you think she has any movement problems? No.

Karl Lanore: So, using the X3 variable resistance exercise system and comparing it to the quantitative loading required to increase bone mass, can you do it using the X3 Bar variable resistance system?

Dr. John Jaquish: To trigger bone growth, really no. You need that medical device at OsteoStrong locations.

Karl Lanore: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And there’s a huge athletic benefit to that too. Ultimately, the more powerful bone density you have, the more muscle you can hold.

Karl Lanore: Yes, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean, it’s the chassis of the engine.

Karl Lanore: Yes, I was just going to say the chassis. Yes. So, anybody who’s ever built a hot rod knows that if you drop an 800 horsepower engine in a car that has a flexible chassis, after the first hole shot, the whole car bends. It does, it bends.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, every once in a while, somebody will put a video on YouTube where they take a Chevy V8 and put it in a Honda Civic, and it’ll actually just bend the frame of the vehicle, destroy the vehicle, right. A Formula One chassis looks very different than an economy car chassis for a reason. And we all want the Formula One chassis. We want to be as powerful as possible. And so, triggering that bone growth requires very high forces in very, very select places. And that device … Going to OsteoStrong’s not expensive. It’s like $150 or $200 a month and you can grow an incredible amount of bone density, very, very high performance level of bone-

Karl Lanore: I can see athletes using that because in fact, there’s good evidence, and you probably know this because this is your wheelhouse. But there’s good evidence that muscle and bone talk to each other. And bone upregulates density as muscles get stronger. And muscles won’t get stronger until bone mineral density upregulates because there’s a feedback loop between the two. The body doesn’t want to snap a bone.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Right. Ultimately, you can’t squeeze your own fist hard enough to break your own finger.

Karl Lanore: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s called neural inhibition, right? Your body will shut your muscles off before you’re able to create a fracture. Now, if you have weak bone mass, you’re not going to be able to engage muscle, which also means you can’t grow it. There’s probably quite a few people on the call that can maybe trigger their own bone growth. But my question would be, why when there’s OsteoStrong out there? Because again, you can safely load and it’s … Like, elderly people have been building bone density very easily with this. And so, an athlete can go in there and really up their potential of what they can hold on the frame.

Karl Lanore: So, Tim, I know that you were skeptical when we first started looking at it. You said you really wanted to try it.

Tim Bruce: Yeah.

Karl Lanore: So, tell the audience what you feel about the product right now.

Tim Bruce: I’m skeptical of everything I see that comes out that’s new. Karl’s right. Everyone’s always trying to reinvent the wheel. And as hindsight, you look back at what’s come out and especially in the fitness industry in the last 25 years, the majority of these machines show up in rummage sales, in garage sales. But I saw the science, like I said earlier, that John had thrown out at us. And I definitely wanted to try this for myself to prove it and say, “Okay, if I do an entire workout with bands with an Olympic bar, can it give me that feel and the results that honestly John was talking about on his website?” And I went through and watched his tutorial videos and I went through the science section. I’ve now trained two full pull days with just the X3 Bar resistance band bar system. I’ve done two full push days with the X3 Bar portable home gym. And I can tell you as somebody who’s been an Iron Warrior for the past … Well, I’m 43 years old right now. I tore a pec bench pressing 330 pounds and I’ve got all the ridiculous injuries that most guys get, unfortunately. This thing is the real deal. The X3 Bar exercise band bar system is not something that you’re going to go on Amazon Prime and say, “I want to try that. Where’s that new 49.99-

Karl Lanore: Shake weight? Remember the shake weight? It’s not the shake weight.

Dr. John Jaquish: We actually didn’t put it on Amazon for that reason because then it just gets lumped in with junk.

Tim Bruce: Right because people do a Google search.

Dr. John Jaquish: Home fitness has a … It just seems to be to me that a lot of home fitness products are just garbage. And they’re designed to be garbage because I think they’re sort of an afterthought. Like, the people who really aren’t committed to fitness, they go on Amazon and they Google like muscle or health or fitness or something like that. And they go, “Hey, that’s $29, I’ll get that.” And the truth is, they may be pleasing themselves in the moment, but they know that you’re not going to get anything of any worth at whatever, $20, $50, even like $100. Yeah. And there’s select dumbbells that go up to, I think 75 pounds or something like that. You could do a lot with a set of dumbbells, but this is something completely different.

Karl Lanore: No doubt about it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Take somebody and you can get … I’ve seen my own progress and I’m kind of patting myself on the back here, which I usually do. But I feel, look, and have the performance of a world class athlete. And I got there at 41 years old.

Karl Lanore: Using this?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I wasn’t fit before this. You can see my pictures on the website. So, that right there is amazing. And there’s actually people now that I’m hearing from that are gaining muscle faster than I did. Guys in their 30s who say they … There’s a guy in Spain who over 12 weeks, he’s put on 12 pounds of muscle. He said, “I’m actually gaining.” He’s doing like an in body test and testing his body fat. He says he’s been putting on a pound of muscle per week. And that blows my mind. Like I-

Tim Bruce: That’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Way faster than me.

Karl Lanore: So, you do ship internationally with the product?

Dr. John Jaquish: Europe. There’s European distributors, an Australian distributor, there’s a Canadian distributor.

Karl Lanore: So, if somebody in my audience lives in the UK and they come, they hear the podcast or they watch the Facebook and they go to your website, they want to order it, you can help them obtain one?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Karl Lanore: Okay, because we have … What about Israel? I know somebody who’s going to want this, Emit Ram.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, we’re looking for the right international distributors in certain places. I get calls from people who are just like big fans.

Karl Lanore: What about Hungary? I know a guy in Hungary that wants to pick up stuff like this all the time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Send him my email address.

Karl Lanore: I will do that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Would love to have that discussion for sure.

Karl Lanore: I will do that. I want to take our last commercial break. And when we come back, I would like to see if I can get John to … I know that you have a unit there and you can kind of aim your camera, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: For sure.

Karl Lanore: So, maybe we’ll get you to do a couple things so people have a better idea of what this is all about. But before we do that, I want to mention that you will not see me at Whole Foods anymore now that I have the Thrive Market app. I can buy all the stuff I used to buy at Whole Foods at half the price using Thrive Market. And we have a special promotion right now, which is $60 in free organic products and free shipping. If you go to and click the Thrive Market banner ad, you can take advantage of this. This is exclusive for the Superhuman Radio audience. Don’t waste money when you can save it and you can order from your phone in five minutes and have it show up on your doorstep. Two commodities, money and time that you will save if you use the Thrive Market app and take advantage of their special offer. We’ll be right back with more Superhuman Radio.

Karl Lanore: I really didn’t know what all the excitement about was when people started talking about CBD oil until this company came along, H Hemp. I’ve been using CBD oil in the past, and I couldn’t see what the big deal was because it didn’t make my pain go away. I’m going to be 60 years old. I’ve got torn muscles, I’ve got mutilated from not using the X3 Bar resistance band bar system all these years. And I’ve finally found something that actually works. And you can save 20% off by using the coupon code SHR. You can go to and check out this water soluble hemp product, full spectrum. It will work for you as well. So, on that note, can we get a little demonstration here, you think?

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. All right.

Karl Lanore: The website is And the complete workout plan is available on the website They’ve got an online 12 week program that’s guaranteed to add strength and muscle. And if that’s your goal at the end of the day, do you really care that you’re not using 45 pound plates? I don’t think so. I don’t think so at all.

Dr. John Jaquish: You know, people can also continue to test their strength and add lifts too. There are people that bring their X3 portable gym to the gym. So, they do their regular weight workout and then do the finishing set to make it stimulate everything.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Karl Lanore: Wow, that would be insane. Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, there’s definitely people who do that. So, it’s not either/or necessarily. Like, for a lot of people, it’s a tool. And they can apply that tool in their way. Like, I talked to some crossfit people who, they thought I was suggesting that Olympic lifting doesn’t work anymore. And I’m like, “Yeah, absolutely not.” And if you’re competing in the sport of an Olympic lift, you’ve got to do that. There’s a neural pattern, right? Like, you fire muscles in a certain order to get that job done and you’ve got to keep reinforcing that. But if you want to build muscle also, use them both.

Karl Lanore: And this is a great point. And you mentioned Louie Simmons’ Westside Barbell. But nowadays, any serious competitive power lifter is using bands and chains. So, there’s a reason for that because they understand that dynamically loading the muscle works. So, this is great. So, if you’re a crossfitter, keep crossfitting. But start using this to get stronger as well.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Right.

Karl Lanore: I love it. I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, here’s my gym. This is my living room.

Karl Lanore: I like the tattooed girl on the wall.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah.

Karl Lanore: I saw that. I saw that. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s crosstalk right there.

Karl Lanore: I like that. That’s nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s actually drawn on her back. It’s the map to the banks they’re going to rob.

Karl Lanore: How funny. That’s cool. That’s very cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: See that right there?

Karl Lanore: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s Michael Caine when he was 23.

Karl Lanore: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: And I ended up rebuilding this thing in Photoshop because I took a picture of it when I was in London. It’s like an old movie poster from the original Italian Job.

Karl Lanore: I’ll be damned.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I updated it a little bit. The girl used to be wearing clothes, I took them off of her.

Karl Lanore: Good, good. Good move. I love your creativity.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk a lot of that woman and then had to rebuild Michael Caine. But it’s a great … You know, it’s like six feet by six feet.

Karl Lanore: Beautiful. Beautiful.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. But here, check out my gym. It’s right here.

Karl Lanore: How cool is this? Tim, how cool is this.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m going to set my-

Tim Bruce: That’s what I was telling you about. I was like, “We could literally put this in a small bag and put it anywhere in your home.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Tim Bruce: Take it on the road.

Karl Lanore: No more excuses, train anywhere. Train anywhere.

Dr. John Jaquish: I want to make sure you can get me here. All right, so you see the open drawer?

Karl Lanore: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: How about my chest press?

Karl Lanore: Okay.

Tim Bruce: Right on.

Dr. John Jaquish: That work?

Karl Lanore: Yes.

Tim Bruce: Yeah, absolutely.

Karl Lanore: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. This is the heavy band. I want to show you, here’s the thickness of the band. And you can see my pinky. And in a chest press, you double it over. It’s actually thicker than my pinky finger.

Karl Lanore: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Solid. And this isn’t molded rubber, it’s layered latex. So, very, very powerful. So, hook it onto the band like this on both sides. So, the setup for the chest press, going to throw it around one shoulder, get it crosswise across my body, drop it over. So, I line it up between the deltoid and the tricep.

Karl Lanore: Yep, I see that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Between here and right here. Yeah. And then push away. I don’t lock out at the top. I keep a slight bend. So, more like inaudible style chest press reps. Don’t lock the joint to keep constant tension on the muscle. I pause for a couple of seconds at the top.

Karl Lanore: That is so cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And like I said, from the load testing I’ve done, it’s around 275 pounds at the top. See now, it’s already getting difficult to get to the top. So now-

Karl Lanore: You shorten it up.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m going to do mid range.

Karl Lanore: Dude, I can see your triceps are popped out from the beginning, from when you first started doing it. I can see them rounding out. That’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. And the blood flow and actually I have bad lighting in here. Yeah, for sure. Tricep pushdowns for those that want to do more isolated work. Ultimately body building style training. I had a couple of crossfitters say, “Why would you do direct tricep work?” And it’s like, “Why would you not?”

Karl Lanore: Maybe that’s your weak spot, you know?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, it could be. Or you actually care about your tricep look.

Karl Lanore: Yeah. Right.

Tim Bruce: Right, the simplest answer of all.

Karl Lanore: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Like, when I talk to females about this, really important. Women that have … There’s a lot of women who are not overweight who have cellulite showing in the back of their leg, right?

Karl Lanore: Yes, and the back of their arms.

Dr. John Jaquish: “How the hell do I get of that skin?” Well, the answer is grow your hamstrings. If the hamstrings grow a little bit, they push out. And instantly, that skin doesn’t look loose anymore because the muscle underneath has actually developed the way it should be. But women will do quadriceps work, but they won’t work their hamstrings like in a deadlift because it’s dangerous. They don’t want to get hurt. But here, they can get the benefits. So, there’s the women that have bought the product and started to do that deadlift, instantly I had the comment, “My cottage cheese has gone.” And for women, that’s like life changing. They can wear shorter shorts now, right?

Tim Bruce: Right on.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, triceps. Notice the band’s around my trapezius muscles, not around my neck. Yeah.

Karl Lanore: That’s it.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s all we’re going to do.

Karl Lanore: That’s doing a double with 275, basically, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Karl Lanore: That’s impressive. That is impressive.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It is absolutely fantastic. Now, with the ground plate, I can hook it onto the ground plate and that’s when I do a squat where I hold the bar up here. That’s harder to show on the camera.

Karl Lanore: Yeah, no. You could do … So, you could do a zurture, you could do a front squat, or if you wanted to get into position, you could do a back squat with it.

Dr. John Jaquish: I wouldn’t recommend it. Ultimately, we are a statical like front loading. Now, the advanced programming for the legs, I had people doing one legged squats, which is a different thing. I don’t really harp on this in the marketing of the product. But we humans … Like, sometimes I’ll go to a physical therapy conference and I’ll say, “A squat’s functional. Raise your hand if you think it is.” And of course, the whole room raises their hand. And I say, “You guys must work with kangaroos because people walk one leg at a time.”

Karl Lanore: Yeah, we live our lives one foot at a time, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, because you’d lose your balance. Are you firmly planted with both feet? Probably not.

Karl Lanore: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you want to be more stable as a rugby player, doesn’t it make more sense to start training on one leg at a time? Because that’s where you need to perform. The only time you use two legs is when you stop or bracing for impact. So, I had people switch to a one leg split squat. So, you get more weight through the one leg. But also, think of the resources of the body. When you’re pumping blood and using ATP, glycogen, creatine, phosphate, plus your central nervous system to focus on our muscle group, think of the resources that your quadriceps and your glutes draw. Tremendous, right?

Karl Lanore: Right.

Tim Bruce: Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Why not just cut that in half and only focus on one side at a time? Now you’ve got double the amount of resources going there.

Karl Lanore: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, the advanced leg routine, you focus on the one at a time.

Karl Lanore: That’s brilliant. That’s brilliant.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Karl Lanore: Those of you who are watching this Facebook live right now, you’re looking at the X3 Bar exercise band bar system Band.

Dr. John Jaquish: Bar.

Karl Lanore: And we have a special-

Dr. John Jaquish: X3 Bar resistance band bar system.

Karl Lanore: Yes, that’s the bar. This is quite possibly the greatest, simplest, most well thought out piece of gym equipment. And I don’t even want to say home gym equipment, because those of you who travel on business, take it with you. We just talked about this a couple months ago about people using the furniture in their hotel rooms to get a good workout. It’s like, dude, take this with you, man. You can do everything, push, pull, squat, deadlift, everything with this thing. It’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, interesting you bring that up. A number of gyms have actually bought 10 of them at a time.

Karl Lanore: And resold them?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Karl Lanore: They’re using them in the gym?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You check it out at the front counter, like you check out a pool cue and the balls for the billiards table.

Karl Lanore: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. You can-

Tim Bruce: That’s very cool. I wonder-

Dr. John Jaquish: So somebody that looks at that and goes, “Geez, I don’t have $550.” Well, I bet your gym does. So, get them to get it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, another thing I try and get people to understand, obviously I have a biased opinion, I’m the inventor. But it also totally changed my life. I’m so strong, so athletic, and my workout’s 10 minutes a day. I tell people when they look at that and they go, “God, it’s a lot of money.” I would argue that it’s double the capacity of a box flex. It’s one third the price of a bow flex, which is the most successful home gym. And it fits in a drawer. It’s also made in America. So, I wouldn’t say it’s expensive at all. I’d say it’s a hell of a deal. But let me ask you a different question. What would you invest to get 20 pounds of muscle?

Karl Lanore: Yeah, really. Really. People pay that much for supplements. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Most people would be like, “Yeah, I’d pay like $5,000 for that.” Right, exactly. There you go. So, see it that way. It’s not like I could get a gym membership instead of doing this and it would be a better deal.

Karl Lanore: No, it won’t be a better deal because this is-

Dr. John Jaquish: No, it won’t. You’re not going to get the same thing.

Karl Lanore: Right, you’re not going to get the same results out of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Karl Lanore: And you know what else? So, PowerBlock has been a sponsor on this show over the years. And their 5-50 pound quick change dumbbells are 300 and something dollars. And all you can do is dumbbell work with them. And people love them. People buy them all the time for their home gym.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Karl Lanore: I mean, when you look at this and the sheer number of movements you can do with this and muscle groups you can train with it, and also train it in a way that you can’t do with regular conventional weights, it’s not expensive at all. And if you’re not spending some money on home gym equipment, you’re missing out because I train at … I had to train at home this morning because I had to come into the studio early, you know? It’s like, I did a workout. I got it done. I couldn’t go to the gym this morning. I mean, that luxury of being able to use a piece of equipment like that anywhere in your living room, you know? In your garage, outside if it’s sunny out. People spend that much money on coffee at Starbucks over the course of six months and not blink an eye.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Karl Lanore: So, it’s not expensive.

Dr. John Jaquish: I know a guy who bought one for his office, bought one for his home, and keeps one in the trunk of his car.

Tim Bruce: I could see doing that.

Dr. John Jaquish: He’s a medical sales guy and he is just like, “I am never going to be without my workout.” I know another guy, the guy that’s putting on a pound of muscle a week, he’s in Spain. He travels all over the place. Just the guy’s never in one spot at a time. And he has this series of videos where he does his X3 Bar variable resistance system workout at various petrol stations, at the gas station.

Karl Lanore: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Stops at the gas station and his wife films him doing his workout and he’s just sort of chronicling what he’s doing. Like, “Today is I’m doing chest, shoulders, triceps, and squats,” you know? Just goes through the whole workout, gets back in his car and he’s on with the rest of his day.

Karl Lanore: Tim, you were going to say something?

Tim Bruce: I’ve got lots of thoughts in my head right now. Something I want John to talk about quick, if he has time, is you’re doing some work with the military. You’ve done some training with special forces guys. I don’t know how much you can talk about.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I was specifically asked not to give unit numbers.

Tim Bruce: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: But yeah, some of the people that have purchased the units are US Military, Special Forces, and law enforcement, specifically SWAT groups in the San Francisco Bay area are utilizing it and just developing tremendous gains. Ultimately, these are two groups of people who I think people ought to pay attention to when it comes to physical performance because the people who employ them, US Special Forces and SWAT guys invest significant amount of money in training them, which means they don’t want them to get hurt. So, for example, this specific SWAT group I’m talking about, you’re removed from the group if they catch you doing crossfit.

Karl Lanore: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, because of the injury potential. That’s not saying crosstalk.

Karl Lanore: Nate Morrison will be happy to hear that, right, Tim?

Tim Bruce: Absolutely. Nate’ll love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, if you want to be part of that unit, you can’t do crossfit. So, what do they do? They are using X3 Bar because they’re going to grow more muscle, they’re going to be stronger. Now, here’s something interesting. The difference when it comes to the special forces guys that I’ve worked with, they’re really interested in … They’re all about the performance and they want to use the movements that are going to help them be better at their jobs, whether it’s hustling equipment, getting places without getting as tired, just very, very specific stuff. So, there’s a … like, the deadlift they’re really excited about. They’re really excited about squat, really excited about the chest press. They’re not so much into bicep curls. They do them because they want to look good. But what’s interesting about SWAT is they want to look intimidating.

Karl Lanore: Yeah, I can see that.

Dr. John Jaquish: If they’re at some-

Karl Lanore: Yeah, that’s a factor. That’s a factor in a guy deciding what to do. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: … protestor, angry mob kind of they look at a bigger stronger police officer and they think, “You know what? I’m not going to mess with that guy.”

Karl Lanore: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or girl. Yeah.

Karl Lanore: And do you know what I was just thinking about? I was just thinking about football players, right. So, football players, they’re told not to bench press too heavy, not to deadlift too heavy because they could destroy their careers doing this. This is a great product for any athlete, hockey player, baseball player, football player, even basketball player where the risk involved in training needs to be virtually zero. And we talk about the safety factor, that’s exactly what this product will do. It’ll allow you to train as hard as your muscles can at every stage of the movement and minimize any risk of injury.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Karl Lanore: What about guarantees, warranties on the bands? I mean, if somebody has a band and it snaps? I mean, obviously that shouldn’t happen unless you’re-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, if there’s a true manufacturing defect, we’ll replace it. What sometimes people do is they misuse it or they don’t line it up with the channel and it goes over the top of the hook and the hook punches a hole in the band. Well, yeah, I mean, hey, if you crash your car, you can’t take it back and say, “Give me a new one,” right?

Tim Bruce: Understandable. Understandable.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s replacement bands available by a couple of suppliers that work directly with the factory that we work with. And we will have replacements available on our website eventually. Right now, they’re not. But we’ll hook you up if you screw up a band. Yeah, not a problem.

Karl Lanore: So, the website is X, the letter X, the number three. What I predict is going to be hailed in the upcoming years as one of the best pieces of workout equipment you can buy. I love it and I am just jealous that Tim has his already. That’s all I’m saying.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Tim Bruce: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yours is on the way.

Karl Lanore: Mine is on the way. Listen, I want to thank you for being on the show today. I applaud you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

Karl Lanore: I think you’re brilliant for producing this product. I really do.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks. Awesome, guys.

Tim Bruce: Thanks, John.

Karl Lanore: And thanks for making time, Tim, to come on and help us out here today. And we will see everybody tomorrow with more Superhuman Radio. Don’t forget, tomorrow is Military Fitness Radio. And I’m sure Nate Morrison is going to have something equally exciting to talk about. We’ll see you then.

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