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By WYER Radio on August 14, 2019

Dr. John Jaquish, the X3 Bar, and why traditional weights are so 20th Century.

Dr. John Jaquish, the X3 Bar, and why traditional weights are so 20th Century.

If there’s one thing we love and appreciate here at WYE, it’s the entrepreneurial spirit. When someone sees either a hole in the market or a way to make current stuff more efficient, that’s a big deal to us.

Enter this week’s guest, Dr. John Jaquish. If you listened to our previous show or follow MC’s YouTube channel, you’ll be familiar with Dr. J.

What you may not know, however, is how is incredible creation, the X3 Bar resistance band bar system, came to be.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The science behind the X3 Bar portable home gym and muscle growth.
  • Why traditional weight lifting is inefficient.
  • Dr. J’s inspiration to create the X3 Bar variable resistance system (just like MC, he’s a momma’s boy).
  • Why execution trumps simple idea creation every. single. time.
  • How to balance production of a product and its marketability.
  • How to deal with haters once you start achieving some success.

Full Transcript

Jason: Man, that’s a fancy introduction. Well, welcome to What’s Your Emergency?, the podcast where we talk about all kinds of emergencies, be them on the job or off-duty. Joining us live in studio for first time on WYE. He was here for the previous iteration, Dr. John Jaquish. The creator, inventor extraordinaire of the X3 Bar resistance band training system. Doc, welcome back.

Justin Shore: Welcome, Doc.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks, Jason. Thanks. Thanks, Jason.

Jason: Yeah, you bet. You bet. You were on the old show, but we are just talking-

Justin Shore: Watch your language.

Jason: Yeah, it’s true. This time we have no explicit tag, sadly, which is a very difficult thing for us. However, crosstalk we’ve muddled through.

Justin Shore: Getting used to it.

Jason: For those of our new audience who are unfamiliar with what the X3 Bar fitness band bar system is and what you do and how you came to create it, give us a real quick Reader’s Digest version of those things.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. X3 Bar resistance band training system came out of an observation I made when I was doing research. There was a clinical trial in London done on a medical device that I invented that puts compressive force on bone. So it’s where people emulate high-impact forces.

Jason: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re just put in a position to where they naturally absorb impact, and then they self-create force on the axis of bone, meaning the long way, end-to-end. When that happens, individuals can go many multiples of body weight. I mean, we’re talking even de-conditioned, elderly female people can put tremendous amounts of force to their bone. So these are loads that are higher than some of what professional weightlifters lift. So I’m looking at this and I think, okay, when I compare what loads people use in the gym, and this data is tracked by the American College of Sports Medicine, I noticed that there’s a huge difference.

Dr. John Jaquish: Anyone who picks a weight they use in a gym, they choose it because they can handle it in the weaker range of motion. Hence, we call it the weaker range of motion. So when observing that, there’s a seven-fold difference between the weights people select and what they’re actually capable of in the more optimized ranges of motion. To me, once making that observation, weight lifting doesn’t make sense anymore, because we can handle so much more force and take the muscle to a much greater level of fatigue. Just as an example, when people go to the gym, they do multiple sets. Why? How many sets do you do in the sunlight to get a tan?

Jason: An hour long one?

Justin Shore: inaudible

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like a goofy question. You go out in the sun, your skin gets irritated, your body adapts. So it’s kind of a crazy question. When I say, “How many sets do you do in the sun?”, people look at me like, “What are you talking about? You just go out in the sun, you come in, you’re …” Right, right, one stimulus. We have one stimulus to trigger bone growth. You only need one absorption of force above 4.2 multiples of body weight through the hip to trigger bone growth. One. One. That’s it. So any other adaptation should take one stimulus. The fact that people have to do multiple sets is a monument to how ineffective weight training is.

Jason: And inefficient. If you’re having to do it over and over and over and over again, that, to me, screams of inefficiency.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Justin Shore: Doc, I have a question for you real quick. You’d mentioned in our previous show when you were talking about the stresses on the bones, you mentioned not only the elderly, but professional gymnasts and how they were doing these things and they were strong, but it didn’t match their … Was it the bone density. What is it that-

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. The impact absorption.

Justin Shore: The impact absorption, thank you. It’s like you know the words.

Dr. John Jaquish: The research, the best references are out of gymnastics, because gymnasts are absorbing sometimes 10 times their body weight-

Jason: Oh lord.

Dr. John Jaquish: … to their lower extremities. They get incredible bone density. They have superhuman bone density, but they injure, because every impact absorption is an out-of-control event. I just made it a controlled one. My bone density device is called Osteostrong. It’s a robotic musculoskeletal stimulus device, and they’re big, they’re $100,000.

Jason: That’s how Skynet starts, by the way.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jason: Robotic bone density sounds frightening.

Justin Shore: Alexa, check my bone density.

Dr. John Jaquish: It does not have a mind of its own.

Jason: Well, thank god. Imagine if it did.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah.

Jason: But to go back to what you said earlier, the de-conditioned elderly people, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jason: Now, I wanted to bring you back on because we’ve talked about this ad nauseum, about X3 Bar variable resistance system and how amazing it is and all that good stuff, on my YouTube channel and on the previous show.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes.

Jason: But I’m not sure that we went too deep on how you started this for personal reasons. You mentioned, again, the de-conditioned elderly people. It was something to do with your mom, wasn’t it?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I developed it to treat my mother’s osteoporosis. That’s what it came from.

Jason: You’re a good boy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks, you know what?

Justin Shore: He’s a good boy.

Dr. John Jaquish: I like to remind her that I am, but she still gives me a lot of unsolicited advice that insinuates I’m not.

Jason: That’s a mom’s job. That’s their complete function.

Justin Shore: That’s par for the course, but you developed this for your mom and you realized the greater applications, or was that kind of hand in hand?

Dr. John Jaquish: I wanted to treat my mother’s bone density, so I built a really crude prototype, which she did not want to use because it was scary looking.

Jason: I told you it was a crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was an absolute struggle to get her to use the prototype. It was an argument every week, but she did it, and in 18 months, she went from being osteoporotic to having the bones of a 30 year old woman. Of course, I was using it, and I noticed all kinds of crazy changes that I didn’t expect. So then I just went down a path. I didn’t even have my PhD then. I developed the device before doing my PhD. So when I went to get my PhD, it was like I approached a bunch of universities and said, “I’m coming with my own project. I don’t want to study what you tell me to study. I’m studying my thing,” and finally found a university that gave me a full ride because they were just so excited about being crosstalk.

Justin Shore: Did you have this entrepreneurial spirit before, or was this something that was developed just from this project?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. My father was one of the guys who designed and built the lunar rover for NASA. A little car.

Justin Shore: So you had an inside track.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah.

Jason: That’s no fair.

Justin Shore: My dad did stuff too.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think a lot of people look at the world or an idea like … For example, some dentists asked me this question, “How do you come up with these things? You’ve now invented two world changing things. How’d you come up with it?”, and I’m like, “Well, why do you think you haven’t?” Let me give you an example. Have you ever wondered why nobody comes up with a toothbrush that brushes both sides of your teeth at the same time? Just clamps over your teeth?

Jason: That’s actually a thing. I have one now.

Dr. John Jaquish: Is it really?

Jason: Yeah, it is. It’s not terribly effective.

Justin Shore: Because only weirdos are going to buy it, let’s be honest.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, I asked this dentist, and the dentist is like, “Man, I don’t know.” Clearly he didn’t know about that crosstalk.

Justin Shore: I came up with something. Speaking of dentists, I said, “How come your gloves aren’t flavored? That would make this so much more pleasant if your gloves didn’t taste like plastic,” and the dentist actually said, “Well then you’d salivate and we’d have to suction you more,” and I’m like, “Oh, so somebody’s had this idea already,” but you can’t let that stop you. Don’t think that it hasn’t come up yet because somebody else already thought of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I think that people in a certain industry, whether it’s law enforcement … How many times do you think, “Man, I really wish we had something that was a little less aggressive than a beanbag cannon, and you still wouldn’t hurt people,” or whatever. I mean, I don’t know. Not important. How do we subdue somebody who’s taking PCP and is out of control, right? There’s guys like you two who have been thinking about this kind of stuff forever, and you have ideas, but most people just never execute. My father has this expression, “Ideas are worthless, implementation is everything.” Everyone’s wanting somebody to call me, “I’ve got a great idea for you.” Yeah, you know? Keep your idea. crosstalk We don’t want any ideas.

Jason: We had a guy on the show not too long ago that said people say knowledge is power. No it’s not. Execution of knowledge is power, and that makes a huge difference. Talking about subduing somebody, we’ve actually seen the past few weeks in law enforcement, there is a new tool that’s like a prototype. Basically it’s a little gun that shoots out bolas, no pun intended.

Justin Shore: Like our show, Bolas?

Jason: No, no, no. Like two crosstalk bolas with …

Justin Shore: Like a bola tie.

Jason: You throw it at somebody and it kind of wraps … You play the bola game, you know, the testy toss.

Dr. John Jaquish: It wraps up their legs.

Jason: Yeah, and they just, whoop, boink there you go, problem solved. Mother of crosstalk necessity is a mother of invention.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a lot easier to cuff them when they don’t have access to their legs.

Jason: Absolutely.

Justin Shore: So doc, how do you balance trying to put out a product that’s beneficial versus something that’s marketable? Is there a decent crossover, or did that really take you a lot of work to get this into the market where it’s effective?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that takes a lot of work. So ultimately, there’s things you can do that are great, and a lot of people won’t do them. Like from a nutritional standpoint, we know what people should be doing, and they’re clearly not doing it. From a weight loss standpoint, we know what people should be doing, and they’re not doing it. So ultimately, you need to create something that is pleasant enough, or even biomechanically effective. So when discovering what I discovered, just the massive inefficiency of weight training, I thought, “Okay, band training’s been around a long time, but it’s really mostly physical therapists,” physiotherapists for the European listeners. Do you have anybody listening in Europe?

Jason: Oh yeah. Actually worldwide baby.

Justin Shore: We just cracked the top 100 in Pakistan.

Jason: That’s a true story. We ranked number 94 under training in Pakistan.

Dr. John Jaquish: They have law enforcement there too.

Justin Shore: You’re welcome, Pakistan.

Jason: Pay attention, India.

Justin Shore: Oh, we got them off topic.

Dr. John Jaquish: Don’t do that.

Jason: Welcome to the show.

Dr. John Jaquish: So what was the question?

Jason: Resistance has been around for a long time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. So, band training, variable resistance, been around a long time, physical therapists have been using it, but ultimately, when you get the bands heavier and try and apply it to fitness, which is a much more strenuous force, you’ve got two options. You either go really light so it doesn’t twist your wrists, because basically you hang onto a heavy band, like a pull up assist band. Those are what I started prototyping with. Those aren’t meant to grab, those are meant to hook a foot into and offload the bottom of a pullup before you pull yourself up. I started seeing if I could do a curl or a pushup with those, and it’s like a wrist injury every time you attempt this, and you try and do a deadlift with it, you’re putting hundreds of pounds of lateral force into your ankle. You could break it.

Dr. John Jaquish: I realized, I was going to write a book about band training and how it’s totally superior, and I’m like, “Well, it’s not.” Either you go light, so you’re getting a workout, but you’re really not going to grow much muscle from it, because growing muscles is all about heavy, and so heavy is relative to the person.

Jason: Absolutely.

Justin Shore: I was just going to say, heavy is just an interpretation of resistance, right? Whether it’s gravity or something else.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, you’ve got to be going way beyond your body weight with most muscle groups to really stimulate some crosstalk.

Justin Shore: That’s why I put on more weight so that I can …

Jason: Train more?

Dr. John Jaquish: So you can lift more?

Justin Shore: Yeah.

Jason: That’s genius, in a really weird way.

Dr. John Jaquish: You did not put on weight. I’ve been paying attention.

Justin Shore: Thanks, doc.

Dr. John Jaquish: So there was no way to pull it off. So writing a book about band training would be just like, “Eh, I don’t want to do that.” However, I thought, okay, if I were to build an Olympic bar that would handle, let’s say, a thousand pounds or something like that, with the swivel inside of it, like a normal Olympic bar, and then a second ground to stand on that the bands could flex and move underneath, underneath the feet to protect the ankles, we could do that. Then we could go real heavy, heavier than most people would ever expect, and safer, because when you get into the weaker ranges of motion, the weight drops off. So the problem with weight training, Dr. Peter Tia says this all the time, the problem with fitness is we overload joints and underload muscle. X3 Bar resistance band bar system is doing the opposite. X3 Bar exercise band bar system is overloading muscle and underloading joints, because ultimately, what’s the stimulus of building stronger tendons and ligaments? It’s musculature, it’s really one comes before the other, the muscle gets bigger and then the supporting structure comes in to support it.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Jason: So you’ve, you’ve been pushing X3 Bar portable home gym for a couple of years now, right? A little longer.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s coming up on two years, yeah.

Jason: Okay, great. I’ve noticed that on our YouTube channel and on Facebook groups or what have you, that the more successful you get, the more results people are getting, the more haters are coming out of the woodwork. In law enforcement, especially in a custody setting, we call them door warriors. These are guys who are going to run their mouths like, “I’m going to whip your behind, blah blah, blah,” and as soon as you pop that door, you’re like, “Oh, put up or shut up,” they go away.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, of course.

Jason: Keyboard warriors, in this day and age, are everywhere. So how do you deal with these people that are just coming on your site and talking smack?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah, I love it. They go on the ads that I pay for and they expect to be given unlimited license to lie about me insulting, whatever, and it’s unbelievable. It’d be like going to a restaurant and screaming that the food is made of cockroaches and rats, and having that not be true. That’s what these guys are doing, and then they would be upset that they get kicked out. Uh, okay. So at first, I thought my job was difficult when launching a medical product, because I had medical doctors that were like, “We don’t believe in what you’re saying. Show us the evidence,” and when I showed the evidence, when I demonstrated how this bone density device worked, they were like, “Wow, we’re behind it. Sounds great.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Like Albuquerque for example, there’s multiple successful Osteostrong locations. There’s 28 referring physicians in the city of Albuquerque, which is not that big.

Justin Shore: Oh, it’s not. I lived there eight years.

Dr. John Jaquish: Isn’t it beautiful? Such an underrated town.

Justin Shore: How long did you stay there?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve been there 10 times.

Justin Shore: How long did you stay each time? Less than a week? More than a week?

Dr. John Jaquish: Less than a week.

Justin Shore: Yeah. See? Everybody that loves Albuquerque has not been there for more than a week. You’ve seen it all repeatedly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s true. It’s small.

Justin Shore: So you’ve got all these referring locations, you get the doctors on board once they see the data, once they see how it works, but the trolls don’t want the data.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So the fitness industry is very different, because somebody who’s a detractor in medicine, you show them the efficacy, and they can say, “Well, I still think there should be more research, but there’s definitely something here.” That’s like the meanest thing they can say. Whereas in fitness, there’s a couple things going on. Research is clearly not assessed at all. Let me give you an example. 40 years of research will show you that cardiovascular exercise is probably the worst thing to engage in to drop body fat. Yet every gym you walk into, you can say to a trainer, “What do you recommend cardio for?”, and they’re like, “Well, losing body fat.” Okay, it’s been around almost longer than I’ve been alive, this information. They don’t know, and they actually don’t seem to care, because that’s just what’s said. That’s just what they’ve been told, and they’re just going to repeat it.

Dr. John Jaquish: So part of it is just a lack of science being in fitness, though there are some pretty good sports scientists out there. I just don’t think they’re heard very often, or they’re not heard enough.

Jason: Or in the right places.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, right.

Jason: Maybe they’re not going to the right locations.

Justin Shore: I mean, maybe they don’t want to go to the right locations.

Dr. John Jaquish: Ultimately, some former athlete writes an article about his training, it’s going to get a lot more attention than some professor, because nobody cares.

Jason: Yeah, it’s the cult of personality. If you can get somebody who’s a famous person to say, “Hey, I like this thing,” suddenly that thing is incredible.

Justin Shore: But it also depends on which sports person.

Jason: True.

Justin Shore: It could be a former backup quarterback for one team.

Jason: Yeah, nobody cares about you.

Justin Shore: And nobody cares, or you could be that guy that’s dating the supermodel, and suddenly everybody wants to do it, but Doc, getting back to crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: I know you’re talking about …

Justin Shore: Yeah, there you go. Yeah, he’s my age and they say he’s old. Whatever.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re old.

Justin Shore: Going back to talking about marketing versus having a successful, useful product, I imagine that you could have taken the X3 Bar resistance band bar system and turned it into a $10,000 home gym that takes up 20 square feet in my home or in the firehouse or at the police station.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I wanted to make it as affordable as possible.

Justin Shore: Not just affordable, but you made it portable. I mean, we were camping last year.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and you brought it.

Justin Shore: And MC brought the X3 Bar resistance band training system and did his workout, and I was watching him going, “Dang.”

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s awesome.

Justin Shore: But that was built into the design.

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course.

Justin Shore: It didn’t need to be a big thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no. I wanted to show the simplicity and elegance. Steve Jobs says there’s nothing more complex than simplicity. I had to do a lot of thinking on how to make this just simple, clean, portable … It’s such a striking … “Wait a minute.” You showed up with that in a backpack and you just did your whole workout that’s heavier than any workout I’ve ever seen. That was absolutely part of the design.

Dr. John Jaquish: Let me jump back into the detractors, because I came across some research on the mentality of this, which I think will be very interesting to the listeners, and especially the people in law enforcement, mostly because it turns out internet trolls, they were originally thought to be sociopathic … Sociopath is like a liar, right? Just a chronic liar, and they believe in their own lies. These are the people who can pass lie detector tests, even when they’re clearly lying. That’s not who internet trolls are, apparently. They’re psychopathic. These are the people who hurt animals for fun. So that’s the mentality of somebody who goes around on the internet and just starts insulting the people that they’re jealous of.

Jason: It’s easy. crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: The people you arrest. These are the people … They’re bad people, and they want to do harm.

Justin Shore: One of my favorite quotes from Sherlock Holmes is, “I’m not a psychopath, I’m a high functioning sociopath. Do the research.” That’s an important distinction. Absolutely, because you might look at it and think, “Oh, these are just the crazies, whatever,” but there’s actually a method to it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, and the more success … I told you, fitness as an industry gets more hate than any other industry because it hits jealousy from multiple places.

Jason: Oh yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because all this is jealousy driven. They hate anyone who’s in better shape than they are. So everybody who’s in better shape than they are clearly took steroids, and anyone who didn’t and isn’t in as good a shape as them just doesn’t train hard, because that allows them to put themselves at the absolute pinnacle of human performance.

Dr. John Jaquish: So a lot of this effort is in, why are they so crazy about it? I had a guy who created eight fake Facebook accounts, which takes time.

Jason: That’s some effort.

Dr. John Jaquish: All to do all kinds of nasty posts on my advertisements. This guy was so upset, and finally I figured out who he was and let Facebook know, and I think they actually banned his IP, his IP address.

Justin Shore: Imagine putting that effort into the X3 Bar variable resistance system.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. crosstalk.

Jason: Something productive?

Dr. John Jaquish: Why don’t you take your free time and then invent something on your own? Go be successful. I’m not keeping you from doing that. I’m also not holding a gun to anyone’s head to buy my product. If you don’t like it, or if you’re skeptical, just wait. You’ll meet somebody who’s actually used it, because the people who shoot their mouths off, they’ve never seen it.

Jason: That was going to be one of my questions.

Dr. John Jaquish: They have no idea crosstalk what they’re talking about.

Jason: Have they ever gone to a demo site, picked the thing up and pushed some weight around?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, but there are quite a few liars. I got all kinds of posts, and I even read a blog where some guy was like, “It killed my father as soon as he got it. He did a set and he died of a heart attack,” and the best part about … Number one, I would have heard if that had actually happened. Number two, it was said before the product was launched. So nobody had the product.

Jason: Yeah, how is that even possible?

Dr. John Jaquish: I did six months of presale.

Justin Shore: The dead father isn’t even creative. It’s like we’re going to the go-tos, you know?

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s a lot of crosstalk.

Justin Shore: My grandma died, I don’t have to go to school today. Oh, that’s the fifth one.

Jason: Yeah, I have a big family.

Justin Shore: Doing the math.

Jason: I’ve got a big family. Well, you’ve never struck me as the kind of guy who’s just going to sit back and, “Okay, I’ve done the thing. So I guess I’ll stop doing other stuff now.” So what’s next?

Justin Shore: Yeah, you’re moving forward.

Jason: What’s next for X3 Bar portable home gym?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I have some ways to apply X3 Bar fitness band bar system that are going to blow people’s minds.

Justin Shore: I think we tripped him up a little bit. I think you might be giving us a sneak peek here.

Jason: He’s very good at saying just enough and then pulling back.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s some things on the way. They’re going to change the world.

Justin Shore: Some stuff crosstalk into place.

Jason: Let’s talk about tech real quick, and then we’ll wrap up the interview. There’s a new app specifically for crosstalk X3 Bar Tracker.

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. Thanks for bringing that up.

Jason: So it’s in beta.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no, it’s out of beta now.

Jason: Oh, it is out of beta.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s launched.

Jason: Oh, perfect. Okay. Yeah, so crosstalk I’ve seen it.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s free. It’s on the crosstalk app store.

Justin Shore: Where you get your apps.

Dr. John Jaquish: The app store, and if you have Android, we have a version for Android too.

Jason: So when you’re using the app to track your workouts, I’ve noticed that the big bars, the columns, that they will have a total at the top. Now is that just the amount of force you have exerted in that particular exercise?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s a total of peak forces.

Jason: Because some of those numbers get pretty big.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah.

Jason: It’s crazy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right? I want people to realize actually how much force they’re putting on. We tell people, also, what the peak forces are per rep, and then you enter how many partial reps you could do, also, cause you want to fatigue in diminishing range. So if I’m doing a chest press first here, I’m going to fatigue, and then in the middle, top middle, and then lower middle as you go down. So you count the partial reps too. So the algorithm in the software gives you that grand total, but it also tells you what you’re hitting at peak. It’s kind of understated. Some really small tax, because sometimes women, they love the product, they’re like, “I’ve lost so much weight. I’m stronger, my posture is better, my shoulders are pulled back, my chest looks bigger because I have better posture.” All great, and then as soon as I tell them how much peak force that they’re dealing with, they’re like, “Oh my god.”

Jason: “I can’t handle that much weight.”

Dr. John Jaquish: “Whoa. I’m now scared.” So it’s a balancing act.

Justin Shore: There’s a challenge to change the mindset as well, because I used to go to the thing, and okay, I do the 25 pounds, but on X3 Bar resistance band training system, that’s different, because it’s going to be the resistance, and I’m going to get that more resistance the stronger I am, and those stronger points from the weaker and the weaker. So it makes sense if you understand the science and the pathophysiology … Physiology, excuse me, it makes sense.

Jason: I’ll tell you what, let’s say you’re somebody like me who doesn’t understand the science, who doesn’t want to understand the science.

Justin Shore: Just call up your paramedic buddy.

Jason: No, I will try the product and I will see crosstalk.

Justin Shore: Well that’s weird, you’re actually going to test it?

Jason: I will see a difference crosstalk.

Justin Shore: Before you offer an opinion?

Jason: Right? Yeah. Imagine that.

Justin Shore: It’s 2010 crosstalk without any need to be forward.

Jason: That’s how we got connected. I called him up and I said, “Hey, I’m interested in your product.” It’s not hard, folks.

Justin Shore: Is that the exception to the rule, doc, that people are calling up to ask for information, you see a lot of hits on your research, or is it just the haters? I imagine it’s mostly haters, and trolls.

Dr. John Jaquish: Will that do what? crosstalk question the research?

Justin Shore: That reach out to you.

Jason: No, they just try and connect with you.

Justin Shore: Or just reach out to you. Yeah, do you get more crosstalk reachers or more people that are curious?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, interesting. Trolls never message me. They want to make their display of jealous rage very public.

Justin Shore: They want to splash.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, because they’re looking for attention, too. Remember, a lot of social media is kind of narcissistic driven, so it’s like, “Hey, look at how crosstalk

Jason: I don’t know what you mean.

Dr. John Jaquish: “Look at how smart I am, look at how cool I am. I can take this successful guy and try and tear him down,” but really what they’re doing is … I can demonstrate how the product works. I have done so on the website. Just read the website. So somebody who kicks and screams about it, they’re just losers.

Dr. John Jaquish: So ultimately, X3 is designed to make you as strong as possible, which means if you want to also go do bench press, you’re going to be awesome, way better than you would have been. So that’s the answer to that question.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Jason: Doc, I can’t thank you enough for making the journey once again.

Justin Shore: Yeah, thank you.

Jason: Again, full disclosure, I am an affiliate because I love this freaking thing and I support it and I support you, so I want to get as much of these out there as we can.

Dr. John Jaquish: Pow.

Jason: Yeah, and that’s the way you’ll feel when you’re done.

Justin Shore: Zoom!

Jason: Fantastic. So we will have crosstalk information on that in the show notes.

Justin Shore: There you go, guys.

Justin Shore: They’re not looking for crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re only interested in having their jealous rage, tantrums, crosstalk.

Justin Shore: But our audience is out there, and even though they’ve heard about it, what a great opportunity to really get out there and get started on the X3 Bar portable home gym. Thank you so much Dr. John Jaquish, for my buddy Motorcop, MC from MCPD studios, this is Justin Shore, the happy medic, off-camera, there I am! We’ll talk to you guys later. Stay safe.

Jason: Cheers.

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