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By Biohacking Secrets on November 7, 2019

The Muscle-Building Biohack NFL Quarterbacks, Hollywood Actors, and Pro NBA Teams Are Using to Sculpt Their Physique and Prevent Injuries with Dr. John Jaquish - EP 142

The Muscle-Building Biohack NFL Quarterbacks, Hollywood Actors, and Pro NBA Teams Are Using to Sculpt Their Physique and Prevent Injuries with Dr. John Jaquish - EP 142

New podcast interview with Dr. John Jaquish, the inventor of the most effective bone density building medical device, which has reversed osteoporosis for thousands and created more powerful and fracture resistant athletes.

In this episode, we discuss how to cut or completely eliminate weight lifting from your training regimen, how humans are capable of 7x the force at a certain range of motion, and a proven method to reverse osteoporosis.

Full Transcript

Audio: This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time. I was blind but now I see. Working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. If you had one shot. Everything I’d ever read, heard, seen was now organized and available. You are not your fucking khakis. Life moves pretty fast. The Biohacking Secrets Show. In this episode of the Biohacking Secrets Show. Is weightlifting smart? If you’re seven times stronger than you are in your weakest range and you’re going to pick whatever weight you can handle in your weakest range, is that a smart thing to do? This is probably why some of the guys put chains on the bar. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, the problem with that is you might have X-amount of weight at the bottom and 1.2X where your capability is X at the bottom and 7X at the top. But it’s not 3.5 in the middle.

Anthony: Hey guys, Anthony here and I just wanted to give you a big biohack thank you for listening. I’m so humbled and grateful that you’re spending some of your day with me and the Biohacking Secrets Show. And if you get any value from this episode, or you’ve gotten value from previous episodes, it would mean the world. If you could leave us a five star review on iTunes and share this episode with your friends, family members and coworkers on social media. That way we can continue to spread this information and positively impact as many lives as possible. And it’s also how our podcast gets discovered by more people. So without further ado, please enjoy this episode of the Biohacking Secrets Show. Dr. Jaquish, welcome to the show.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, thanks for having me.

Anthony: I’m excited to talk because I’ve become a big advocate of homework outs over the past few years. Not only for time, avoiding the back and forth to the gym, but also as a tool for staying productive throughout the day. And as I’ve gotten older, I’ve found myself gravitating more and more towards tools that leverage the minimum effective dose, what’s the least amount of time and energy invested that’s going to deliver a specific result. And you have created some innovations in the muscle building space and the bone density space that are doing big things.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Anthony: So take us back to where were you 13 years ago that sparked the recognition of a need for these tools in the market?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, so what happened, my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis. That’s really how this whole thing started. And so I looked into what I could do for her from a physical medicine standpoint. I was a student athlete, I played rugby, and…

Anthony: You look like a rugby player. For anyone that’s listening, Dr. Jaquish is a ball of muscle that looks like he’d be very difficult to tackle.

Dr. John Jaquish: I was not muscular at all when I played rugby. I wanted to be, in fact, part of the reason I did wrestling, swimming and track in high school and I went out for rugby because I was tired of being in sports where I was not encouraged to be stronger. Like wrestling, I wrestled 135s and then 152s my senior year and it was like I was lean but I was small. And so I think I was like 160, 170 pounds when I played rugby in undergrad. So yes, I get that a lot yet I wish I were in this kind of condition when I played rugby. I’d be playing for the Eagles. I’d be on the national team if I had this kind of size, because I still have my same speed that I did back then.

Anthony: And for context, how young are you you right now and what do you weigh today?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m six foot, 220, very low body fat. I thought I was around 9% based on calipers, but I’ve recently started using DEXA scans instead of calipers. And basically no one is as lean as they think they are, which is cool because that means we can only get a lot leaner.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, it turns out when I thought I was 9% I was probably more like, I don’t know, 14 or something like that. But I’m closer to 10 now.

Anthony: Nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah, I mean you can see vascularity and arm separation, stuff like that.

Anthony: You got visible abs.

Dr. John Jaquish: And crosstalk oh yeah, my ads, you can see all my abs. You can’t see veins in my abs quite yet, but I’m getting there. Also, I don’t really diet down, I kind of just right under caloric maintenance and then I use a very, very potent essential amino acid complex called Fortagen. And then, so I added that. And then I only eat steak.

Anthony: Really? You’re doing the carnivore?

Dr. John Jaquish: Carnivore, yeah.

Anthony: How long have you been doing that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, one meal a day, two pounds plus of steak. I haven’t had anything other than steak or meats since November 1st of 2017.

Anthony: Oh wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I feel awesome.

Anthony: We’re going to need to talk a little bit more about that, because I’m sure a lot of our listeners aren’t interested. And I’ve heard mixed things. I’ve considered trying it myself. Let’s come back to carnivore.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you do it right you’ll never go back.

Anthony: Yeah?

Dr. John Jaquish: Never.

Anthony: Okay. I’m going to come to you for some beginner steps, where you recommend sourcing your meat, how you recommend doing it, what you found to work.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay.

Anthony: I am interested. You may crosstalk .

Dr. John Jaquish: Let me… Yeah, so I totally took us down a rat hole. But, so what happened, my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I designed a device to put axial compression on the bone. So there’s the access of a bone, we compress it end to end.

Anthony: So you’re pointing to your upper arm from shoulder to elbow and…

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. The length to the humorous bone, you want to compress it from end to end. Think about a straw. You can bend a straw real easy, but if you put force end to end it can take a lot more force because there’s a shearing wall effect.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And the bone coincidentally is like a straw, it’s kind of hard on the outside and soft on the inside. So developed that device, it’s a robotic musculoskeletal system to increase bone density. The equipment’s about $100,000 and they’re in clinics called OsteoStrong.

Anthony: This is… Right. Yeah. Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Anthony: And that was…

Dr. John Jaquish: I think we have a 127 locations right now in seven different countries.

Anthony: There’s a tremendous amount of promising research behind that device too, enough so that even in 2016 that was one of the technologies we included in the Biohackers Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s awesome.

Anthony: Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it’s based on principles of human physiology. There is hundreds of research studies that show that high impact develops bone density better than anything else. In fact, the minimum dose response for triggering your hip to grow in bone density is 4.2 multiples of body weight. So people don’t get that in a gym ever.

Anthony: I mean, you’d snap under that weight trying to squat.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. But in high impact, you get it.

Anthony: So you started with OsteoStrong, it was created out of necessity for your own mother who had osteoporosis. You were trying to offer a solution to keep her from ending up in a wheelchair or a compromised in some fashion?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, or just having a hip fracture. There’s a 50% chance of death after the age of 50 in one year of a hip fracture.

Anthony: Makes sense.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, it’s the complications and the life. They can’t heal from it or they can’t walk again and quality of life is compromised, and then they get pneumonia and they can’t get over the pneumonia because they can’t move around.

Anthony: And so how does the OsteoStrong work? For someone that’s never seen it or never used it before, what type of…

Dr. John Jaquish: Impact emulation. I wrote a book called Osteogenic Loading, it’s right here.

Anthony: Okay. Link to that.

Dr. John Jaquish: So that’s on Amazon, and a lot of people have purchased that book. It’s a little bit out of date because there’s been some great research since then that came out in 2012. Yeah. Amazing research come out in 2015 which just is so much more powerful than the book. So I don’t recommend going out and getting the book. I know it’s my book, but…

Anthony: This may be the first time that a guest has unsold their book.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. In fact, if you just go to my website, and just read the research, you can spend… A four page research paper has more powerful information than a 200 page book, just because it’s newer and the tests were much more specific.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: What was so interesting about this, and probably the most interesting to your listeners is, I reversed my mother’s osteoporosis in the bone loss and thousands of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of other people. And so OsteoStrong is collecting all that data, and there’s success stories all over the place. What was so astonishing to me was that I looked at what humans were able to tolerate and the force they could create themselves. Because it works like squeezing a fist, you can’t squeeze your own fist hard enough to break your own finger.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: The neural inhibitory process, your central nervous system will stop a muscle from contracting if you’re putting enough pressure on a joint or on a bone where a damage could be caused.

Anthony: So there’s this brain self-preservation.

Dr. John Jaquish: And here’s something crosstalk it takes more forced to bite through a carrot than it does to bite through your own finger.

Anthony: Come on.

Dr. John Jaquish: But you can’t bite through your finger, can you?

Anthony: No. I haven’t given it the old college try.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s no clinical research on that, that’s sort of an anecdote that I heard when I first started talking to some neurologists about neural inhibitory process.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s very fascinating. Neural inhibition is also why most people don’t do jack shit in the gym, or they go to the gym and they look the same month after month, year after year. These are also the people who comment on the internet, like your experts.

Anthony: You just had me thinking. This morning, I go for body work a couple of times a month and I see Dr. Aaron Applebaum in Boca, and it’s the hardest thing in my life by far. Harder than any workout, harder than any ice bath because he gets so deep into the fascia and some of these trigger points. And the reason I go is because of what you just explained, neural inhibition. When I put a lacrosse ball underneath my glutes, I can only get so deep because your body kind of runs from the pain. And with him doing it, it’s like I don’t have a choice. I’m putting myself in a situation where neural inhibition is taken out.

Dr. John Jaquish: You understand that perfectly, yeah. Yeah, it’s funny. I got accused, early days of X3 portable gym, that I made up neural inhibition, like there’s no such thing. Because I was always telling guys when you feel joint pain when you lift weights, muscles are shutting off. You’re not getting a workout, you’re just hurting yourself. And they were furious or that that kind of comment, oh you’re making all this up. And it’s like, you could have Googled it. If you Google it there’s page after page of neurological research on this. But they don’t Google things, they just think they’re experts.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Anthony: This is where I see the greatest application of OsteoStrong and X3 Bar fitness band bar system and the technology that you’ve innovated is engaging the muscles and generating enough force and time under tension to spark an anabolic response, but minimize the risk of injury that comes with momentum. And these principles of progressive overload when just about anyone that’s listening that’s lifted for over a decade has probably tried to just continually increase the weight, and you find that your tendons and joints give out before the muscles usually. And there’s an injury that then sets you back.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. So what I was saying was, I was shocked by how much force humans are capable of in these more powerful impact ready ranges of motion. And when I saw how, like when your arm is almost at full extension, not at full extension but almost there, you’re capable of seven times the force production than you are in the weaker range of motion, which really means weightlifting. Is weightlifting smart? If you’re seven times stronger than you are in your weakest range and you’re going to pick whatever weight you can handle in your weakest range, is that a smart thing to do?

Anthony: This is probably why some of the guys put chains on the bar.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now the problem with that is you might have X amount of weight at the bottom and 1.2X where your capability is X at the bottom and seven X at the top, but it’s not 3.5 in the middle because it’s a steep curve. And I plotted that curve. I have that data. In my next book that’s coming out, it’s going to be all about that. That’s going to upset a lot of people who-

Anthony: I love this.

Dr. John Jaquish: … Really think they have all the answers.

Anthony: Yeah. This is fantastic.

Dr. John Jaquish: I like being the most hated guy in fitness, it’s cool. Because the people who look at what I have to say and they go, this guy is saying the opposite of everything I’ve heard. He’s saying the opposite of all the bodybuilders, saying the opposite of all this stuff, but it totally makes sense. So I ought to just give this thing a shot. And so as home gyms go, X3 Bar variable resistance training system is the absolute cheapest one you can get. It also fits in a drawer.

Anthony: You can bring it with you when you travel.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah. I bring it everywhere. I fly over 200,000 miles a year. My X3 Bar resistance band training system… I mean people are like, “Did you bring your X3 Bar resistance band bar system with you?” And I’m like, “Yeah, does Thor leave his hammer at home? Of course I have my X3 workout bar system with me. So yeah, always bring it with me. The effectiveness is just there. I get invited to all these really high-end gyms, they’re like, “Hey, yeah we can train together at this great gym.” And so I show up at the gym and I bring my X3 Bar variable resistance training system and I take it out of the bag, take it out of the carrying case and I do my X3 Bar workout. And they’re like, “Well we have this machine or this machine.” And I’m like, “Seriously, all this stuff is garbage. I don’t care.” I’m happy I’m here with the individual right to me. But it’s just like, I don’t… It’s all inferior next to what I’m doing.

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, don’t care.

Anthony: I’ve been loving the fact that I had cut out dead lifts from a lot of my training splits, because it was just so…

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. Strongmen don’t even deadlift. I just forgot the guy’s name, was it Eddy Hall on…

Anthony: He was on Rogan recently.

Dr. John Jaquish: On Rogan. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. The guys who do strongmen competition, it’s just the risk to reward isn’t there.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I wish Dr. Baker had been there, Sean Baker. He loves doing the deadlift, he’s a world record deadlift holder, and he does deadlift training with X3 Bar exercise band bar system. Now, it’s not the only thing he does because he’s trying to get good at the sport of the deadlift.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: For guys like you and me, we don’t give a shit about how much we deadlift.

Anthony: Nope.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s just I want to be as strong as possible. Being good at lifting weights is not something I care about. So ultimately it’s just about how do we trigger the maximum amount of growth. And so based on what I saw in the bone density research, I realized I was looking at a set of data that no human being had ever seen before. And my bone density device drove a discovery of biomechanics. I now am able to quantify the differences from weak to stronger range. And I just now have a complete case for saying weightlifting is just not a really intelligent use of our musculature, we need a weight that changes as we move. And not just a little bit, not just throwing small bands at the end of a regular Olympic bar, we need huge variance. So when I do the chest press, I hold 100 pounds at the bottom, 300 pounds in the middle, and 540 pounds at the top. So it’s a massive curve of force. And then I fatigue the stronger range first, so I hit 20 repetitions with that 540 pounds until I can’t get there anymore, then I’m doing half repetitions. So you diminish the range. So every part of the range of motion is fatigued in accordance to the amount of myofibrils that fire during that activity.

Audio: All right, all right, all right. I hope you guys are enjoying this episode of the Biohacking Secrets Show. All right. Thank you so much for making the Biohacking Secrets Show podcast a part of your day. We appreciate it more than words can express. Now let’s get back to the episode.

Anthony: Is this with the X3 Bar resistance band bar system or the osteo bar?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s X3 Bar portable home gym. Yeah, it is X3 Bar variable resistance training system.

Anthony: X3 Bar resistance band training system, okay. So you’ve got the bar attached to a band of varying resistances based on your strength level, and you’re saying when you’re almost fully extended, you’re 500 plus pounds. Halfway, you’re about 350 pounds and then down at the beginning it’s much, much lighter and…

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, like 100 pounds. So when I finally go to fatigue in that weaker range of motion, it’s like it doesn’t matter because 100 pounds is nothing based on my strength level, it’s nothing.

Anthony: So I can just go.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Anthony: And from when you developed this, how did it get to a point where… I’ve seen Tom Brady using it, I know the Miami Heat uses it, the Rock. How did it get to this level of popularity and assimilation into high-performers and world-class athletes?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, the professional sports team in Miami that plays basketball, won’t mention their names because they’re protective of their brand.

Anthony: I have seen it. I’ve seen it, you don’t have to talk about it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You can’t. Because you don’t want to be mentioning a brand and trying to make money off a brand, and then they don’t give you permission.

Anthony: Yeah, we’re not trying to do any of that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. So the strength coaches of certain professional teams have me out and I take the teams through the workout, and take some pictures. And so you look at my social media and you see that. In fact, one of them made an article in Baltimore Sun about the Miami Heat’s training.

Anthony: Nice. What is your Instagram, while we’re on that?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a D-R-J-A-Q-U-I-S-H, Dr. Jaquish.

Anthony: All right. We’ll link to that in the show notes as well, that’s where people can check out some of these photos.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Anthony: All right. Nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then as far as some of the celebrities and pro athletes that have grabbed ahold of it, they just get it. Because ultimately amateur lifters, people who go to the gym, some of them will tolerate a lot more risk than an athlete will, because an athlete knows if he or she gets hurt that could be the end of the career. If an actor, who’s known for having a champion-looking physique, tears a tricep or something like that, that could be career ending because they can’t train that muscle anymore, or they’ve got chronic pain or they can’t move or they need some surgery and now they got scars and stuff. And so it’s like, “Maybe we’ll just find some other muscle star.” So they’re very concerned with their safety. Now you see people bouncing bench press bars off of their chest and lifting sloppy, and they’re adults, but I suppose it doesn’t matter to them because they know they get hurt, they probably just get to take time off work and don’t care. They should be because they do want to be healthy later in life. They should be concerned with such things.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s all levels of intelligence out there.

Anthony: Typically, these are not individuals who are in the greatest shape, in terms of body composition and that sort of thing, that are engaging in those types of lifts. They may be strong, but we’re going for longevity here, we’re going for fat loss, we’re going for hypertrophy. How was it that you discovered weight training not to be the optimal stimulus for muscle growth?

Dr. John Jaquish: It was that data that I had. I looked at the data and it was just obvious to me, wow. I’ve been lifting weights for 20… At that time it was 20 years I’d been lifting weights. Since I was really young. And other than growing up and getting older and putting on weight because I was older, I really didn’t. You look at me and you’d be like, “Yeah guys, he’s athletic.” Whereas now people stop me in the street like, “Wow, are you in the NFL?” I get questions like that. So I would… It also, another thing, when I wear a shirt before starting this thing, because I’ve put on 45 pounds of muscle using just X3 Bar fitness band bar system. When I put on a shirt before, nobody would ever reference fitness or exercise to me. It was sort of like no one knew I worked out.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And I think that 99% of the population’s like that. Which is so funny because when I say weight lifting is really not the best approach, I have a much better way to do it, people get so offended and 99% of people that walk into a gym, you would never know they ever exercise.

Anthony: Right. That’s crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: They look just either mediocre or fat.

Anthony: And it’s year, over year.

Dr. John Jaquish: Year over year.

Anthony: There’s very little changes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And I can explain why, it’s a lousy stimulus they’re giving themselves. Also, most of them have terrible nutrition too, which is… I mentioned Fortagen. That’s why I developed Fortagen because people aren’t getting the proper amount of protein, protein sources out there are very inefficient in the human digestive system. So Fortagen is a bacterial fermentation culture byproduct, and it is the most bio-usable protein because it’s straight essential amino acids in the correct proportions, which there’s a lot of research on that.

Accelerate Muscle Growth and Recovery

Most essential amino acid producers are not anywhere near those reports, is because there’s a pretty big cost to get those proportions correct. And so they just don’t do it and just hope the uninformed consumer will just buy their product. But they don’t get the results out of it. So, it was two things. First I launched X3 Bar portable home gym. People who got the right amount of protein… we’ll shift into that next. But people who got the right amount of protein just started putting on… There’s a whole series of people on the website who put on 20 pounds of muscle. Keep in mind these are not athletes, it’s just guys, just regular people out there. I’m talking about males by the way, not a lot of women have put on 20 pounds of muscle, maybe like five. But these guys put on 20 pounds of muscle in six months.

Anthony: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. That’s a lifetime all for a lot of guys who’ve been going to the gym for years, man if I can put on 20 pounds of muscle, that’s the body I want. And so that’s the kind of results it was producing. But then I noticed there was a portion of the customer base that they’re just kind of right into the users group or email the company and say, “Gosh, I’m doing the exercises correctly, following exactly the video programming that the company provides, but the mass isn’t showing up.” They lose body fat very quickly because of the self stabilization. There’s a lot of stabilization firing massive up-regulation growth hormones. I wrote a meta analysis a few years ago, and a very, very powerful stimulus for growth hormone. So they lose body fat quickly but they weren’t putting on the mass. And in every case I would say, “How many grams of protein are you getting?” “Oh, I get plenty of protein.” “Count it for me. Just tell me yesterday, do you know what you ate yesterday?” And they’d say 60 grams or something like that. The guy weighs 180 pounds.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: You got to have at least a gram per pound of body weight. There’s a lot of research on this.

Anthony: And this is for anabolic growth, hypertrophy, putting on muscle?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And if you’re not getting that, you won’t grow.

Anthony: Right. Yeah, there is just a calorie and macro nutrient, specifically protein, aspect to this.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. By the way, I think there’s four studies that have found this, carbohydrates play absolutely no role whatsoever on muscle protein synthesis. Nothing. They’re not involved with it.

Anthony: That’s interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. which is why I just threw that in the trash. I don’t eat carbohydrates.

Anthony: Now, so we’ve worked with a lot of guys over the years where the only change… Like once we made sure that they had a proper muscle stimulus, they were lifting heavy, this was before the X3 Bar resistance band bar system was even around. When we integrated rice, Jasmine rice, sushi rice, post-workout into their last meal of the day, that change alone was enough to really help them start putting on muscle. This is anecdotally, not study speaking. And we had attributed it to the antibiotic response that comes from some insulin and a time strategic, no more than once every other day, insulin spike, rather. What are your thoughts on that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Insulin has only been seen to act in an anabolic fashion in one study. Which hyper dosed insulin, far beyond what the body can…

Anthony: For some reason I lost audio, it just cut out. Are you able to hear me?

Dr. John Jaquish: I can hear you, yeah. Of course if you can’t hear what I’m talking about, then you…

Anthony: Sorry about that. All right. There we go. Sorry about that, it was right when you said insulin has… That crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. So there has only been one study that showed insulin plays a role in muscle protein synthesis, but it was when people were injecting hyper doses. Yeah. So insulin in your natural state, your natural biochemistry, does nothing for muscle protein synthesis, not anything at all. Now glycogen, holding glycogen gives you some energy, that is true. So there is a reservoir of that in the form of ATP glycogen itself and creatine phosphate, however it’s not necessary. And once you get sort of fat adapted, once you’re in a ketogenic state, it just doesn’t make much of a difference. And of course you’re going to be in a ketogenic state for an extended period of time when you quit carbohydrates. You just don’t need them, it doesn’t do anything.

Anthony: Interesting. Interesting. Let’s talk a little bit more about some of these hormonal pathways that are being impacted, and how this technology stimulates growth hormone, testosterone, et cetera.

Dr. John Jaquish: So first in the stabilization firing, what I saw in the meta analysis, was as I was pulling this data together. So rapid stabilization, think sprinting, you ever look at the skull of a sprinter and it stays absolutely stable? Because they have stabilization fire going on all over the body, which is regulated by… The neural inhibitory process is part of what keeps the skull stable, because stability will allow the body to fire more musculature. So when you first started doing speed training, the progress curve was very steep because the changes are pretty much neurological in the very beginning, before there’s a muscular protein synthesis thing. Your body’s learning how to fire more tissue more quickly. So when that happens, these stabilization firing events, in rapid succession, there’s an up-regulation of growth hormone and downregulation cortisol. So the two are typically inversely related, but there’s some exceptions to that. So ultimately this is why I tell people not to do cardio, because cardio does the opposite. It up-regulates cortisone and down-regulates growth hormone. So you’re losing muscle very quickly and you’re protecting body fat, which is pretty much the opposite of what everyone wants.

Anthony: Especially for people… Yeah. And most people are already walking around with cortisol dysregulation because of how much stress is in our modern lifestyle. And if you throw in the wrong type of training, it’s adding insult to injury.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And yet people are on treadmills when I walk by the gym, just pissing away 30 minutes, 40 minutes of their life on a treadmill.

Anthony: And some hard earned muscle.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I wouldn’t… Yeah, exactly. Just sacrificing muscle and staying fatter longer. So growth hormone is huge. Now you get more growth hormone based on stabilization firing plus load. Now, the load doesn’t specifically affect it, but the stabilizers have to fire in a more significant manner to stabilize you, if you’re imposing load on the body. So that’s one of the first changes. Now testosterone is primarily affected by load. So with X3 Bar variable resistance training system we’re going way heavier than we ever would with a weight for more repetitions than we typically would with a weight. So the standard X3 resistance bands system protocol is you never do less than 15 repetitions, and you go all the way up to 40 sometimes more repetitions because you’re holding an incredible amount of weight and you’re able to do it for more repetitions because you have so much capability in your impact-ready range of motion. It’s incredible. Like I said, I’m hitting that 540 pounds for 20 repetitions. Sometimes I could have been past 30 repetitions. But the repetitions are really slow and controlled, so it’s way more about the squeeze and feeling a rep than about the number. So I think some X3 Bar portable home gym users get really lost in how many reps they got.

Trusted by ProfessionalAthletes Worldwide

Anthony: And you’re talking about one really good quality set, though.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. One set, don’t need more than one set.

Anthony: So you’re not doing five sets of eight reps.

Dr. John Jaquish: In fact, if you did it right you shouldn’t be able to do another set. If you can do another set, then you pretty much screwed up your first set. Yeah. You should be devastated by the end. And that’s…

Anthony: So let’s say someone picks an X3 Bar exercise band bar system or they already have one at home. What is the type of workout that you have seen with yourself, with your clients to produce the best anabolic response for muscle growth? And if someone’s like, “Look, I’m committed to putting on 20 pounds of muscle in the next six months, tell me what to do Dr. Jaquish.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s just the standard protocol. It’s the same for everybody. Everyone who says, “I want a custom program for my goals.” And I’m like, “Well, do you want to be fat?” And they’re like, “No.” “You want to be weak?” “No.” “Okay, great. You’re going to follow the same protocol everybody else does, because everybody wants to be leaner and stronger. So the hell are you talking about custom?” Yeah. And then so what we’re focused on is stabilization firing, getting more load on the body, more repetitions, feeling the repetitions and then diminishing range. So we really make sure… Sometimes when people post a video, I’m not always nice to the people who post videos, even fans the product. Because sometimes you go to your doctor and your doctor says, you’re fat, you’ve got to drop some weight or you’re going to die. They’re not there to just pat you on the head and say good job. They’re there to just tell you how it is. So sometimes I got to tell people how it is.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I’ll tell them you quit too early. You didn’t do the diminishing range. You have to do that diminishing range. The last repetition should be like an inch or couple of centimeters. It’s because you’re so exhausted you can’t even move, which is the type of fatigue you can never get to with a weight, because you fatigue all ranges of motion with very high force. And ultimately when it comes to growing muscle, because of the testosterone secretion, but also when you do the heavy imposing of load, which is way heavier with X3 Bar resistance band training system, you’re up-regulating the receptor sites. There’s a great study from a year ago, which looked at receptor activity as the biggest anabolic precursor, not the amount of hormones somebody has. So if you have active testosterone receptors in musculature, you’re going to grow.

Anthony: That’s huge.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Well it also kind of a really confirmed one of my theories, which is a lot of people who take anabolic chemicals, it’s not even what your biochemistry can use. Hence, a lot of it manifests in side effects.

Anthony: I totally agree. We look at hundreds of labs in exhaustive detail every year. And I’ve seen so many guys who have natural testosterone levels of high 700s, 800s, even into the 900s who have very little muscle, crosstalk sex drive.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Anthony: Yeah. And it’s not because their body producing it, I believe a big part of it is related to those receptor sites that gets thrown off due to chronic inflammation.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk activity goes up, your body makes more.

Anthony: Right? Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So the real way to do this is strategically… Clearly I have a biased opinion, X3 Bar variable resistance training system, because I know how powerful it is, is a strategy to get the highest loads on the body in the safest possible way. Open up receptor sites like they’ve never been opened before, your body up regulates testosterone and you grow.

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Very powerful.

Anthony: That’s what I’ve been loving about it, is that it’s brought back some of these lifts that I had in the high risk category where just the trade off wasn’t there. And I’m deadlifting with it now.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then you wouldn’t crosstalk Ben Rose went generally like, “Guys-

Anthony: That’s one of them.

Dr. John Jaquish: … We’re 30 years old, because I really feel my lower back in the inaudible. So they go to some sort of rowing machine, which is not really following a natural path.

Anthony: Yep.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s not giving them what they need.

Anthony: Yeah, for sure. So I’m definitely going to be applying to diminishing range of motion, because I wasn’t doing that using X3 Bar resistance band bar system. What might that look like, a typical set? Am I putting on… How do you know that you’ve got the right band? How many reps do you do in the hardest, heaviest range of motion at the top and then middle range?

Dr. John Jaquish: You want to do at least 15 complete reps, and then the partial rep. So we have an app, X3 Tracker, which tracks your performance. And I tell people don’t get too wrapped up in the reps, though. You really want a slow, controlled… The slower you go, the more stabilization firing, more growth hormone, that’s where it’d be. But you still want to get at least 15 repetitions and then you count the partial repetitions also. Now, the first few partials will be maybe 3/4 repetitions and the last one may just be centimeters.

Anthony: Okay. That makes sense.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolute exhaustion. And then the question should I do more than one set? No. Because if you did it right, you can’t.

Anthony: Okay. So choose a weight where you are smoked after 15 full range of motion reps, and then you go into the partial reps starting with the hardest portion of the range of motion first, which if we’re doing a chest press, as I’m going through the motions over here, that’s just at the top, a few inches, maybe down to the 3/4 mark.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well every repetition is full range.

Anthony: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So the first 15 repetitions at minimum or all the way up to 40. If it’s calves, I go 60 repetitions. They’re full range repetitions. And then at some point you can’t get to the stronger range because that weight is so high.

Anthony: I gotcha. Gotcha. Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And you do… See, you’re user of the product and it’s like I clearly haven’t conveyed that. I did a new set of videos, by the way, which are much more concise than the original set of videos.

Anthony: All right. I’ll dive into them.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll give you the link, you can put that in the show notes.

Anthony: Yeah, I definitely will. I’ve just been doing it until I couldn’t do any more, but I was stopping well before those partial reps that you’ve been describing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Partial reps.

Anthony: So when I couldn’t get any more full range of motion ones, I always go, boom, that’s a set.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. You want to go way more than that. and then when people do that, like I said, six months, 20 pounds of muscle. And then after coming up with Fortagen, which is just a much more efficient protein, so you use almost 100% of the… So there’s no nitrogen waste, you can tell. You know how you have a steak and then you go to urinate and your urine looks like beer, it has bubbles in it?

Accelerate Muscle Growth and Recovery

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s nitrogen. It’s just that’s the protein that your body could not metabolize because it was not exactly the appropriate amino acids. And so the amino acids that could not be utilized just get excreted in the form of nitrogen.

Anthony: Okay. Makes sense.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So Fortagen doesn’t have that, so it’s straight essential amino acids in the proper proportion so that your body can really utilize. So I tell people, and this is on the website, 10 grams of that is like 50 grams of standard protein source, like a whey shake. That’s two whey protein 25 gram shakes, which of course are so destructive to your intestines.

Anthony: Yeah, I don’t do well with the whey protein.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, nobody does. Yeah, I mean you’re just… It’s like there’s raccoons running around in your intestines, it’s horrible. Yeah. This just absorbs in 30 minutes.

Anthony: What’s it based out of? What’s the…

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s bacterial fermentation, is basically what it is. Yeah.

Anthony: Okay. And so it’s not like an egg that’s been bacterial fermented or…

Dr. John Jaquish: Uh-uh (negative).

Anthony: No. Okay. Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. No. Yeah, the base material that they start the fermentation on is a complex of all kinds of stuff. But, amino acid is a little different. So they need to… It grows in a culture and then once all the bacteria dies off, just the fermentation is left, then it’s harvested.

Anthony: And what made you choose that process over… Because there’s a lot of amino acid products and complexes.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re garbage. Don’t do anything crosstalk.

Anthony: And this is the first I’ve heard of the bacterial fermentation.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, there was some studies in the late 90s which showed that a certain process of essential amino acids, sort of farming with fermentation, could be done that could be utilized. And it was primarily aimed at cancer patients as an anti-wasting protocol, it really didn’t make it in the sports performance. And so I was aware of the formula, I was aware of the professors who created it. And so when I came across a portion of the X3 workout bar system users that just weren’t getting enough protein, I tell them you need to eat a couple pounds of meat a day. And they’re like, “Oh, I can’t do that.” Now, I would always ask them why can’t you do that? Is it just hard to eat that much in one sitting or two sittings?

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Anthony: Look at you challenging their beliefs, I like it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or is it because you’re eating a bunch of other trash like pizza and ice cream and stuff that’s just giving you diabetes.

Anthony: Little diabetes cakes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Man, I am… Can I use profanity on your show?

Anthony: Go for it. Let her rip.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m a fucking dick when it comes to nutrition, because I just see people making all kinds of excuses and behaving like children when it comes to stop eating ice cream or pizza, “What about when a football game is on?” I’m like, “You sound like a two year old. Just shut up, don’t eat it. Just don’t need it. It’s not food.” It just blows my mind how adults are acting like actual babies when it comes…

Anthony: Especially when we’re so concerned with toxins, and the biggest toxin affecting just about everyone listening to this is our toxins of choice that we know we shouldn’t be using as fuel.

Dr. John Jaquish: Exactly. Oh, yeah. There’s people that would never use sunscreen because it’s carcinogenic and then they’re eating buffalo wings and chips and some kind of salsa that is just concentrated oxalates. What are you doing? It just… Ah.

Anthony: I hear ya.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that’s why I tell people, where I got with the protein is a lot of the people they just wouldn’t give up the carbohydrates. Yeah, I mean there are people and I’m not going to shame them for that, I mean.

Anthony: Maybe we should start a carb shaming movement. You’re carb shaming me.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I’m not going to make fun of people who are overweight because they’re addicted to carbohydrates, and I want to be supportive of those people. But the people who really want to be top performers yet they’re not to give up whatever and they’re like, “Well, I want to enjoy my life.” How was it enjoyable to have a metabolic dysfunction? How’s that enjoyable?

Anthony: I had to come to grips…

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s like saying to smokers, is the lung disease enjoyable? Are you enjoying your life with your lung disease?

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a stupid comment.

Anthony: It’s a disproportionate focus on instant gratification, without looking at the situation truthfully and being honest about the fact that this may give me pleasure for 90 minutes or less, but it’s going to slow me down for the next two to four days or five days and affect my hormonal pathways that I’m busting my butt on the X3 Bar resistance band bar system two days a week to optimize.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Exactly.

Anthony: Awesome. Have you seen applications for the X3 portable gym? Have you seeing people with autoimmune diseases gravitating towards it? Because there’s so many people now…

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes, yes. Because RA patients are…

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. Where does the joint hurt the most? In the weakest range of motion. We’re offloading that and then we’re hyperloading the stronger range of motion. So they do it and they can get there, some of them say this is the only exercise I can do without being in extreme pain. And then of course then I get them on carnivore nutrition, which takes their C-reactive protein levels down and they start not having inflammation.

Anthony: You know who Mikhaila Peterson is?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Anthony: Jordan Peterson’s daughter.

Dr. John Jaquish: I know Jordan Peterson, yes.

Anthony: Okay, yeah. So she had autoimmune dysfunction her whole life. She had a number of joint replacements before, I believe, she was 20. And I just crosstalk Her hip too, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Say it again.

Anthony: May have even been her hip, right? I thought I saw a clip of her on Rogan talking.

Dr. John Jaquish: Her ankle, and I think there might even be another joint replacement. So she had an autoimmune disease that was just so brutal, very damaging to joints, chronic pain. She went carnivore and all of this pain is gone because the chronic cellular inflammatories are no longer part of her nutrition.

Anthony: Have you had… So you recommend carnivore to a lot of clients?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, the recommendation is ketogenic sometime restricted eating and getting rid of sugar.

Anthony: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So that’s the recommendation. Then there’s what I do, which is one meal a day carnivore. However, I used to think, when I first went carnivore that that was an extreme thing. I no longer feel that way because I actually think carnivore is way easier than standard ketogenic nutrition.

Anthony: The way that you just outlined it, it sounds pretty easy. One meal a day, two pounds of meat.

Dr. John Jaquish: And you don’t crave anything. You’re never upset you can’t have something. If somebody brings out a cake and you’re like, “Yeah, I remember I used to like eating something like that.” But it’s like I used to play with Legos too, but I don’t really need to do that any more.

Anthony: So for someone like me who’s had an interest in this for a while, how would I take this from theory into practical application? Where do you get your meat, what does a typical day look like for Dr. Jaquish?

Dr. John Jaquish: So I weight 220 pounds, so I want to get 220 grams of protein, but 50 grams are taken care of with just the 10 grams of Fortagen.

Anthony: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, 170 have got to come from protein source through meat. And I’ll try and eat just steak, some days it’ll be rib eyes, that’s going to probably put me right at kind of caloric maintenance level. If I go porterhouse or New York steak, I did New York steaks last night, then I get a deficit. This is going to blow your mind. I’ll even do fast food meats, and here’s why. The quality of a McDonald’s beef patty is actually higher than what you get at most nice restaurants.

Anthony: What?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah. Really nice. Really high quality beef. In fact, I got a michelin star chef who used to do the buying for McDonald’s meats in Spain. I got him on camera and he said, “I’ll always feed my family from McDonald’s, just the meat, throw the bun away. The bun’s toxic, fries are garbage, obviously Coca-Cola is just a precursor to diabetes. All that other stuff’s not food. McDonald’s sells it because people want it. But a McDonald’s cow most of his life is grass fed, they corn finish them to make them just a little bit fatter. But think about predators. If we were lions in the Serengeti, would we want to target the leanest, strongest gazelle to eat or the fattest slowest one?

Anthony: Fattest, of course.

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course.

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So when you corn finish an animal, corn to a cow is like a bucket of candy bars in front of some of these people who have no self control that I was just talking about.

Anthony: I have a tough time with candy bars. If there was a bucket of them in front of me.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, well not having it around helps.

Anthony: That’s the only way I can do it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, dude.

Anthony: I just don’t keep it around and then I’m golden.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. My mother’s from Belgium, somebody brought a bunch of Belgium waffles over.

Anthony: Oh, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: And it was like, ah.

Anthony: —I’m not saying I’m never going to eat a Belgian waffle again, just not today.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just not today.

Anthony: Today’s not the day.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So anyway, where was I? Tell me.

Anthony: You were kind of breaking down how you do carnivore. You mentioned rib eyes, porterhouses, New York strips, McDonald’s quality meat being actually higher.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, fast food meats. So if somebody believes they got sick from a McDonald’s burger, they can track that back to the cow. They can produce the health record of the cow. And they actually ended up doing this for liability reasons. So if somebody would say, “Oh, I got poisoned by that terrible quality meat.” And they’re like, “McDonald’s is the villain.” And McDonald’s is just like, “All right, we’re tired of this crap.” And so what what they did was they put such tight controls and standards on their meat production, it ends up being better. And they all do this, Taco Bell does this. Now again, they still have sauces that are full of all kinds of chemical, garbage. Probably the only fast food place, I would just say, is a straight up thumbs down is Panda. Express. They put a terrible chemical in just about everything.

Anthony: MSG?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m not sure about MSG but just vegetable oil and everything.

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well they don’t list it as MSG, I think they call it paprika concentrate or dehydrated paprika, which is MSG.

Anthony: They’ve gotten real creative with changing names on stuff. No BPA, but it’s got BPS.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Right. Yeah. So yeah, Panda Express, it’s the absolute worst. I’m sure there’s some other ones I’m just not aware of. Somebody asked me, how’s White Castle? And I live on the West Coast, we’re not White Castle here so I don’t know.

Anthony: I get it. Okay. So…

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, I was shocked by McDonald’s, but they really do create high quality meat, so that’s what I’m going after. But it’s so easy. And also, when you practice time restricted eating and ketogenic, hungry. So let’s say I have a flight to India, stopover in Austria or Germany or something like that. Austria and Germany have the worst airport food, it’s unbelievable. All they have is chocolate, pastries and beer. All things that I would punch someone in the face if they tried to force me to eat it or drink it. Yeah, just trash. So I’ll just do a 48 hour fast, just not eat anything. Just sit there and watch everybody get fatter.

Anthony: Less carnivore related question for selfish purposes. Do you ever do any of the raw, like the steak tar tar or anything like that? Because I’m thinking… I’m just going over mental objections and I’m like because a lot of times I’m busy, I don’t have time to cook a steak every night, but I could do that a few times a week. Do you, do you ever do any of that? What are some of the easy hacks for carnivore?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, raw meats, it’s something I won’t recommend.

Anthony: Because of the parasites?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, the reason we cook meat is not necessarily the parasites, because healthy animals wouldn’t have parasites. It’s because as soon as the animal dies, it no longer has an immune system, so it can host bacteria on the outside. But basically you sear the outside of it. So I eat my steak pretty rare, so it’s raw on the inside but it’s the outside you really want to take care of. So now when people have sushi, sushi’s very carefully cut so the exterior of the fish is thinly cut. So the new layer that’s exposed to air doesn’t have time to host any sort of bacteria, or at least that’s the plan. And then they caught it and put it in your sushi. That’s part of the reason why sushi is expensive, because they can’t just throw it in the fridge and say, “We’ll serve it tomorrow.” Anything that’s cut up and exposed to air, it’s either going in someone’s mouth or they’re throwing it away. So with steak tar tar, if you’re at a restaurant that does that and they’re good at it, awesome. I would not do that at home. I mean, unless it was bought and packed in a way where that was its purpose. But I wouldn’t just buy a raw steak or thaw one out and just say, I’m just going to chop this up, like breakfast cereal.

Anthony: Yep. Okay. That makes complete sense. Well, Dr. Jaquish, I am committed to using the X3 Bar fitness band bar system properly through the end of the year. My goal…

Dr. John Jaquish: .

Anthony: I’ll show you the video, you’re going to love it. That’d be great. I’m all over it. And my commitment to you and our listeners is that I’d like to put on 10 pounds of muscle without going up in body fat at all, preferably before December 31st. Maybe a little bit tight, but I feel like that’s possible, especially because I haven’t been as heavy in the lifting. And just two workouts as you described per week with the right nutrition and possibly even layering in carnivore could get there. So for those of you guys that are listening, if you also would like to put yourself in a position to add 20 pounds of muscle over the next six months, you’re willing to do the work, because it is hard work. This X3 Bar exercise band bar system is no joke, even with me not doing the partial reps, you can go to Everything that you need to be doing some of these core lifts, if you stopped doing deadlifts, this can allow you to get back into it safely. If you stopped doing bent over row, this can allow you to do that without risking injury to the lower back. You’ve got the chest press, you’ve got overhead press, you’ve got calf raise.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Heaviest lifts of your life, safest lifts of your life, fingers crossed.

Anthony: There it is.

Dr. John Jaquish: When it comes to growing muscle, there’s no getting away from heavy.

Anthony: Yep.

Dr. John Jaquish: Heavy is the answer, and this is just a better approach.

Anthony: This allows you to go far heavier than you could with weights that also include momentum, and it allows you to step outside of the injury cycle. And beyond that, fortifying your bones to protect against injuries and fractures that are a real risk to all of us as we age. So if you guys want to take advantage of that, head over to Thanks to Dr. Jaquish. And Dr. Jaquish, if you have a minute for a couple rapid fire questions, I’m sure some people would love to know what you’re doing to stay in peak physical condition and optimize your life.

Dr. John Jaquish: Let’s do it.

Anthony: All right. What movie or book changed your life?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh God, so many. Doctor Zhivago.

Anthony: All right. I’ve never seen it. I need to see that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Are you serious?

Anthony: Yeah. It’s good?

Dr. John Jaquish: Like you’ll understand economics at a different level.

Anthony: All right. Beautiful.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Anthony: Aside from the X3 Bar resistance band bar system, your computer and your phone, what product can you not live without?

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s actually Fortagen. I need growth.

Anthony: There we go. All right. Nice. And we’ll link to Fortagen crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Seriously, I’m such a minimalist, man it’s like my computer or my phone. I have a big screen in my place to watch movies. People walk into my place and they’re like, “Do you live here? Do you Airbnb this place?” I just don’t screw around with distraction. I’m just not for it.

Anthony: You just used Marie Kondo’s life changing magic of tidying up and got rid of everything you don’t love.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. People look in my closet and it’s just like, “You sure you live here? Do you live in some other place?” No, if I use it, I keep it. If I don’t use it, it’s gone.

Anthony: That’s great. That’s great. What does the start of your day look like? Whatever you would consider your morning routine, like the first one to two hours. What are some of the key things that you get in there that you found to help with your performance?

Dr. John Jaquish: I like shaving my head first thing in the morning. I always feel like Colonel Kurtz, though I don’t do it with just a… What does he do it with, a hunting knife to shave his head. You know what I’m talking about, Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now?

Anthony: I was picturing the guy from Predator, but now I know who you’re referring to.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now.

Anthony: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, he’s bad ass. We need a guy like that. Actually I think we have a guy like that in the White House. So, yeah. Yeah. I mean, I wake up, shave.

Anthony: When do you do your training?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. I like doing it around 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon. I just notice that it just takes me a little bit to get going. A recent change I made, I really cut back on the amount of caffeine I have. I realize that it’s a great jumpstart of the day, but it’s something you don’t really need all day. I think people have a habit of keeping caffeine in their diet all day long. I used to have 1,200 milligrams of caffeine in a day, and that’s a lot. And so I recently cut that to somewhere between 500, 600, and it’s just right at the beginning. So I’ll have some caffeine. I’m actually working on another coffee replacement product, which is going to be, I think is going to be, awesome because it’ll be hydrating instead of dehydrating. And it’ll also have a couple other things which will enact… It’ll really help jumpstart your day much more than caffeine. Sort of like a preworkout coffee replacement kind of thing. Perhaps a coffee bean extract, so all the oils.

Anthony: Yeah, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, the benefits of coffee. So have caffeine at the beginning of the day, shave, then I’m just out the door.

Anthony: Yeah? All right. Nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: First few minutes of the day, my commute to the office is pretty quick, but my neighbors hate me because my Lamborghini’s real loud. But I got to say, when I hear that that exhaust backfire, it just makes me just so pumped up for the day.

Anthony: That’s got to be a great feeling. I’ve never driven a Lambo before.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Anthony: I’ve heard it’s great.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes, yes. Rent one, go to Vegas and yeah, just go through the Red Canyon.

Anthony: That’s a great idea.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, I think it’s maybe $1,000 for like 24 hours, but-

Anthony: That’s a no brainer.

Dr. John Jaquish: … All worth it. That’s what convinced me to do it, because I had just kind of driven other people’s Lamborghini’s and Ferrari’s and stuff like that, and it’s someone else’s car, you’re really careful with it and you’re kind of nervous. You’re like, oh God, I’m driving a $300,000 car. Rent one, you get more comfortable with it and, yeah, I took one through the Red Canyon and just like, okay now I understand why this is so expensive.

Anthony: All right, I’m making that commitment as well. I’m also going to be renting a Lamborghini and taking it for a test drive.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And the best part about it is, it’s great for the brand because I put the Lamborghini in advertisements and people, they’re scrolling through the internet, and they stop. They’re like, “Woah, Lamborghini, what’s going on here?” And so, I’m driving down the road, tearing down the road, and then I stop at a vista point and then I just bang out an X3 Bar workout, and then I’m off in 10 minutes crosstalk ad.

Anthony: Awesome. I love it. That’s a great ad.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve done a couple different versions of that, and it’s fantastic. So it actually helps because people stop when they see that.

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You see an exotic car and it just makes people stop.

Anthony: It’s a huge pattern interrupt, and that’s something that’s rare and exclusive. So you’ve had a tremendous amount, last rapid fire question, but a tremendous amount of business success. Partnering with Tony Robins, Osteostrong, X3 Bar. You’ve got some of the people that I mentioned earlier who are now using this without endorsements. They’re using it because it gets them results. What one shift in mindset has had the biggest positive impact on your success?

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m going to give you two.

Anthony: All right. Bonus.

Dr. John Jaquish: Number one, never focus on things you can’t do anything about. Most people piss away their time focused on things they cannot affect. The mental capital people spend sort of, let’s say, bitching about politics, like total waste of time. You can’t do anything about it other than vote or make a ton of money and support a candidate. Right. So, but that’s an example of a total waste of time. But in business and in… I know here’s another thing, troll comments. So the fitness industry, it is attractive to some narcissists, very visual, very hey, look at me type. Yeah, exactly. These guys, they… Yeah, it attracts those people. But also narcissism… Being happy with your physique is great, but being obsessed with it and being sort of hyper jealous of anyone who has something better than is really what I see the most of in the fitness industry. And you see people who are… Like for example, the steroid comment. I get a steroid comment and I’m like, really? I’m 220 pounds. There were athletes before steroids existed that were of my composition, so why would I be accused of that? There are plenty of athletes that I know that do not do that and never have done that. But ultimately, like Testosterone Nation, they had one of their writers make the best comment I’ve ever read, which is people will say, anyone who’s bigger than me as on steroids, anyone who’s smaller than me doesn’t train hard.

Anthony: That’s so true.

Dr. John Jaquish: These are your… Or they’ve just been training like crap because of all the issues that we discussed earlier, and their nutrition is probably pretty bad too, and they can’t hold themselves accountable and say, “Maybe I could be doing something better. Maybe I should listen to Dr. Jaquish, or maybe I should pay attention my nutrition. Maybe I should listen to Dr. Baker.” Instead of absorbing information, they look for excuses to say to themselves… Or, here’s an example. I was at a Vegas pool before I put on this 45 pounds of muscle. So this is when I was a normal person. I was just at a bar at a Vegas pool and there’s a guy standing there with his girlfriend, and he was about my size, he’s an average-looking dude. And he was explaining how all the guys who were big and muscular at the pool, I think this was in Beyond Core. So it was one of the kind of higher end, there’s a lot of good looking people that hang out there, and a lot of in shape guys. They love the pool scene because they got to have their shirt off and everybody’s looking at them. So this guy’s telling his girlfriend that all of these guys, they’re all taking steroids, they’re all going to die next year, a heart attack or something like that. And I’m just listening to this guy. And keep in mind, I’m one of the editors of the Journal of Steroids and Hormonal Science, which is actually a medical journal about treating disease, not about cheating in sports at all. But that’s still a thing in medicine, so it’s like I know quite a bit about this. So I’m sitting there and I’m listening to what this guy has to say, and I start smiling, like I’m laughing, but I’m just completely eavesdropping on this conversation. And I wasn’t going to interrupt the guy, because basically what he notices is his girlfriend is highly attractive and these guys are in incredible shape, and he’s trying to say, “Oh yeah, they’re all cheating, they’re all going to die,” or whatever. And so I’m laughing to myself and I kind of glance over and I see her looking right at me, and she starts laughing too. And I just turn my back and walk away. And the guy’s like, “Who are you laughing with? What were you laughing at?” He’s so offended. These are like the internet commenters. They just can’t come to grips with the fact that they haven’t figured out how to do it for themselves. So instead of doing more research, trying to learn more, they’re just going to kick and scream like jealous children. And so the reason I bring this up, I don’t spend one second reading troll comments. I have a staff that deals with all of it. I have no idea what they say, I don’t care what they say. It’s all stupid. It’s all jealousy.

Anthony: That’s smart.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s all jealousy based.

Anthony: You’re paying attention to what you feed your mind with.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk And they’re mad for a number of reasons. They’re mad because somebody’s in better shape than they are. They’re mad because somebody’s selling a product. They don’t want anyone else to be successful because they are not. So it’s just… There was a great study a couple of years ago, a psychology study, that said that people who identify as socialists, they’re not socialists because they expect to get any financial gain out of socialism. They just want to do damage to people who are more successful than they are. that’s the motivation.

Anthony: It’s the crabs in the bucket analogy. How the crabs can’t get out even though there’s no lid because the other ones from the bottom grab them with their claws and pull them down.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep, yep, yep. That’s what that mentality is, crabs in a bucket. And that’s what a lot of these internet commenters are. So, that right there, just not even paying attention. And there are people who walk up to me at a conference and are like, “Well you and I had a conversation online.” I’m like, “No, we didn’t.” You weren’t talking to me. You were talking to an automated process that was pulling from a 25 page FAQ document that might’ve answered some questions. If you still use profanity, it just banned you.

Anthony: Yep. Oh, that’s smart. I mean those are two great things and it’s worth investigating. Where are we wasting energy on things that we have no control over? That’s an important question. And then it’s…

Dr. John Jaquish: A, so just forget them.

Anthony: Yep. And where are we not taking responsibility for our shit? Stuff that we’re blaming it on other people or we’re saying whatever, just because that person’s achieved something I haven’t been able to achieve that they’re cheating. It’s a very disempowering mindset. Whether or not it’s accurate, it’s not a place you want to come from.

Dr. John Jaquish: All right. Now I got my second thing.

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: My second thing is never ever lose your temper or emotionally respond in business. Never. Because no one ever said, wow, I really blew up and rip somebody’s head off in that meeting and I really got ahead.

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: No one has ever said that ever. So absolute non-emotion, pure logic.

Anthony: How do you translate that into practice? Because you strike me as a guy who doesn’t take shit from anybody and could, if you didn’t have that reigned in, pop off. How do you catch those moments and interrupt and slow things back down?

Dr. John Jaquish: I think it’s part of I was really active in my fraternity in undergrad.

Anthony: Me too.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then… What fraternity?

Anthony: Phi Delta Theta at University of Illinois.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m a

Anthony: Oh, nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I even have my letters branded on my arm.

Anthony: Oh, hardcore. Yeah, I can see.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Very, very serious fraternity.

Anthony: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome. Awesome chapter I had.

Anthony: Yeah, it was one of the best things I ever did.

Dr. John Jaquish: Totally. So my fraternity. And I got to know a lot of people who like went to boarding school in the United Kingdom, and both sort of experiences really teach you how to motivate. Well you don’t pay anybody. When you’re in a fraternity you got to motivate people. You don’t pay them and you can’t fire them. How do you get your fraternity brothers to do an incredible amount of charity work? The only capital you have is pride. So whether it’s a vendor I’m dealing with or my team or whatever, it’s talking about the vision, talking about how many people we’re helping, talking about what this means going forward, changing the world, sports performance. Absolutely world changing. So it’s the matter of if somebody comes at me and they’re angry and they want to whatever, like this is trying to get me to emotionally respond. This is part of the reason I don’t deal with the trolls, it’s just noise or just whatever. Somebody comes at me with some sort of aggression and I’ll just sit there and look at them, well I’ll just kind of look right through them. As soon as they’re done yelling, I’ll be like, “What? I didn’t pay attention to that, because that was nonsense.”

Anthony: Just being non-reactive?

Dr. John Jaquish: Uh-huh (affirmative). Yeah, don’t react. Act, don’t react. That’s another way to put that. And what I notice is my friends who went to boarding school in the United Kingdom, they really teach that, that sort of stoicism that you just don’t emotionally respond because it never yields anything great. This is true in relationships too. You have a girlfriend and she’s pushing your buttons to try and get a response, you blow up on her and then she’s like, “No, you’re mean to me.” Yeah, that doesn’t work with me. So somebody’s with me and they’re being a pain in the ass, it’s just like, “Okay. You done?” Yeah.

Anthony: That’s great. So it’s not giving away your power or…

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Because I’m not playing this game. I’m not going to be manipulated. When you don’t emotionally respond it’s impossible to be manipulated.

Anthony: Right. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And so I just think that it’s kind of a philosophy. It’s great. And it’s strange because I am, you can tell, I’m a very excited guy, I like… Beyond like, I love the two things I invented, and I’m excited about sharing that. There’s women wherever I go, there’s older women, postmenopausal women, who come up to me and they’re like, “You saved my life. I thought I was to die from this bone dysfunction, and now I have normal bone density.” And I’m super excited and emotional in sharing the positive stuff. When it comes to negative stuff, you shut it down. It’s just not there.

Anthony: That’s great. That’s a great piece of advice. So Dr. Jaquish, thank you so much. Guys that are listening, enjoying this episode, and women too, go to It’s a tool that I’m using and loving right now. And I’m about to start doing it properly, which is going to be real exciting for what’s to come in the next few months. Dr. Jaquish, thank you so much for spending time with us today, for sharing your wisdom and for innovating an industry that needed a way for people to get stronger, to keep their bones more resilient, and to also prevent some of the injuries that can take us out of this fitness game.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely.

Anthony: Appreciate you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

Anthony: Thank you, brother.

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