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By Playing to Win on August 16, 2021

PTW # 43 - Building Muscle Faster With Rubber Bands

PTW # 43 - Building Muscle Faster With Rubber Bands

Dr. John Jaquish has spent years researching and developing, improved approaches to health. Inventor of the X3, a technology that is proven to develop muscle much faster than conventional weight lifting, with all the lowest risks of joint injury. Dr. Jaquish methods are used in training and the world’s most elite athletes and associations with the entire Miami Heat organization, various NFL and NBA players, as well as Olympians.

Full Transcript

Rich Cooper: All right guys, what’s up. We’re live, episode number 43 of the “Playing To Win Series,” playlist on my channel. I’m joined today by what turned out to be a fan of my book and my channel, Dr. John, and I hope I pronounce your last name, right? Jaquish, or…

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes, pretty close. Jaquish, like Jaquish. Yeah.

Rich Cooper: Got it. Jaquish. Okay. So, we’re talking about something a little bit unconventional today, which is cool, because I like unconventional stuff. And as you guys know, it’s kind of what I like to lean into, is to ask questions and say, “Hey, is this the way that it needs to be? Are there better ways to do this?” So I came across John, I think you DM me on Instagram, was it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You shot me a DM after you read my book. And I was like, “Who is this guy with a million followers and a blue checkmark talking to me about my book, that’s new.”

But let me give you a quick intro to who John is. So Dr. John Jaquish has spent years researching and developing, improved approaches to health. Inventor of the X3, a technology that is proven to develop muscle much faster than conventional weight lifting, with all the lowest risks of joint injury. Dr. Jaquish methods are used in training and the world’s most elite athletes and associations with the entire Miami Heat organization, various NFL and NBA players, as well as Olympians.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Rich Cooper: Dr. Jaquish’s book explaining his non-conventional approach to human physiology is a Wall Street Journal bestseller. And yeah, you were kind enough to send me a copy. I’ve got it here at my desk. It’s well-researched and the interesting thing I found about, I was just looking at the book on Amazon. There’s a lot of criticisms of it from people saying, “Well, it’s not well-researched.”

Dr. John Jaquish: From people who never read.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. And it doesn’t cite anything. And I’m like, “Are you stupid? Did you actually open the book?” It’s nothing but a research paper is the way that I would define it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And the criticism has nothing to do with the content. Usually, it’s with me. People were very upset that I’m successful.

Rich Cooper: Yeah, which I’m familiar with. I’m familiar with that too. So I’m used to that. Let me just grab the bands over here, because you sent me a little bit of a kit. So these bands are all that you need to develop strong muscle fiber. And in case you didn’t see him on the cover of the book, he’s jacked AF. How old are you now, John?

Dr. John Jaquish: 44.

Rich Cooper: 44. We’ll talk about your approach to self-care and all that stuff in this cast too. So we got about an hour, so you guys are going to like this. But this stack of bands here, as a guy that’s lifted weights his entire life and I’ve done some unconventional stuff for athletics like there was a gentleman by the name of Charles Atlas. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the name.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. So Charles Atlas was a guy that coined this term dynamic tensions and it was a little… It was basically like an ebook that my dad had handed me when I was 11 or 12 because I was a skinny kid. He’s like, “Here, read this.” And I started doing pushups and all these dynamic tension movements that are tied into it. And I found this theory, what you use with these bands, and I mean, the cool thing that I like about this is you can travel with this. You can put this in your suitcase-

Dr. John Jaquish: They get everywhere around the world.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. And there are lots of places that you can go around and lockdown type of scenarios. And this is the bar that goes with it and there’s a foot stand as well. You guys can check that all out. I just think it’s a cool accessory. I wouldn’t use it to replace my squat rack and the weights that I have in there, but I think it’s a nice compliment to all that. Is this what you do exclusively for self-care and for developing strong physic?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep. Yep. I haven’t touched a weight in four years and I put on over 60 pounds of muscle and lost about 20 pounds of body fat.

Rich Cooper: Okay. I think I’m going to do a little bit of an experiment if I’m being honest… I don’t know, what do you think would be reasonable, 30 to 60 days of just using bands just to kind of compare?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean follow the program though. You got to use the bar and the plate. The problem with bands by themselves is you go and take one of those bands and you throw it around your back and you go to do a pushup, your wrists are twisting outward. If you get heavy enough to be relevant for strength and you can break a wrist doing that. So the bar and the plate were really necessary.

My original plan when I came to this discovery, which had to do with my bone density research, in my first invention. So in the clinical trial of that, it was like, I looked at the data and I was like, “Wow, this kind of proves weight lifting is a lousy stimulus.” We’re capable of lifting a lot more than we do, but we lift very light another technical movement weight because we’re limited by our weaker range of motion. And in our stronger range of motion, coincidentally we’re seven times stronger.

Rich Cooper: And what part are the seven times stronger range of motion? Is that towards the top, towards the end of the motion, or where?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure of lockout. So if I’m demonstrating for those watching, 120-degree angle from upper to lower arm, so like that, but the back of my hand would be in line with my clavicle. I can either absorb or produce the greatest amount of force.

Rich Cooper: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that would be 120 degrees in position.

Rich Cooper: Now, one of the things that I found interesting is primates, like chimps, for example, they’ve got something like four times the strength of humans for the same amount of muscle mass. Do you know why that is?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. They’re very different muscle cells. There’s more back to the myosin in their cells. Yeah. We’re not going to get Chimp strength.

Rich Cooper: And like pound by the pound for pound that makes the muscle that much-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. Well, like a recess monkey that weighs less than a pound can take its fist and punch through a human skull.

Rich Cooper: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. Don’t own a monkey as a pet.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. I’ve heard they’re powerful animals, do not mess with them.

Dr. John Jaquish: And once they reach sexual maturity, they’re not your friend.

Rich Cooper: So how did you get into bands? What… I’m assuming that your weight lifted for a good chunk of your life, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: 20 years.

Rich Cooper: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Didn’t get much. I mean, yeah, I was in shape. If I was at the beach with my shirt off, people will be like, “Oh yeah, you lift.” But I would have to take my shirt off before people would notice. Now I walk into a grocery store and high school kids will stop me and be like, “Oh my God, do you play in the NFL? Are you an MMA fighter?” I look like a total mutant now. And so, it’s a night and day difference.

So I lifted weights for 20 years, it didn’t do much for me. And then it was when I was doing the clinical trial for the bone density device, where the bone density device is really simple and elegant, kind of like X3, it places tremendous loads on the impact ready position.

Dr. John Jaquish: So if you trip and fall, like what I was just showing you with that kind of push up position, when you’ve got a 120-degree angle between your upper and lower arm in the back of the hand is in line with a clavicle, you can absorb or produce the greatest amount of force possible. Whereas when you go to the weaker range, if you’re bench pressing with the bars on your chest, you have one-seventh the capacity.

So you’re always going to select a weight you can handle in the weaker range of motion, if you’re going to lift weights, thereby it’s not going to simulate the majority of the force capacity that you have. So you’re not switching on a lot of muscle. And even also, if you switch it on that doesn’t mean you take it to fatigue, because I think we’ve had a lot of false, positive excitement when it comes to electron myography. We can tell when muscle fiber switches on, it’s a pretty simple way scientists have had to measure.

Dr. John Jaquish: And it’s important in neurology too, because when someone’s going through neuro rehab, we got to make sure muscles are firing, the correct signals are going to the correct places so people can have normal movement. But firing and power, firing and stimulating growth are two different things. And so we were a little distracted by that, and also there’s this sort of universal blindness when it comes to weightlifting, where weight lifting is sort of accepted as the only way to do it.

And then whatever nuance you put on the weightlifting, whether it’s more sets or fewer sets or you eat two large pizzas beforehand because you’re one of those idiots that think carbs are good for you, like whatever, it’s just sort of like the weightlifting is just blindly accepted. I just took a step back when I did that clinical trial for my first invention.

Dr. John Jaquish: Then I said, “Weight lifting is a lousy stimulus.” We need to vary the resistance massively. So my first thought was bands and I was going to just write a book about bands because I was already busy with OsteoStrong. We already had a big company. And so as soon as I did it, I was like… as soon as I kind of did the research and realized just using bands is worthless, there’s a reason bands have been around forever and they never really helped anybody with some rare exception, some speed training and stuff like that where you have-

Rich Cooper: Did you say that bands were worthless?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Rich Cooper: So how has your band system not been worthless?

Dr. John Jaquish: Because bands by themselves will twist your smaller joints, your ankles, and your wrists.

Rich Cooper: Oh, so that’s where the plate in the bar comes in?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It was the plate and the bar that needed to be developed. And then once I was developed, to file patents on all that stuff in 36 different countries and yeah. Then we were off and it was super, super popular right away. Did a soft launch on Dave Asprey’s podcast. That was my first podcast.

Rich Cooper: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And yeah. And it’s been growing so fast since then. And it’s really… we don’t target the typical fitness crowd, because the typical fitness crowd is not interested in listening to science at all or able. Well, maybe they’re not even able. Hard to tell, they might just be impatient and unwilling to read or just unable because I mean, science is kind of complicated.

Rich Cooper: Let me start to play this video here, so you guys can see what it looks like to use his band and bars system. This is like basically a deadlift that you’re doing here?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yup.

Rich Cooper: It’s frozen. Why isn’t it playing? Is it supposed to be frozen?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Rich Cooper: Okay. Let me try. Oh, here you go. Okay, so now it’s playing. Oh, okay, because it’s measuring the…

Dr.John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s measuring the force.

Rich Cooper: Okay. So rather than doing a deadlift with a bar, with a bunch of plates on it, you’re standing on that plate and you’re deadlifting and that increases the weight towards the top of the range.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Where you’re more powerful, the weight goes up, where you’re less powerful, the weight goes down. It ensures that you go to a deeper level of fatigue. Here, I’m doing a deadlift with 614 pounds at the top. I would never grab a bar with 614 pounds on it.

Rich Cooper: How is that device measuring the resistance, like the weight. Is it…?

Dr. John Jaquish: You can see by my left hand, there’s some little a wire coming off it, that’s a little-

Rich Cooper: Oh, I see. Yeah. Okay. Got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. That’s not part of the product. That’s just… I mean, I don’t have the loads on. I’m just using it.

Rich Cooper: Yeah, that’s just the product itself. Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. So…

Rich Cooper: And that would be like a bench press you’re doing there, that would be a squat.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Squat.

Rich Cooper: Okay. So, I mean, what about other technical movement? Let me pull this out of the screen. What about other technical movements, for example, something like for those of you that don’t know what that is. You one-leg take the bar and you’d lift it and you’re twisting the weight like this, which activates the wrist and the forearm. You don’t have access to do movements like that with a band system, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, we stuck to basic barbell movements. The strongest people in the world don’t use dumbbells. They use barbells. And a lot of it has to do… And there’s a great study that shows it. You lose about 20% of your muscle fiber when you train one arm at a time. So the upper body likes both arms to be engaged. The lower body on the other hand is the opposite story. Because unless you’re a kangaroo, you walk on one leg at a time, you run on one leg at a time.

We’re very good at one-leg activation enforced production. So it’s really weird. Like you switched to one leg squats and you think you would just go half of your normal squat weight. Now, it’s more like 75% and you’ll get the same amount of reps. And also you get all your body’s resources directed into one quadricep and one glute. So you can go to a deeper level of fatigue.

Rich Cooper: One of the things I liked about using it is… I have a… I mean, I don’t want to say I have a bad back, but my back ain’t great. I injured it a couple of times in my 20s and it’s never really been the same, although, I’ve done enough in my life to minimize that. So ever since that, I haven’t been a heavy squatter, don’t generally do heavy deadlifts or anything like that. But I found that with the band system, because the weight changes as you stand up straight, for example, the weight gets heavier as you’re reaching the end of the bands’ resistance, you don’t have any opportunity to injure your lower back the way that I’ve done before with squatting or with deadlifts.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Rich Cooper: Nice to see you, Ron. I’m glad you’re there and chiming in, you said 1,312 days in a row of working out and using X3 bands every week, not every day. And I think I get more benefit from that than anything. Ron’s older than me. I think he’s in his 50s now and he’s in really, really good shape, a fellow entrepreneur and a friend, but yeah, it’s great, I think if you’re older, for sure. So you don’t have any kind of injuries because it’s almost… I don’t want to say it’s idiot-proof, but I think that you can pretty much… yeah, 58.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t know, people can screw up, I promise.

Rich Cooper: Yeah, I’m pretty sure you can screw up anything, but the chances of you injuring parts that are much more easily damaged with straight bar deadlifts, for example, with a bar and a bunch of plates drops dramatically, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. Yeah. And like I said, that’s why the NFL was so attracted to this, why the NBA. They don’t care how much they bench at all. They don’t care how much they squat. They don’t… They’re paid to perform on the court and when I’m talking to these strength coaches, they just think X3 is like… I mean the Miami Heat, the endorsements run on the back of the book. They let me use their name and writing, pro teams never do that. Like-

Rich Cooper: Yeah, I know-

Dr. John Jaquish: Huge exceptions.

Rich Cooper: I saw Ben Greenfield’s name and he’s very careful about where he puts his name too.

Dr. John Jaquish: And he endorsed it. So did Dr. Baker. Have you had Sean Baker on your show?

Rich Cooper: I haven’t. No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. The cardboard guy, cardboard doctor, you should.

Rich Cooper: I’ll check him out.

Dr. John Jaquish: He’s great.

Rich Cooper: I follow PD Bang on Twitter. He talks a lot about diet and exercise, especially, for older seasoned gentlemen too.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Rich Cooper: So when it comes to this unconventional way of lifting, to break out of the mold, I mean, for me, a lot of the times when I talk about stuff, it’s like, “Hey, here’s some things that you need to understand about the dynamics between attraction and men and women, that sort of thing.” And I’m going to say half the people completely freak out and lose their mind. And then the other quarter is like, “I think he’s right, this is starting to connect the dots and make sense.” And then the other quarter kind of just gets mad at it. It’s like, “Oh, now I see the truth. Now I’m pissed.”

Dr. John Jaquish: All sorts of people get mad at the truth just bad stuff for me.

Rich Cooper: Well, I mean, like a bomber only gets flack when it’s over the target, right? Otherwise, they’re quiet. But you’ve been at this, you said for four years now?

Dr. John Jaquish: Uh-hum.

Rich Cooper: And I think you said at the opening, you put on a bunch of muscle, what do you weigh right now? Because I mean, you’re a big dude for 44.

Dr. John Jaquish: 240.

Rich Cooper: 240. And height?

Dr. John Jaquish: Once I checked, that was 7% body fat.

Rich Cooper: take activity

Dr. John Jaquish: Six foot.

Rich Cooper: Okay. So you’re a big guy, like 240 at six foot at 7% body fat, you’re a walking pile of meat. Is that easy for you to maintain at 44?

Dr. John Jaquish: Totally. I eat one meal a day, so I don’t screw around with the meal prep. So I get a fast food benefit. I… Energy is never been higher. Like, no, I get together with my fraternity brothers regularly. And they’re like, “Are you getting younger? How?”

Rich Cooper: So is your source of nutrition. It sounds like you’re mostly carnivores. So meats, fats, and very local food.

Dr. John Jaquish: Meats, fats, and then I take one supplement, which is a bacterial fermentation amino acid product called Fortagen. So that gives me about 200 grams of protein a day. And then I have one meal where I take care of the other 50 grams I need.

Rich Cooper: What time of the day do you have that one meal?

Dr. John Jaquish: Dinner, just because I’m social, and I usually have dinner plans with people.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. I got a lot of guys that asked me about diet and exercise a lot of the time. And I’m like, one of the things I found great is fasting. I mean, there’s all upside and no downside. I mean, it frees up more of your time with less meal prep.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, like-

Rich Cooper: Get more mental clarity, less brain fog.

Dr. John Jaquish:__ When I talk to people… there’s a lot of people out there, especially in the fitness industry, this is part of the reason I don’t target fitness people, most of who I target are busy professionals. There’s a lot more of them and they’re smarter people, are willing to read some science. But the… I talked to somebody who’s like a fan of calorie restriction and they’re like, “Oh, fasting is bulls,” or whatever, and I’m like, “Okay, first of all, it’s not bulls**, there’s plenty of studies. Second of all, calorie restriction, we’ve been trying that for 75 years and people are fatter and sicker than ever.”

So also the idea that you’re just going to eat less and be happy about it, is torture. It’s like giving an alcoholic one beer and then making him watch you drink 10. That’s not what they want.

Rich Cooper: And for supplementation, you said that you take only one supplement?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Fortagen.

5x more efficient than standard protein sources

Rich Cooper: So you don’t touch anything else. You don’t apply vitamin D, vitamin C, ubiquinol for your heart, nothing like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: I get a lot of sun. I’m always out in the sun. So I get vitamin D from that. Normally just because of my Nordic background, I have lower vitamin D. So in the wintertime, I’ll take vitamin D, also when I got coronavirus, I did 50,000 IU of vitamin D a day. And I only had symptoms for two days. Yeah. Also, my hemoglobin A1C scores for, so super health and metabolism.

Rich Cooper: What about, testosterone, do you use TRT?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yup.

Rich Cooper: And how long have you been on that? And have you found that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I do like to clarify TRT stands for testosterone replacement therapy, most idiots online don’t know anything, who can’t wait to chime in and give their expert opinion, which is a moron’s opinion because they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. TRT is replacing what is supposed to be there. And now I would argue that almost every male needs testosterone replacement because back before world war II, I think the average male in the United States had 1000 to 1200 nanograms per deciliter, and now the average male has closer to 600.

Rich Cooper: I’ve talked to guys in their 20s that come back with markers around the 300 range too, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah.

Rich Cooper: Why is that? What’s going on with that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, a lot of it is soy products. I mean, we’re eating garbage, we’re eating just like processed stuff, that’s just… it’s promoting estrogen and depressing testosterone. I think there’s a lot more alcohol consumption, though for world war II it was higher the shutdown than now. So yeah. Let me kind of scratch that. Yeah.

So it’s probably just nutritional choices. One of the things that stimulate testosterone production, the most is lifting heavy. Well, with X3, you lift heavier than ever. So obviously you get that effect with X3, but I don’t think heavy training is something that young men do anymore.

Rich Cooper: You don’t see too many of them. I mean, I see hope when I go to the gym, I just haven’t bothered with my gym membership since this whole COVID lockdown bulls***, because I mean, they keep putting, it’s like open the gym, close the gym, wear mask weight, what’s sprayed on your stuff? You only have an hour, you got to book an appointment.

Dr. John Jaquish: Working out now is hard with a mask on.

Rich Cooper: Yeah, it’s stupid dude. I just work out from home now. I’m waiting for this all to just go away and then I’ll rejoin the gym. But I mean, when I’ve been there in the past, I look around and there’s a lot of young men. For the most part, it’s probably like for every woman, there’s probably about eight or nine guys, which is a nice thing to see that guys are actually in there lifting weights. I don’t know that they can get the results that they’re looking for because they just kind of go in there and they start flopping about and throwing s*** around and they’re not doing much with their time. But it’s nice to see that. But I mean, at the same time you see a large percentage of the male population in North America, when you walk around and just walking around with female breast tissue, they’re obese, they’re shaped like a pear. They don’t look like competent, strong men that could even get in the combat, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s a typical guy.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. Yeah. Your dosing on therapeutic testosterone, how much do you dose weekly?

Dr. John Jaquish: 200.

Rich Cooper: 200. And that’s like once a week or do you go every other day or how do you normally go?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve been on it since I was 28. I was in… I got a bad rugby head.

Rich Cooper: Oh, okay. Does your gender consistent shutdown? another technical movement

Dr. John Jaquish: Basically.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. Yeah. I’ve talked to a few guys, a buddy of mine, Jay Campbell. I don’t know if you know him. He was a semi-pro basketball player and he took a blow to the nuts and he felt like s*** for six months until they could figure out what the problem was in the testosterone.

Dr. John Jaquish: Exactly what happened to me. Exactly.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. It’s an athletic thing. I mean, it happens to guys. I find it interesting that you don’t use that many supplements. It’s just food, TRT, and bands. And what’s the time commitment for bands for people that are out there that are not familiar with the X3 band system?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, my workout is consistent. I never skip my workout. And it’s six days a week and my day kind of revolves around it, but it’s a shorter workout. It’s maybe 10, 15 minutes.

Rich Cooper: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: But it’s super intense, the hardest workout you’ll ever do, but it’s not long. Intensity is important. You have to take each muscle group to absolute fatigue. It’s got shut down. So when I’m doing reps on the chest press, I’m going almost full range, you never go to lockout, but you stayed just short a lockout-

Rich Cooper: Can you explain why you don’t go to lockout?

Dr. John Jaquish: Say it again.

Rich Cooper: Can you explain why you don’t lock out your arms?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, because it shuts the muscle off.

Rich Cooper: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Blow the bone instead of the muscle. So you don’t want to expose your muscle to a stimulus where you’re turning the muscle on, turning it off, turning it on, turning it off. It’s a bad stimulus. It’s like the body doesn’t see a deficit in contract out tissue, if you keep resting the muscle when you go to lockout, you’re resting. That’s why people do it. It’s easier.

Rich Cooper: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Don’t do that. Don’t lockout. You got to keep constant tension. There’s a lot of great, great research on constant tension. So constantly keep the muscle loaded and then take it to fatigue. Now with X3 because its variable resistance, you can first take the strongest range to fatigue. So I’m going to do reps until I can’t get here anymore. So when I’m bench pressing, it’s like 550 pounds at the top and once I can’t get to that 550, then I start doing shorter reps with three or 400 pounds. And then I do three or four of those and then I can’t get there anymore. And then the last repetition is like one inch where I’m only using 100 pounds of force and I’m completely done. And then it’s one set, that’s all I need and I’ll grow. I grow everywhere.

Trusted by ProfessionalAthletes Worldwide

Rich Cooper: So at 44, you’re working out six days a week for 15 minutes a day with the band system, what about over-training, is that an issue?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no. We got a great muscle biopsy study now, that talks about what… Because it was always a mystery in the 80s, some people said you never work a muscle more than once a week and other people were like, “Oh, you can do it.” Just a different timeframe. It turns out it takes about 36 hours provided there’s no damage to work the muscle. Damage is bad by the way.

It’s not what people think it is. So provided there’s no damage, muscle protein synthesis for growth takes 36 hours. So we’re waiting for 48 to hit a muscle the second time. So I get a training same, three times per week for each muscle group. So I split the body two ways and workout six days a week. So everything is set three times.

Rich Cooper: And I’ve seen guys with some more advanced equipment in certain facilities using… for example, if you’re on a bench press, they’ll throw on top of the plates, they’ll throw chains for example, where at the bottom of the movement, it’s lighter at the top of the movement because the chains start to come off the ground and the bar starts to get heavier. Is that a similar sort of science behind the band system?

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. Yeah. I’m in favor of anything variable. I won’t train without variable resistance now. Now that I know-

Rich Cooper: So variable resistance.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You have to have variance because you are seven times stronger when you’re at the top than when you’re at the bottom. So working out with static weight is just like… Man, it just doesn’t make sense. You’re just destroying your joints and Dr. Attia, Peter Attia says this, says this, “My problem with weightlifting is we overload joints and under load muscle.” And he had said this right when I was doing my research.

Rich Cooper: There’s a podcast with Attia and Tim Ferriss, isn’t there?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, for sure.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. Okay, so that’s why that name rings a bell. Yeah. I heard that. Okay. Sorry.

Dr. John Jaquish: He’s an amazing guy. Smart. And so yeah, and I’m with him. That’s why… he’s more of a cardio guy because he doesn’t care for weight training, because of the limitations that it has. But my thesis was different. It’s like, yeah, the weight training is like… I mean, I kind of hyperbolically said weightlifting is a waste of time in the book. Notice, I didn’t say resistance training is a waste of time. So it’s like, there’s just a better strategy to load the body. With more efficient loading, that’ll take muscles to a deeper level of fatigue, thereby triggering more growth. And so-

Rich Cooper: Missed this question, so some about six, 207 odd pounds right now. So let’s say that I just do bands only for 30 days like you do, six days a week, 15 minutes per session, what sort of results do you think I could expect out of that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Provided you’re getting one gram of protein per pound of body weight, of high-quality protein-

Rich Cooper: Yeah. I’ve got good, I’ve got the nutrition, I’ve got the supplements, therapeutic, testosterone, dosed, all that stuff.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’ll grow faster than… or like if you’re not… Most people who ask me this question who are consistently going to the gym stopped growing a couple of years ago. So they’re maintaining and they’re happy they’re maintaining-

Rich Cooper: Yeah, I made that point, where I’m just in a maintenance phase. I’m not growing. Which I’m okay with to some degree because I don’t want to walk around at like 230 pounds and jacked as hell. I know that it stresses the organ. So I’m some kind of looking at the longevity of the whole protocol as well, too.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Rich Cooper: But I mean, you’re saying that I would in 30 days probably put on some muscle mass. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Rich Cooper: Okay. I’m going to test that theory out and I’m going to come back and report to you guys. I’ve got a super chat here from R. Drizzle saying, “Do you use AI, what’s your opinion on using an AI?” So if you’re watching and you don’t know what an AI is, that’s an aromatase inhibitor, and all that does is it prevents or slows down the conversion of testosterone to estrogen in the male body.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s a great question. So here’s what happened when I first got my testosterone prescription, it turns out I was a poor responder. So I needed a higher dosage and it did less. So what they did was they first prescribed me… well, they first prescribing 150 and then they moved to 200 and then they moved it to 250 and then 300 and I was getting a conversion. And so because I was reading the literature when I got this prescription, so I kind of felt like I knew almost more than my endocrinologist, or at least I was more current on the studies. And so I decided I’m like, let’s cut it back, if I’m lower, I’m lower, but if it’s converting the estrogen, that means I’m not using it, which means it’s too much.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so I didn’t care what my nanograms per deciliter was, I just wanted to make sure my body was using it. So I don’t take any AI whatsoever because with the way… and this is key, the heavier you lift… and that was kind of my whole push behind X3 is you’re training heavier. So greater force is going to give you greater gains. So with the amount of force I was using, my body is just using the testosterone as fast as possible, but there’s a limit, so I didn’t want any conversion. So I cut myself back to 200 and then I had blood work done and it was like, estrogen was normal. So you need AIs because you’re taking too much.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. I’m in the same camp. I’m not a big fan of AIs, just another prescription med that’s not bio-identical and you probably don’t need, if you either lower your dose or you apply dosage on a more frequent basis, right? Like rather than being-

Dr. John Jaquish: The heavier you lift, the more you’re going to use.

Rich Cooper: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: To the more your body-

Rich Cooper: While your receptors want that, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Rich Cooper: So you activate them and they’re like, “Yo, I’ll take some of that, give me some of that too,” right? Also for your fat too, that’s one of the big things that you can do, is you can lower your body fat, especially belly fat. So if you’re carrying belly fat, you’ve got the enzyme there that converts testosterone to estrogen. So that’s another good place to start too. I’ve got another question here from Miguel says, “How much growth is can you expect for the band system in terms of initial and short muscle contraction? I always feel more accomplished in slow mind-muscle contraction versus high rep low weight.”

Dr. John Jaquish: So we do go slow. Slow and controlled repetitions are better. There’s a lot more stabilization firing, stabilization firing with added load has a strong influence on growth hormone levels. I wrote a med analysis on that. I hope, I never have to write another med analysis again because those suck. But yeah, you want to go slow and controlled with these repetitions. And we go a little higher repetition also because we’re using such an extreme amount of force.

Rich Cooper: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: The higher repetitions are going to keep you safest because I’m holding… when I’m doing a chest press I’m holding over 550 pounds. I would never get under a bar with 550 pounds at 44 years old, it’d be crazy. But here it’s safe.

Rich Cooper: You were talking about a growth hormone there for a second and that kind of reminded me because here my doctor, he doesn’t like to prescribe GH one, it’s very expensive, and two, I think they have issues with their medical license and insurance so they don’t want to cross paths with a problem that might prevent them from working. Anyway, so I asked my doctor, I’m like… because he wasn’t including GH in my blood panels, I’m like, “Can we include it? I want to see what the levels are.” And he said, “Okay, we’ll include it.” And about once a year, we add that to the panels and the ranges don’t mean much in my view when I look at them because I know what they’ve done. It’s like, okay, well the levels have dropped over the last 100 years, so rather than expecting people to reach the range, let’s just lower the range, then it looks like everybody is in range.

Rich Cooper: But with GH, one of the things that I came across when I was reading some studies on this, and I want to hear your opinion on it, lifting heavy weights encourages your body to produce more growth hormone to repair the muscle, burn the fat, deal with the joints and ligaments and all that sort of stuff. My GH levels are right at the top of the range they were over the range and when he did the blood work, he’s like, “Are you using growth hormone? You need to tell me something.” I’m like, “No, dude, I have no idea where to get it. I don’t use it.” He goes, “Well, your range is very good.” I’m like, “What does that have to do with me lifting heavy weights?” And he goes, “It’s probably got everything to do with.” And I started to do some research. What’s your take on the association between your body releasing GH and lifting or heavy resistance training?

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s a great study, which I referenced in my med analysis. And if anybody wants to read the med analysis, it’s Jaquish Alkire 2016. So here’s… Growth hormone is more associated with stabilization firing than it is with weight. So-

Rich Cooper: Stabilization, meaning your body like core and everything has just stabilized as you push? Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So if you lift free weights, you have a huge amount of growth hormone. If you use machines almost no.

Rich Cooper: So concentration movements like a preacher curl, for example, where your elbows are isolated and you’re doing this stuff on a machine-

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re not getting anywhere.

Rich Cooper: You’re not getting much.

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Rich Cooper: But stabilization, muscles fire your back, your abs, your serratus, all that stuff you get much-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, if you do it over your breast with a bar or like when I’m holding my X3 and going overhead with it, like when I’m going slow and control, but I’m holding maybe 200 pounds at the top, which is a way that I would never get under to normally do one. Yeah, I mean my whole body, my core is just jack-hammering.

Rich Cooper: I didn’t know that. That’s great.

Dr. John Jaquish: Stabilize. Yeah. Yeah. And so that’s a major upgrade of growth hormone. So I have very high growth hormone too.

Rich Cooper: Okay, excellent. I did not know that. Thank you. John, what is your current testosterone level as per your blood work?

Dr. John Jaquish: Just right around 1200 nanograms.

Rich Cooper: Yep. Do you even care what the blood levels say? Or is it more towards the field for you?

Dr. John Jaquish: It was… So I lowered the dosage until I could take advantage, because I got the prescription at 28, because of the rugby accident, but then I invented X3 at 40. So there were 12 years where I had to sell some replacement therapy and it was just lifting regular weights and honestly it didn’t put on any muscle. A lot of people think TRT is just a way to kind of get steroids legally. No, it’s a replacement dosage. What should happen is you function normally. And it’s only for people who aren’t functioning normally, which is a lot of people, as we said, because of bad nutrition and things like that. But it’s not an advantage. You’re not going to get a prescription for TRT and expect that alone will make you look impressive. No, it’ll bring you to normal.

Rich Cooper: Got you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Rich Cooper: Is there anything else that you came across when you started to switch from weights and dumbbells over to bands? Where there any other advantages or?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, just… there were a lot of revelations like single-arm movements now I never do those. 20% less muscle fiber being used when you do a dumbbell movement. So it’s all about the bar and grabbing with two hands. And that’s why there are even banding products that just have two handles and heavy bands. And I can kind of shoot those down pretty easily because if you’re going to pick up something heavy or too heavy things, you wouldn’t grab one with each hand that doesn’t make any sense. If you were going to deal with something heavy like big stone or something like that, you’re going to pick it up with both hands and you still got to walk on one leg at a time. So with that-

Rich Cooper: What about all the other band products that are out there? So when you sent me that kit and of course I clicked on a website and then all of a sudden I’ve got cookies now and social media is like, let’s keep sending the sky ads now for other band products. I had no idea that there were so many band products out there. What’s the difference between the X3 system and the other ones that are out there?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s really… Most of them… So I actually kind of credit myself for the explosion of that and that product approach. A lot of them are just designed to look like X3. So people see X5, and they’re like, “Well, people are getting results from this, but this other thing looks just like it.” And what they don’t realize is X3 lets you train with… if you’re a six-foot-tall guy, 600 pounds, it’s more for you because you’re taller. You have a longer reach, so you’re stretching the bands more. So when you do a chest press, it’s more forced than when I do, if we’re using the same band. So a lot of these things they’re giving you like 20 or 30 pounds maximum resistance, whereas X3 is going to 600 pounds. So it’s just sort of like… But I think all those other products are… I mean, let me put them in the same category as the perfect pushup, which was more designed so that people could spend $30, and then they’d be able to say I work out at home, whereas they’re not interested in working out at all.

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: So I see these things just like, they’re great for people who aren’t serious. And then serious people who think they’re just saving money, is they buy one of these s*** products and then it doesn’t really work and then they come to get the X3 and they tell me their story. They’re like, “Oh, I thought it was saving hundreds of dollars by getting a cheap one, but it doesn’t have any force,” or “It’s made out of plastic if I put a heavy band on, it destroyed itself.” Yeah.

Rich Cooper: What’s the lifespan of the bands? Rubber bands tend to get brittle and dry and they break after a while, so how long do they typically last?

Dr. John Jaquish: These are tree latex, so they’re not petroleum-based. They’re made from rubber trees grown in Sri Lanka where it’s like one of the only places in the world that have enough rainfall to grow them in mass. I’m told in a commercial environment they last nine years.

Rich Cooper: Okay. And they’re easy to replace, if they break after nine years, you just go to the website.

Dr. John Jaquish: We can, we can ship a new band, no problem. And if anybody gets a defective band, which is one of the drawbacks with natural materials, there are failure points. And so every once in a while a band will fray or something like that because they’re layered, they don’t break. They fray like a rope.

Rich Cooper: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So they kind of unravel and then we just send them a new one.

Rich Cooper: JS is asking, “How much for the bands, could it be beneficial for rock climber athletes?”

Dr. John Jaquish: High power to weight ratio guys? Absolutely. So gymnasts love X3, fighters love X3 because their power to weight ratio goes up. After all, typically a fighter is like a rock climber. It’s like, you want to be stronger, but you don’t want to be much bigger or bigger at all because just carrying a few extra pounds of body weight, you got to support that with a couple of fingers that are between some rocks. You don’t want to carry more weight. So rock climbers and gymnasts have enjoyed this because they switched their diet to heavier protein based on my recommendation. And then they do X3, but they’re also looking at total calories. So they’re not putting on any body fat. They’re probably swapping out some body fat for muscle, and so they keep the same body weight and just become much more powerful-

Rich Cooper: Speaking of the protein profile, you’re talking about a gram per pound of bodyweight, which is… I agree. I think it’s well researched and makes a lot of sense, what’s your preferred source for protein when it comes to food and powders?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, the Fortagen, it’s 100% bioavailable or just right there, right 100%.

Rich Cooper: Fortagen, is that does, is that Whey casein in the beef?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, it’s bacterial fermentation.

Rich Cooper: Bacterial fermentation.

Dr. John Jaquish: Different approach.

Rich Cooper: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It is not like Whey or anything. So Whey is only 18% usable by the body and it also kind of messes up your stomach. People do, do a lot of way shakes won’t be around them much. I mean…

Rich Cooper: Because they’re farting, is basically what you’re saying.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. They don’t smell great. You know somebody who’s sucking down the way, you just walk by him, God, smell like an outhouse. But yeah. So I mean, most of what Whey protein goes into your body comes out and form of nitrogen waste is only 18% is utilized by the body, whereas Fortagen is 100%. So yeah, super-efficient. I take four scoops of Fortagen a day and that gives me the equivalent of 200 grams of protein which is… like that’s outrageous, that’s like two pounds of steak.

Rich Cooper: And what’s your preferred source of food?

Dr. John Jaquish: Steak.

Rich Cooper: Steaks, red meat.

Dr. John Jaquish: Red meat. Red meat every day.

Rich Cooper: Oh.

Dr. John Jaquish: Nothing, I don’t even eat fiber.

Rich Cooper: Got it. How much is the band?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah, I didn’t answer that question. The whole setup is $550.

Rich Cooper: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And it’s the best home gym you’re going to have and you can take it with you. Also, you don’t have to give up a room in your house. A lot of people would get a power rack and it’s just like the chewed-up one of their garage stores. It’s like-

Rich Cooper: I chewed up some of my walls and ceilings in the basement with my rack.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. I mean… guys you got to have your garage, don’t lose your garage for a power rack. So, when you’re done with X3, you put it in a travel bag and you slide it right under your bed or you put it in a drawer. For me, I have one that lives in the trunk of my car, one that lives in the suitcase that I traveled internationally with or domestically, I suppose and then I just have one… I have one in a wine barrel in my living room, so I just pull it out of the wine barrel and that’s when I do my workout.

Rich Cooper: Nate’s got a question here for you here on macros, briefly discussed fasting and protein intake? John mentioned a negative view of carbs. Great content. Thank you. So views on macros?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, this is something I’m heavily trolled for. I believe and there’s research to support this. There is research on the contrary, but basically, carbohydrates don’t fit the definition of a macronutrient. So I argue there are only two macronutrients. Now, I can apply carbohydrates for an athletic effect by super hydrating a muscle. So I’m not anti carbohydrates, but I urge everyone to become knowledgeable on the limitations and general worthlessness of carbohydrates for most systems of the body. Carbohydrates have absolutely nothing to do with muscle protein synthesis, they don’t grow muscle. You’re never going to turn a pizza into muscle. Sorry, not going to happen, never going to happen. The best thing carbohydrates do… so my only source of carbohydrate… I guess this is the second supplement if you would call it a supplement, but I take glucose tablets, 15 minutes before my workout.

Rich Cooper: As you said because you need carbs for glucose, for energy. So rather than taking the carbs, just taking glucose.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. So I don’t have to worry about it being fructose and maybe not. Because there’s some research to suggest fructose kind of goes right to body fat. It doesn’t. And there’s some sense that’s made there, because like a bear will give itself type 2 diabetes every year. So type 2 diabetes is… and this is a very alternate comment, type 2 diabetes is your body doing you a favor. It’s getting you as fat as possible, as quickly as possible. And why do bears want to do that? Well, because they hibernate. So they want as much fat as possible before they sleep before they go and crawl in a hole for four months. So they’re just living off their body fat and sitting there. They’re not asleep the whole time, but they just… they’d rather not deal with the cold. So these bear themselves on hold.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean and so what if we start looking at type 2 diabetes, instead of dysfunction, it’s a function of the body. We just abuse that function because it should only happen when in nature carbohydrates present themselves and most specifically fructose, but that’s only at the end of the warm season. Did you have fruit in springtime? No. You have at the end of the fall.

Rich Cooper: Seasonal. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And so that’s when you’re supposed to get it. That’s when you’re supposed to get fat because that’s going to help you survive the winter. But since most of us are not digging holes and sleeping in them to survive the winter or the cold, we don’t need that. So my approach to carbohydrates is to use them to hydrate muscle right before the workout. I also take a phase of dilator right before the workout.

Rich Cooper: Are they CLS or?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, because Cialis last longer. So there are some sense’s other benefits of that. So you cialis and then do the glucose. So cialis is an hour before the workout, 15 minutes for the workout is glucose. Then you do the workout and then you stretch afterward and this is called the hyperplasia protocol. And I described this, it’s like 20 pages of the book. So the reason for this is we’re using carbohydrates to put more hydration in the muscle, basically stretch the casing of the muscle. And then after you work the muscle or blood rushes into it, the muscle super tight. It is full of blood and cuticle plasma and then just stretches it. Stretching the casing of the muscle can force cells to divide and you can have more of a permanent type of growth from that. Now that’s an advanced technique. Everybody thinks they’re advanced for some strange reason. So beginners want to do it on day one and that’s fine, I mean, it’s complicated. Uh, but you got to get into the rhythm of doing it.

Rich Cooper: Where did I put your book? There it is. So if you guys want to learn more, I’m going to encourage you to grab this. It’s on Amazon. The band system, you can probably find if you just search for John’s name plus X3 on Google, I’m sure it’ll be the first thing-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. or my website,

Rich Cooper: Yeah. I mean, if you’ve got like cycling lockdowns and gyms are opening and closing or if you travel, I think it’s great for all of that. I’m going to seriously take 30 days, not lift anything. I’ve been on a break for about 45 days now this summer not lifting. So I’ll probably return in about a week or two and I’m just going to do bands only for 30 days. And I’m going to measure body comp and measurements and weight and body fat and all of that. And I’m going to come back and let you guys know what I get as far as results, I’ve got one more super chat here. And I also want to ask you about your opinion of the red pill as well too, before you go because I only booked an hour with you. How does Fortagen eliminate the need for protein supplementation and how is it different from regular amino acid supplementation?

Dr. John Jaquish: So essential amino acids have existed for 50 years and they never really did anything for anyone. And it was because they were made wrong. They weren’t made with the fermentation process or they were made with an incorrect fermentation process.

Rich Cooper: What are they fermenting to make that Fortagen protein?

Dr. John Jaquish: They can ferment just about anything. I mean, they can make different bacteria is growing up in an appeal if they want.

Rich Cooper: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So and have them do it specifically off of plant matter because I want to be able to say it’s vegan friendly because bacteria is not alive like we are. Because there are still vegans out there, I’d rather help them. I think veganism is going to go down in history like anorexia and bulimia, I think it’s just a huge mistake and it’s based on confusion. But I’d certainly rather help these people than just do nothing. So that… Also if people start putting, governments are threatening to put huge taxes on meat or make meat illegal.

Rich Cooper: Oh my God. That’s… yeah, it’s a new thing?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s what the-

Rich Cooper: Was it California that recently made that announcement, something about meat not being available in government buildings anymore, or something like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Rich Cooper: What the hell is wrong with these guys?

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t know. They don’t know where their nutrition comes from and they don’t care either. But it’s a little like the coronavirus discussion. It’s like they believe in science just as long as science agrees with their politics.

Rich Cooper: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And if it doesn’t, then we’re going to ignore it. That’s sort of like there are 62 different genders. Okay. Like, I mean, I’m a nice guy, I’ll go along with you, but why? Why do we need that? I don’t know.

Rich Cooper: So Fortagen is also available on your website as well, I didn’t realize that this was a product that you put together.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rich Cooper: So you’ve got-

Dr. John Jaquish: It was cancer treatment.

Rich Cooper: So right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Before I grab a hold of it.

Rich Cooper: How did you trip across for maintaining products to make proteins?

Dr. John Jaquish: So I looked for the most efficient protein sources that have ever been seen and ever been researched and I came across a couple of guys in Spain who then moved to the United States who developed this amino acid kind of combination. And what they were doing is they were giving it to people who were in chemo and radiation therapy, keep them from muscle wasting. Frequently, cancer patients die from… that just waste away. And of course, every organ in your body exists to support the musculature and your movement, right? Are all just machines of energy, providing muscle, what it needs. You start losing all your muscle, those things start shutting down, because they don’t have a reason to function anymore. And so that’s really what I was looking for. I was looking for the most efficient source of protein.

Dr. John Jaquish: And also because I was recommending one gram per pound of body weight, I heard people… So I was eating three pounds of meat a day when I first started with X3 and then people were saying, “I can’t, I just can’t,” like guys who are closer to my size, you’re over 200 pounds, are like, I just can’t eat a couple of pounds of meat a day. I can’t stomach it or I can’t afford it. And some like, “All right, let me look at what’s out there.” And so then I found this and I contacted these guys. And as soon as I said fitness, they were like, “Yeah, f*** off. We don’t want anything to do with the fitness industry. It’s a bunch of clowns. People have no idea what science is.” And they’re right as fitness as an industry.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I go, “Okay, I’ll be selling in the fitness industry, but we’re not part of the fitness industry.” And I showed them, my medical device OsteoStrong I showed them X3 and the scientific approach, and they were like, “Okay, we can work with you.” So basically they had told other fitness companies that tried to work with in the past, “No.” And so they wanted to work with me and that’s how we got the product out. And man-

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Rich Cooper: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Rich Cooper: Cool. Cool. Yeah. There are so many different proteins on the market now and it’s like, everybody’s claiming to have the best one.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Rich Cooper: Yeah, check it out for yourself. It’s on John’s website. So before we wrap up real quick, I just wanted to get your take on the red pill, because it’s not often that I get guys to like you that are like… that get it, like the most immediate reaction to stuff that I talk about or even my book, for example, it’s just like, oh, you’re crazy like you’re a misogynist something like that. What was your take on this? How did you come across my material? Because before we went life, you’re like, “You’re the only channel I watch, man. I’m excited to do this.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. I don’t… You’re the only podcast I listen to. I don’t… even other like fitness and wellness stuff, usually it’s just stuff I already know.

Rich Cooper: Yeah, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I was following your advice before you were giving advice, I just didn’t know it. I always felt like, I looked at my father and my father had his together before he met my mother. And that was just sort of what I was planning on doing. If you want to be with the princess, you better be the prince, right? You just have to, you have to work on yourself. And I think of him while giving, for whatever merits or demerits that this comment deserves, but I think most people would agree with it, women always want to be preserved, they want to be forever 20, whereas a man needs to be kind of created. He needs to build himself. He needs to have a story.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. I always say men are made.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, men are made. Men have to go out and make it happen. And after you make it happen, then you become interesting. And so I never really dated with any sort of purpose. It was more like just something to do on a Friday night until I really had it all together from a business perspective and had an extremely successful business. And that was just an observation of my father and how when he went out to have a successful relationship, he did and he and my mother still adore each other. And she got with him for the right reasons, he got with her for the right reasons. And they’re kind of a happily ever after type couple. And so I just followed the same path.

Dr. John Jaquish: As soon as I started listening to you, it was like, “Oh, this guy is describing what I’ve observed in the only, really successful couple that I knew of, because sometimes couples look successful, but you don’t know them. They might be a disaster, but they just put on a good face. So yeah, and that that’s something I always kind of had figured out. Now, there are always some bumps in the road, of course, sometimes you end up being attracted to a girl who’s just all the wrong things, but you just think she’s hot. So, I dated some garbage women. I mean, in retrospect, like why? But fortunately, I’m engaged now, and but she’s a unicorn I’m like…

Rich Cooper: You’re sure she’s a unicorn, bro?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m pretty sure. I mean I’ll never be 100%.

Rich Cooper: Yeah. My mom always telling me like, make sure you give it a couple of years before you sign up for-

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course.

Rich Cooper: A lifetime contract with the marriage.

Dr. John Jaquish: Here’s some, she said on the second date, she was telling me about like a friend of hers that was… like she was showing me the text messages, so she wasn’t making this up. Somebody was having some sort of problem like being offended that their boyfriend wanted him to sign a prenuptial agreement.

Rich Cooper: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I said, anybody who’s interested… anybody who was unwilling to sign a prenuptial agreement is there for one reason, to leave with the dude’s money.

Rich Cooper: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. If you’re willing to sign the prenuptial agreement, that means you’re there for the marriage.

Rich Cooper: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And she goes, “I completely agree with you.” And that’s what I told her.

Rich Cooper: How long have you known her?

Dr. John Jaquish: Eight months. Oh yeah.

Rich Cooper: Two years.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. Yeah.

Rich Cooper: That’s a rule that I would tell any guy that was serious about inviting a woman into their life on a long-term basis because I mean, women can wear masks. They can act for a while, especially if you’re a high-value guy. High-value guys, like you, are a target for women that might put on a mask or might act for a certain period, but it’s harder once you apply some stress to that relationship over a couple of years, you travel, the baggage gets lost, see how she handles that. See what she’s made of when s*** goes sideways in a COVID type of environment, maybe her hours get cut back or something changes, and then just sit back and watch. And see what she does with that.

Rich Cooper: I mean, I’m happy for you dude. I’m happy that the books helped and my materials helped. But I will say this like eight months is rapid for an engagement. And um, I’d like you to turn off the afterburners for a bit and give it a little more time just to see how things go.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely.

Rich Cooper: But you’re a smart guy, you know what to do.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, I’m 44, I’ve never been engaged before.

Rich Cooper: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I just didn’t… I saw all the red flags before.

Rich Cooper: Well, yeah, there are some people are… got more red flags and the Chinese communist parade, like I don’t want to say.

Dr. John Jaquish: Dude, most women are like… I don’t know. There’s such a push to… and I don’t know if this is like a feminist thing or if this maybe was always going on and nobody talked about it, but just the sort of, kind of scandalous behavior. Yeah, everybody loves a girl that parties for the night, and then it’s just like “Why would I be in a relationship with you? I know you’re going to lie to me.” That doesn’t giving. And I dated a couple of those and I didn’t trust them and did they disappoint me? Not really because I never really trusted them, but you call this plate spinning.

Rich Cooper: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And that’s just kind of what I was doing. And the last one I dated before, is who I’m engaged too, was like the… she was like the queen of the idiots. It was like she was the worst one of all. And I mean, just a total hoe and-

Rich Cooper: Why did you look the other way? Why did you just say, “Ah, we’ll see if this gets better,” what’s your approach to that?

Dr. John Jaquish: I wanted to see what will happen next.

Rich Cooper: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: I wanted to see the next s*** she would lie about. It was because I wasn’t emotionally there, but it was just like, I would call my buddies and be like, “Dude you won’t believe what she did last night,” or she just disappeared for 18 hours and is offended that I’m asking where she was.

Rich Cooper: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Rich Cooper: “You don’t own me John, you can’t tell me what to do.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. She’s “Because just trying to control me.”

Rich Cooper: Yeah. You’re a control freak.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So I’m in a relationship-

Rich Cooper: We call that pointing and sputtering, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah. You’re just not doing s***. Okay. What the hell now whether she was just talking like an idiot with her skirt up around her waist in front of some giant mirror and like some guys were filming it, or because she’s at some party and okay, you don’t realize that you’re not popular, you’re a point of ridicule because I’m sure guys at the party, are like “Girl has a boyfriend…” And of course I’m just like, I’m out with my friends thinking about what she’s doing, and I’m just like, “Okay.” As I said, I just can’t wait to see what happens next. But yeah, ultimately, the one with nothing to hide, the one that never hides her phone screen that’s such a tell.

Rich Cooper: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: When they’re really like they’re holding their phone, you only see the back, you never see any of the lightest screens. It’s like, “I know what you’re doing. Don’t think you came up with that.”

Rich Cooper: I could dive down this with you for another hour or two easily, but I wanted to talk to you about the winning aspect of life when it comes to your self-care and the bands and your book and all that sort of stuff. We covered a lot of stuff today. Maybe we’ll talk again in the future, but I want to try to be respectful of your time and make sure we wrap this up on the hour mark, and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Honestly, get the band system. I’ve used it, I like it. And I am going to use it exclusively for 30 days and test the gains I get on it. And I’ll get back to you guys and let you know what the results are.

Dr. John Jaquish: We should do a follow-up. Let’s do another show when you do your 30 days.

Rich Cooper: Okay. All right. Yeah, let’s do a follow-up and we’ll see what gets there.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yup.

Rich Cooper: All right, John, I appreciate buddy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks.

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