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Dr. John Jaquish discusses the X3 Bar with Nate Peterman of the Roots of Success podcast. Dr. Jaquish explains how X3 works and explains the basis for his new book, Weightlifting Is a Waste of Time.
On this podcast I talk to Dr. John Jaquish, the inventor of Osteostrong which is a device used to increase bone density, posture, balance, and human performance.
Dr. John Jaquish, the inventor of X3Bar, runs a lot of educational content on his personal and company accounts. He says, “There is a lot more mis-information in fitness on social media and even in articles, than scientifically validated information. We are trying to present real research and couple that with common sense explanations and advice that can be applied directly to your workout and it's helping people achieve massive fitness transformations.”
10 Minutes a day, no weights, no cardio with ridiculous results. Research scientist and inventor Dr. John Jaquish joins us to explain the astonishing results I've been getting with X3 band workouts. Bigger muscles, increased GH and simply the most effective workout system I've ever experienced.
The founder of OsteoStrong, Dr. John Jaquish joined us live to tell us all about Osteostrong and their new location in LA. OsteoStrong is not a gym, diet, supplement, pharmaceutical, or a medical treatment. OsteoStrong is a unique place where you can go to improve your overall health by focusing on the one thing we all have in common: a skeletal system. In just ten minutes a week, the patented OsteoStrong equipment strengthens the foundation of your body by improving bone density for better posture, balance and athletic performance with reduced joint and back pain.
This week, we welcome Dr. John Jaquish to the show to discuss his revolutionary strength training tool: the X3 Bar. Providing a full body workout, Dr. Jaquish’s invention is an incredibly portable variable resistance tool. We discuss his background, the X3 Bar’s development, and the science behind his work.
Dr. John Jaquish, the creator of Osteostrong and the X3 Bar variable resistance system, blows our minds with the facts about bone loss and bone density, the hype about weight lifting and the magic of resistance training.